"With your ability, your peers should be able to protect themselves and motivate you to improve. Every time you come to see me, I will give you some treasures. It's good after it's done. Don't play games with me. Grandfather Niu has a bad temper. "

Jiang Fan should say: "don't worry, I won't mess with you."

Heiniu nodded and then said, "there are three royal families you are not allowed to kill. They are the gods, the Jinwu and the Bailong. I can't protect you by killing these three disciples. "

"I remember."

After that, Heiniu gives a few instructions, and then takes out a treasure bag and throws it to Jiang Fan. He hopes Jiang fan can improve his realm as soon as possible and help him get rid of the beast ring as soon as possible.

After everything is done, Heiniu sends Jiang Fan away.

This time, it was also a whirl, but a moment later, Jiang Fan found that he entered the channel and regained the feeling of transmission. Soon, his eyes lit up, and he stood still and set foot on the land of magic mountain.

Jiang Fan was relieved. At the same time, he was shocked that the black ox should be taken away from the transmission channel. It's hard to imagine such means.

However, Jiang Fan got a blessing in disguise this time. He not only got some supplies, but also got the protection of black cattle.

As long as they can set foot in Shentai, the world can also gallop freely. It will be extremely difficult for the royal family and the royal family to think about him again.

But from the mouth of Heiniu, Jiang Fan also learned that someone came out to protect him, but who that person is, Jiang fan is not clear.

In short, Jiang fan is in a good mood this time.

The corners of his mouth rose, and without saying much, he went directly to the secret place: "I'm Jiang Fan."


Has been more than half a month, Qiqi dull sound rich, with the previous method, secretly robbed several royal inheritance.

In addition to her realm, the treasure had been taken away before the common royal family knew what was going on.

The most important thing is that they consume very little, almost no consumption. With this, the quality of this dharma is very high.

However, just two days ago, a big demon appeared and blew up a whirlwind. Several monks who changed their lives could not help the big demon.

After the demon fled, a cave appeared in the same place, and he didn't know where to go.

The gate of the cave is sealed by the array. If you want to enter it, you must break the array.

But a few days later, Leng is no one to enter them, as long as who wants to enter first, will be besieged by others.

Because of this, without the strength to crush the people, Qiqi did not dare to get close to the cave. Qiqi had been watching in the distance all day, and had no chance to get in.

Because of the array, he also needs a little time to break in, but how can these foreigners give her a chance? As long as she dares to pass, she will be encircled.

Simply continue to wait for the opportunity, but what she didn't expect is that Jiang Fan's Fu Ling jade seems to return to the original state, can feel Jiang Fan's breath.

Qiqi is so happy that she knows that Jiang fan can't leave her here alone.

"There is a cave, come quickly!" She put the idea into Fu Ling jade. At this distance, Jiang Fan could feel what she said.

On the other side, Jiang fan is on his way, opening up the materials that Heiniu sent him.

After seeing it, Jiang Fan was also filled with emotion, and his heart was shocked. He was surprised by the profligacy of Heiniu's hand. There are many good things in it. There are also many materials and pills. Jiang fan doesn't talk too much. Put them away by category.

These pills didn't have much effect on him, which was much worse than the quality of his own refining.

However, it's a good choice to trade with outsiders later. He can feel the smell of Tianji pills. For the experts of Heiniu level, these things are nothing at all.

It takes about a day to get to Qiqi's place from here, but this consumption is nothing to Jiang Fan.

He was very careful all the way, and didn't reveal his identity. He didn't know what happened to Qiqi, so he had better be careful.

All the way speechless, he went around the top of the mountain and came to a high place. Far away, he saw Qiqi puckering her buttocks and observing the situation there. Wearing martial clothes, he could still draw a graceful curve.

He walked slowly, and before he got close, he heard Qiqi's voice: "the first few people who dare to peep at me are dead!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "you can't beat me again! What's more, I'm not peeking, I'm looking blatantly. I can't come from the former mountain, can I

Qiqi snorted coldly. Instead of talking about this topic any more, she made a gesture to Jiang Fan, and asked Jiang Fan to come to her side and look in the direction she pointed out.

Jiang Fan was also surprised when he looked around. There was a big fight. The two royal families were fighting together and it was hard to separate them.

The other group wanted to crack the array, but they were attacked by the two groups. The scene was chaotic.

Jiang Fan distinguishes a little and finds that there are not only three groups of people, but at least more than a dozen teams. They stand on one side and don't know what they are going to do.Looking at the following situation, he said directly: "they are all waiting, waiting for the experts to come."

Qiqi pick eyebrow way: "how do you know?"

