"This stone pillar is used by the old master to suppress the secret place. It is also the foundation of all the inherited array in the world of ten thousand array, and it is also used to resist the enemy."

Jiang Fan didn't interrupt and asked her to continue.

"This secret place is inherited by the old master. I hope I can find a successor and inherit the mantle. Now that the successor has been found, the place of inheritance can also be changed. In the past, the world of ten thousand array was for outsiders, but in the future, the world of ten thousand array is for the old master. It doesn't need inheritance, it just needs protection. "

Speaking of this, she looked at the stone pillar.

"If you destroy that place, all the inheritance arrays in the world of ten thousand array will be turned into killing arrays. From then on, the world of ten thousand array will no longer be a secret place of inheritance, but a dangerous place. No one will enter here. Of course, some inheritance will be preserved, but the inheritance is no longer for young people, but for those experts to experience. I think I should understand what I mean in my eyes. "

Jiang Fan was shocked. How could he not understand?

He has read so many ancient books, and his vision is not unique to Sima. He knows too well what this world will become.

What's more, he did not expect that what he did in this grave would have such a great impact. Although it was unintentional, if he really let so many years of genius fall here, his karma would be too big.

Xiao AI said: "young master, please help me to fulfill my last promise. After that, I will attach myself wholeheartedly."

Jiang Fan said: "do you know how many people will fall here because of the changes in the world of ten thousand formations? You are a spirit. You can see life as grass, but I can't! "

Little Ellen said quickly: "young master, after breaking this array, you can stay in this secret place for a while. You can rely on me to control this array temporarily. I guarantee that it will affect the change speed of the ten thousand array world and leave enough time for the monks to leave. Please help me. "

Her eyes are very firm. As a spirit, she also has her obsession.

Jiang Fan was silent and seriously considered whether to help her. The value of the meteorite gold is too great. He has no reason to refuse. If he has the ability to control the situation, he certainly wants to get the meteorite gold before leaving.

"Are you sure I can control the situation here? It won't make much difference here? "

Xiao AI nodded: "it must be OK!"

Jiang Fan looked at the star meteorite fairy gold with strong smell on the stone pillar, and gritted his teeth: "wealth is in danger, but if you let me know that you lied to me, I promise to let you know my means."

Xiao AI's face was very happy, and then he flew directly to the stone pillar over there to help Jiang Fan break the battle.

Here, her ability is no longer easy to use, he can only rely on Jiang Fan to finish the work here as soon as possible.

Jiang Fan's psychic power in his body works, and his breath increases suddenly. He breaks the battle with powerful means.

There was no enough array support, and the border was much weaker. In a few minutes, Jiang Fan's figure had broken through and flew directly towards the middle of the pillar, and the meteorite gold was inlaid in that position.

The treasure was right in front of him, and Jiang Fan rushed to it, regardless of other things.

At this time, Xiao AI's body becomes illusory, and then disappears in the stone pillar. This is also a promise to Jiang Fan to help him temporarily control the eyes, control the situation, and make the whole world change more slowly.

Jiang Fan reaches out his hand and grabs the meteorite fairy gold directly. At this moment, the wind and cloud changes color, and the huge breath makes Jiang Fan feel stunned. Even he can clearly feel the change of power, which makes his heart shocked.

"What's going on?" He asked hastily.

At this time, I heard little AI yelling to him: "young master, help me to control this eye with my spiritual power. Although I have control, I don't have spiritual power. I can't really control it. After I recognized the LORD with the young master, I was separated from the world of ten thousand array, and I couldn't mobilize the spiritual power here. "

Of course, Jiang Fan knew what she meant, so he directly injected Lingli into Xiaoai's imprint and helped her control the breath of the eyes.

With her ability, it's not difficult to complete the control. At least for her, Jiang fan is also the master. She must do what she promises to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't say anything. He took away all the other treasures on the stone pillar.

The change in this tomb is not very big. The situation in the world of ten thousand array has changed. The monks are all looking into the air at this time. The lightning is flashing and the thunder is thundering, and the black clouds are pressing down. It's very depressing.

They can feel the presence of Tianwei, which gives them a feeling before the robbery and makes people feel shocked.

I don't know who touched what. The next moment, all kinds of spiritual power gather in the air, and several figures are shocked by the spiritual power.

People can see that two different forces in the air converge, as if to form a huge millstone, and those figures are included in it, instantly turned into blood fog, and completely erupted.

Even the power of resistance did not exist, and several lives disappeared.

The people below let out bursts of exclamations.

The most terrible thing happened later. They saw the huge spiritual power suddenly burst out. They saw a series of spiritual power turned into spiritual power hands and grasped to the ground. Wherever they passed, the human figures would be swept into the air, into the huge millstone, and instantly killed.That force could not resist at all, the young people could hardly resist at all.

