The passage is dark, and a fire appears in Jiang Fan's hand to illuminate the surroundings.

It's obviously man-made. The walls are bare without any ornaments. It doesn't look like a blessed place.

"How did you find it?" Jiang Fan asked.

Qiqi put the original big demon appeared, and then after one thing to tell Jiang Fan, did not hide.

After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Fan decided to continue to walk forward. He always felt that something was wrong. The atmosphere here was ordinary, and there was no reaction in the chapter of Dan Dao. It didn't look like a place with treasures.

But since there is a big demon guarding here, it must be guarding something.

About five minutes later, Jiang Fan suddenly heard something: "by the way, you said that several experts were besieging the big demons at that time. What about them?"

Qiqi said, "they went after the big demon, and they haven't come back yet."

Jiang Fan frowned: "never go back? You can't take the big demon here?... "

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan took out the pill and handed it to Qiqi: "take the pill and hide the breath. It's not so simple here."

Qiqi didn't know why Jiang Fan, who was so brave just now, suddenly became so cautious, but there must be some reason why Jiang Fan would be so. She did it according to what Jiang Fan said.

Jiang Fan dug on the wall and found that there was obviously array blessing here. It was impossible to destroy here with brute force.

Qiqi followed Jiang Fan to move on, doubting to suppress the breath, so their speed was not fast. Soon the light appeared in front of them, and the lights were flickering. They didn't know what was there.

Qiqi whispered: "there's something in front of you. Are you worried too much? Shall we go and have a look? "

But Jiang Fan grabbed her, let her follow behind, silent, dignified expression.

It's really a cave. When Jiang Fan walks in and looks inside, he can see many treasures scattered on both sides. However, it's bright here, but if he goes further, he will fall into darkness again. Jiang Fan's eyesight can't see through, and he can't feel what's going on inside.

Jiang Fan finally did not step into the bright range, let Qiqi very puzzled.

There were so many good things in front of her that she couldn't understand without taking them.

"You don't want so many good things? Then I will With that, she was ready to go in.

But Jiang Fan held her again: "keep your voice down, there's something wrong here. Wait a minute. "

Qiqi doesn't know what Jiang fan is worried about, but Jiang Fan trusts his perception very much. Since he feels there is danger, it's not so simple here.

At this time, Jiang Fan took out several different spirit stones and arranged them around according to Xiao AI. Then he and Qiqi disappeared in the same place. He sent a message to Qiqi: "don't talk, just wait. Someone has broken in."

Outside the cave, a group of people who had just arrived were stunned. It was a mess. There were traces of lightning strike, fire light, the ground was dyed purple by poison, and several corpses were lying on the ground. It was hard to imagine what had happened here just now.

But it also indirectly helped them to enter the cave without fighting.

"Is there anyone here to rob? How can you destroy this place like this? It's incredible. "

"It looks like a robbery, but it's also like a war. Didn't the previous news say that there are still a lot of people here? Why are they all gone? Even if there are people robbing, they can avoid it as long as they stay away. "

Another humanitarian: "this is not what we need to consider. Boss, he has entered the cave. Maybe he will fly to the sky. We'll follow that. "

"Yes! That's right

They stay outside the cave. If anyone comes again, they will stop others from entering the eldest brother's treasure hunt.

These people didn't know that there was a mess under the cliff at the entrance of magic mountain.

Dozens of Royal disciples were seriously injured and sent out. Among them, there were two special talents. Some experts thought that they would be like this when they encountered a natural disaster.

The first monk woke up and said only two words, then fell into a coma again.

"Jiang Fan!"

He said the name of Jiang Fan, which can be fried.

Later, the monks who wake up one after another can prove what Jiang Fan did. They are not afraid to kill them.

So many royal disciples were defeated by Jiang Fan and cleared out the secret place, which made those Royal masters really confused.

Jiang fan is just a monk in the extreme realm. No matter how strong he is, he can't have such strength. Among these people, there are many monks who change the realm of life.

Until the two special talents woke up, their eyes were full of fear. They still remember Jiang Fan's way of fighting. Without any hesitation, they directly used super close combat and strength to complete the crushing. They joined hands and just resisted and collapsed completely.

"Jiang fan is not a royal family. He is invincible!" Another special genius said what he thought.……

Just when the outside world was in a mess, Jiang Fan had been staying in the same place for some time.

The sound of footsteps came from a distance. It was very urgent. It was obvious that someone was running to this side.

Soon, a figure appeared in their eyes. From the breath point of view, this man changed his life for the fourth time, and his strength was pretty good. He looked happy and passed them directly. Because of the array, he could not see their position at all.