He pointed to two directions and explained: "there are two teams with enough strength to crush the other teams, but they haven't moved. One is because they are afraid of each other, the other is because they are not sure to break through. Before entering the secret world, there is a special talent in both teams! They should be there later. "

Kiki couldn't believe it: "did you notice that? What do you do when you remember things outside the secret place so clearly? "

Jiang Fan nodded his head: "I will remember those who threaten me. In addition, this is also a talent."

Qiqi looks contemptuous and obviously feels that Jiang fan is bragging.

But in less than ten minutes, each of the two teams came to a friar. Although they were both in a lethal situation, their breath had changed their lives more than five times. Sure enough, there were two special talents, just like what Jiang Fan said.

Kiki asked, "what are we going to do now?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth rose and his face was a bit crazy: "what else can I do? Go straight down! The strong will only gather more and more, and the more they wait, the less chance they have. I'll get my attention, and you'll find a way out. "

Qiqi looked at the following dozens of Royal friars and swallowed: "can you do it?"

"Men can't say no!"

With that, he directly adds spirit power to his body, and seven colors appear in front of Jiang Fan. In an instant, he disappears into the earth and follows Jiang Fan to rush down the mountain.

Jiang Fan ran and laughed: "ha ha, I heard you are looking for me? Here I am

Jiang Fan's breath breaks out, and the elixir appears in his hand. The next moment, he ignites it with a different fire and turns it into a medicine method in an instant, and it doesn't enter Jiang Fan's hand.

"There are too few people. It's not fun. Come on. Medicine King domain

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, the king of medicine domain broke out in an instant, and a fog appeared at the foot of the mountain, directly enveloping those Royal friars in it.

Thunder roared, purple thunder Xianyan gathered in the air, red light and purple awn mingled in the dark clouds.

Jiang Fan was floating in the air, and the monks who were enveloped below had no time to respond.

"Thunder! Fire rain

Click -

the purple thunder broke out in an instant, fell from the air, fell into the fog in an instant, and a friar fell down, completely unstoppable.

With the sound of thunder, red flames began to fall from the dark clouds. It was the fire rain formed by red fire. It was extremely hot and shocking.

For a moment, the place shrouded by the domain of medicine king turned into a sea of fire, and there was a continuous wailing.

Some of the unclaimed Royal friars were shocked. They didn't expect that this short moment would turn out to be like this.

"That's Jiang Fan! It must be him. How could he be so terrible! "

The special talents of the two royal families were also shocked at this time. They had heard of Jiang Fan's strong fighting power, but they didn't expect to be so strong.

Two people look at each other, at the same time, also let the companion retreat as soon as possible.

When the fog cleared away, most of the monks disappeared, and there were two or three corpses. Most of them were sent out of the secret place. But even if they were protected by a spirit talisman, they were killed by Jiang Fan's powerful explosive force. It was really terrible.

"It's late!"

Bang -

a barrier was set up around them to trap them, including their companions. This is the poison formation of the seven little guys. They have no chance to break out with their strength, unless they kill Jiang Fan and suppress him by force.

Unfortunately, how can they be Jiang Fan's opponents?

With the medicine method, the battle almost instantly became one-sided, and Jiang Fan's attack was absolutely devastating.

Before that, in the secret place of Bailian, Jiang Fan had the courage to fight against the king's special talent with one against five. Later, he got the matchless body, and the power of Shenmu sutra was much stronger than before. Jiang Fan's fighting power had already been sublimated. How could he not suppress them when they were not as good as Jiao Mei?

Qiqi had already gone down the mountain and tried to break the battle with Lingbao, but she couldn't believe it when she looked at Jiang Fan's fighting.

He was also in Bailian secret land. At that time, she was very clear about Jiang Fan's strength, but now Jiang fan is totally different, which makes her feel great pressure. No wonder the master asked her to follow Jiang Fan.

It was originally Jiang Fan who attracted attention. She took the opportunity to break into the cave, but without waiting for her success, the battle over there was over.

She watched Jiang Fan come, with extraordinary momentum and extraordinary hegemony.

He put his hand on the array, closed his eyes and wrapped her with spiritual power. After putting away the seven breath, he took her only half a minute to break through the array and enter the passage.

All at once, so that she did not come back to mind.

Until Jiang Fan asked her to step back, Jiang Fan stayed at the entrance, arranged the array and interfered with the monks coming in behind, she recovered.

Looking at Jiang Fan's back, Qiqi feels a little strange. She has a very down-to-earth and reassuring feeling, which is totally different from her usual experience when she goes out.

She said in her heart, "is this the legendary sense of security?"She didn't say it clearly, but Jiang Fan's hands and feet were very sharp. The array was quickly arranged and ran very smoothly. With the help of Xiao AI, it was not difficult.

"Come on! This array will make people fall into a dreamland and interfere for a period of time. Let's take advantage of it and strive for nothing to leave them. "

Qiqi nodded and patted her own treasure bag: "don't worry, you don't have to say I can do it."

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