People crush the spirit talisman one after another, but they find that the spirit talisman has lost its function.

They can't believe that this is the final inheritance they have been waiting for for for several days. It's frightening and even frightening.

At this time, the monk in the secret place had only one idea, that is to escape as soon as possible.

Since the spirit talisman is useless, you can only go to the entrance as soon as possible. I hope you can leave there.

Less than an hour later, the millstone formed by the second array appears, and the power of the spirit becomes more and more. People understand that as time goes on, there will be nowhere to go in this secret place. They must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise they may have to face the power of heaven and earth in the world of ten thousand arrays. How can they bear it?

In the secret place, Sanjie monk meets Fang Xiao and others to escort them away from the world of ten thousand array.

Chu Zhan and others are still waiting for Jiang Fan's news, but Jiang fan is still in a certain array at this time, and they can't feel his position at all.

Wang Xian then found them: "where's Jiang Fan? How come I'm not with you? "

Jiang Shuai said: "my boss is haunted all day. God knows where he is. I even suspect that he has something to do with the great changes in the world. "

Chu Zhan said calmly: "with Jiang Fan's strength, we don't need to worry. We'd better leave the secret place first and wait for his news. It's getting more and more dangerous here. I can't explain what's wrong with any of you. "

Wang Xian shook his head directly: "if you want to go, I'll wait for Jiang Fan."

Gulinger said, "I'm not going either!"

Gu ling'er, who is usually clever, is very stubborn at this time. It can be seen that she does not want to admit defeat to Wang Xian, even if she is not her opponent.

But this makes Chu Zhan difficult. He and Zhou Tong know Jiang Fan's strength very well. At least for now, only Jiang Fan supports them. Their strength is not enough to support Jiang Fan, and they may even delay.

Just when they were in a dilemma, Wang Xian suddenly appeared behind Gu ling'er. A hand knife cut Gu ling'er's neck and knocked Gu ling'er unconscious.

She said calmly, "take her!"

Chu Zhan and others didn't expect Wang Xian to be so decisive, but only she could do such a thing.

Chu Zhan said: "what do you do? You don't know Jiang Fan's ability. He will be able to leave. "

Wang Xian said: "don't talk nonsense. The law of heaven and earth here has changed. It's no longer the place of inheritance. It will become more dangerous later. It's still a long way from the exit. If you don't want to die, you can leave immediately. I must wait for Jiang fan."

People see persistence in her eyes. They don't know her obsession, but they can't care so much at this time.

At this time, people looked at Wang Xian strangely.

Jiang Shuai stealthily bypasses Wang Xian's back. His fat hand also compares the posture of hand knife and raises it high. Obviously, he also wants to learn from Wang Xian and knock her out.

It's a pity that when he cut it down hard, he saw Wang Xian flash. Then he waved his fist towards the rear and hit Jiang Shuai in the eyes. Jiang Shuai covered his eyes and squatted on the ground crying.

Wang Xian said: "now is not the time to joke. The situation is almost desperate. From the appearance of the first millstone to now, more than 100 people have fallen down. Their real blood will be replenished in the array here to strengthen the law of heaven and earth. The space will become stronger and stronger, and it will become more and more dangerous for you. Leave now. Don't waste your time."

They don't talk much any more. Chu Zhan carries Gu ling'er on his back and leaves quickly for the exit.

Jiang Yueyao reminded: "you also be careful, feel too dangerous to leave as soon as possible, my cousin has his own way."

Wang Xian nodded and said no more.

At this time, all the young friars in the secret place are evacuating towards the entrance. They all know that this is no longer the place of inheritance. The millstone is constantly harvesting their lives, which shocked their hearts.

At this time, the master of Jiuhuang hall has returned here with the spirit symbol coordinates.

But when he transferred the coordinate breath with his spiritual power, it suddenly stopped. His mind trembled and he said, "no! The entrance is closed

Although the entrance still exists, it is sealed by the powerful power of rules, which makes the heart of the monks fall to the bottom.

The two masters looked at each other and said in a low voice: "join hands and try to crack it by force."

The breath of the two mingled, and then burst into the entrance. The huge power made the entrance almost distorted.

See this kind of situation, two people quickly stop.

"No! If things go wrong like this, it's likely to destroy the exit. It's even worse at that time. Please inform the Lord of the temple to come and maybe have a chance to remedy it. I don't know what's going on inside now. "

In the secret place, monks have arrived at the entrance one after another, but they want to rush out of the entrance, but they are blocked by the powerful spiritual power. Several people try together to break it, but they are spurted blood by the anti shock, and almost die.

This time, the world of ten thousand array was completely in a desperate situation. The way back was cut off, and the monks were worried about their lives.

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