His eyes fell on the treasure in the cave and couldn't move away.

"I didn't expect that I was the first one to come in. Ha ha, God helps me. This is my lucky place."

With that, he went straight to the treasures and threw himself on them, obviously very happy.

Qiqi frowned, some impatient, obviously dissatisfied with Jiang Fan to stop her.

But Jiang Fan's eyes have been staring at the darkness of the cave, he felt his heart beat faster, more and more felt that there was something ambush there.

The royal family greedily took away the treasure with a treasure bag, and they were in a good mood.

Suddenly, a big black hand with scales stretched out from the darkness, grabbed him in his hand and dragged him into the darkness.

The monk who changed his life four times was arrested before he could resist.

Then Jiang Fan and his wife could hear clearly the sound of chewing coming from the dark. Every time they chewed, Jiang Fan and his wife would have a picture in their mind, sweating.

Qiqi's voice trembled: "that So What is that

"What you and I can't stir up is a trap. The thing here should be the owner of the big demon." Jiang Fan said in a deep voice.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go! Get the hell out of here. "

As soon as she finished speaking, they heard the sound of swallowing in the dark, and then a treasure bag floated out of the dark. Then the treasure bag was broken, and the treasures inside were scattered to both sides, continuing to attract the monks.

Qiqi recalled the sound of chewing and didn't want to stay here for a second.

But I didn't expect Jiang Fan to hold her again: "don't hurry."

Qiqi was sweating. For the first time, she felt that she was so close to death.

"Jiang Fan, you can make it clear what you have to say. It's obviously a trap. What are you doing here?"

She found that she couldn't see through Jiang Fan, and she didn't know what Jiang Fan was thinking, which made her crazy.

Jiang Fan said: "what are you worried about, a sealed guy? As long as he is not greedy, he has nothing to do with us. But if you miss something, you will never have another chance. "

With that, he pointed directly to the treasure.

Qiqi looked along the direction Jiang Fan pointed out, and saw a crystal clear stone, which seemed to be sealed with something, constantly flowing.

Qiqi was a little surprised: "is that dragon blood stone? Seal real dragon real blood crystal! Forging body with dragon's blood can make the flesh dragon scale and greatly increase its defense. The real dragon hasn't appeared for tens of thousands of years. How can it be possessed here? "

Jiang Fan just saw that he was also a little surprised. This kind of thing is not alchemy material, so the chapter of Dan Dao can't feel it.

Originally, Jiang Fan didn't notice it, but there was a strange elixir beside the dragon blood stone. Although it wasn't worth Jiang Fan's risk, he took a special look at it, and then he saw the dragon blood stone nearby. That's why he didn't leave in a hurry.

Qiqi said: "can you take it by taking things from the space?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "dragon blood stone because of special, so the mind is unable to control him, can only use the hand to move."

Qiqi urged: "Jiang Fan! Your body method is good, your speed is fast enough, and your strength is better than mine. In my opinion, you can go there. I believe that with your strength, it will be no problem to get it back. "

Jiang Fan didn't have a good way: "I'm not as fast as that big hand. You're pushing me to death. "

"Once you die, you can run over and throw the dragon blood stone to me to finish the task with honor. What do you think? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it seems that you already have a detailed opportunity. Go ahead and I'll stay here to meet you."

Qiqi was a little depressed and didn't have a good way: "I'm not going! But how do we get that? "

Jiang Fan said with a light smile: "continue to wait."

Qiqi didn't understand Jiang Fan's meaning, and the next wait was two days.

At the beginning of Qi Qi's impatience, footsteps came from the distance again. As before, she was very eager. It was obvious that there was a fish to take the bait again.

Jiang Fan winked at Qiqi, then took out a rope and tied it to his waist, and tied it to Qiqi's waist on the other side.

He said: "when this man takes the treasure, I will be ready. When the big hand appears, I will rush in to get the dragon blood stone. As long as I get it, you will pull me back immediately, and then we can leave here at the first time."

Qiqi nodded. Now that she had a plan, it was still Jiang Fan's risk. She had no reason to refuse.

The strength of the Royal disciples this time is stronger than the one just now, and they are relatively stable, not as excited as the one before.But in the face of treasure, I still can't help but take away the treasure with a hundred treasure bags. You

JIANG fan is ready, his eyes are very focused, and the big hand appears when he rushes out.

Sure enough, when the Royal disciple was forgetting himself, the big hand suddenly appeared from the darkness and grabbed him.

And Jiang Fan also ran out at this time, straight to the dragon blood stone.

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