Jiang Fan had been careful enough when he entered the valley, but he didn't expect to win.

Rain Xiao did not expect to be so, even busy way: "what's the matter?"

"Mirage! When we enter here, we are already in a dreamland. It's a good way to set up the guys here. "

Yu Xiao is a little anxious: "what should we do now?"

"Give me time. Don't worry."

Jiang Fan didn't move on and sat cross legged. Since they were not attacked, it shows that it is safe here for the time being. He doesn't need to worry about it.

A pill appeared in his hand, which was the shennian pill he hadn't taken for a long time.

This pill can double the power of divine consciousness in a short time. Jiang Fan only prepared a few pills, but he didn't expect to use them at this critical moment.

Jiang Fan took it directly, and his eyes were completely exposed.

At this moment, Jiang Fan felt that his direct thinking was extremely clear, and his eyes became more sensitive. With the passage of the array running, the surrounding array lines also appeared clearly in Jiang Fan's eyes.

Yu Xiao saw that he suddenly played a magic power, directly into the void, and then turned into a long knife, cutting down in the void.

Then, the surrounding landscape began to twist, rotate, and shatter

But instead, it is still the same as just now, still in the canyon.

They look back, a mess, all kinds of figures lying on the ground, obviously just experienced the war.

But this kind of scene let Jiang Fan some did not expect, but he can be sure that has come out of the illusion.

"Isn't that an illusion?"

The medicine effect hasn't passed yet, Jiang fan doesn't say a word, and goes directly to those figures. When he comes to those figures, he checks them. Then he gets up and returns to Yuxiao.

"It's really an illusion, because these things can't move. We see that they attack us. It's just an illusion, but it's true that we attack them."

Yuxiao looked at the deep direction of the canyon, where rows of figures have disappeared.

"Shall we continue?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "of course. It's probably that guy who made our hit just now. "

Yuxiao knows who Jiang fan is talking about, which is the guy who just ran away. She still remembers that guy said a word at that time, and then they were besieged.

Jiang Fan, taking advantage of the lack of efficacy, carefully perceives the array breath here. He moves forward quickly, and suddenly realizes that a subtle array line appears not far away, about 30 cm from the ground, which is very inconspicuous.

And just behind the spirit power is a pool with a diameter of five or six meters, very clear and calm.

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to remind him, Yuxiao has already stepped forward and happened to encounter the magic power.

Jiang Fan carefully observed the surroundings without any change.

But Yuxiao burst out a strong spiritual power at this time, almost instantly showing a super strong breath, constantly waving Lingbao, as if fighting something.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the pool, Jiang Fan came forward and took her hand.

Jiang Fan drinks low: "wake up!"

Yuxiao was shocked all over, and then her eyes were clear again.

"What's the matter with me?"

"Hallucinations! The friars who set up here are very clever. They set up traps by clever means. I'm afraid that even if the master of array comes here, he will have to be hit. Fortunately, the array here has no attack power, otherwise it's really troublesome. "

Looking at the pool, Yuxiao was afraid. Just now, she saw a big demon, which was very powerful.

But it's just an illusion. Reality doesn't come out.

"Can you be on your guard?" Yu Xiao asked.

Jiang Fan nodded: "don't worry, as long as you are more careful, you won't fall into illusion again."

With the rain flowing around the pool, Jiang Fan continues to walk deep into the canyon. He shows the daopian to the best and carefully perceives everything around him. This time, he doesn't dare to be careless. God knows whether he will be attacked next time he falls into illusion.

The more forward, the more dangerous.

Yuxiao follows Jiang Fan and has already thought of many things. Soon a small stone forest appears in front of him. Jiang Fan carefully perceives the smell of the stone forest around him. He can feel that there is a weak spiritual power running through the whole stone forest. It's very humble, but it's connected with the array. It should be another trap.

Jiang Fan reminds Yuxiao of the position of the magic power. Yuxiao carefully avoids it and doesn't want to touch it.

Sure enough, there was no change here until we passed through the stone forest.

As Jiang Fan expected, as long as you don't touch the secret array, you can't ignite it at all.

And here, Jiang Fan and Yu Xiao feel a pair of eyes are staring at them, but the breath is sometimes not, so it is difficult for them to determine the location of this person.

Although they have sensed it, they have not said it. No matter what the purpose of this guy is, they will find him out.

After a full day's walking, Jiang Fan took Yuxiao to walk through five or six areas with magic array. Now, the canyon still can't sense where the edge is, so we can see how terrible the area is.That night, Jiang Fan stopped to have a rest. They crossed their knees and began to practice in the same place.

In the middle of the night, there was a cold wind blowing around them, beating their faces. It didn't feel good, but they both didn't move, because they already felt that the guy was nearby, and the speed was not slow.

About five minutes later, they opened their eyes at the same time and saw a child like figure not far away from them.

After seeing it clearly, Jiang fan can be sure that this guy is definitely an old monster. For a moment, Jiang Fan's eyes are full of surprise.

"It seems that I belittle you for being able to rush here."

Jiang Fan and Yu Xiao almost move at the same time. Jiang Fan seems to turn into a flame, while Yu Xiao turns into a streamer and rushes to each other.

The speed of the two people's outburst is amazing. The guy hasn't reacted yet. He has been caught by Jiang Fan and Yu Xiao.

Jiang Fan's flame quickly spread to his body, but the next second, the figure suddenly turned into a black fog, out of Jiang Fan's control.

Then he appeared not far in front of Jiang Fan and looked at them with a smile.

"Tut tut! Good strength. It's not easy to reach your level at this age. I didn't expect that you could come to this place. It's a pity that you are unlucky. Some places are easy to come to, but difficult to leave. "

Yuxiao wants to start again, but Jiang fan stops her. Jiang Fan just uses his divine sense to lock this guy, but he can't lock him when he turns into black fog.

If you want to catch this person, it's obviously not going to work.

"Who are you? You are not a spirit, but a guardian? "

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, the guy said, "Guardian? Yes, but it's strange for me that a human can come together with the gods. Has the human race begun to rise in the world? "

Yu Xiao said impolitely: "when you enter the array, you have blocked us several times and led us to fall into the illusion. What else do you have to say?"

"What's so strange about that? It's all my duty. I'll leave safely after you've been dealt with. "

There is something in this person's words, and Jiang Fan also hears something.

From the other side's words, the other side should not survive in this array, but more like a monk trapped here.

"You're a monk out there, too?" Jiang Fan asked tentatively.

"Ha ha, it's too late to know. One of you will be left in this place, and then you will know the horror here. "

Yu Xiao's face changed when she heard this. She didn't expect to meet such a strange guy. But from his eyes, she didn't see the panic, but more excited.

Seeing that he was so happy, Jiang Fan said with a smile, "are you looking for a double? You'll have to wait for the next group to arrive. By your means, you want to embarrass us both? "

The monk laughed: "ha ha! Boy, you're too young. Don't think it's so easy here. After a while, you will understand how helpless it is to choose. "

With that, the monk's legs began to turn into black fog, and he was obviously ready to run.

"Fire the sky!"

The golden flame immediately surrounded the other side. As soon as the friar touched it, he immediately drew back.

If he dares to burn the sky fire in the form of black fog, there will be absolutely no residue left.

"This What kind of flame is this? How could it be so strong! " There was a tremor in his voice.

But Jiang Fan didn't respond at all. He looked at Yu Xiao and said, "don't worry, it's just a sealed place. I'll keep you safe."

Yuxiao knows that she has lost her manners. She controls her expression and tries to be calm.

"I'm fine. I'll figure out what's going on first."

Jiang Fan just wanted to ask, but the guy in the fire suddenly made a sharp sound.




Huge footsteps came from the deep of the canyon. With every step, the earth was shaking. It was hard for Jiang Fan to imagine how tall the figure was.

The guy trapped by Tianhuo was excited: "it's coming, it's coming! None of you can leave, ha ha... "

Jiang fan doesn't want to talk nonsense with him any more. He burns the sky fire to cover it and ignite it instantly.

He doesn't know what he will face later. It's useless to save this guy's life. On the contrary, it may cause trouble.

The guy kept struggling in the fire, but he didn't have any resistance ability. The sky fire was burning more and more vigorously. Finally, the monk turned into a black fog and was instantly ignited by the sky fire. There was no resistance at all.

Jiang fan pulls Yuxiao to run to the cliff beside him. A long sword appears in Jiang Fan's hand, infusing spiritual power and shining.

The blade cut into the cliff in an instant, and a cave several meters deep appeared in front of them.

No more words, directly with rain Xiao into them.

It's not too late to find out what the visitor is.

At this time, Yu Xiao sent a message to Jiang Fan: "look! That bastard pretends to be dead! "Jiang Fan looked at the place where the monk had been reduced to ashes just now. Sure enough, there was a black fog on the ground. At last, he turned into a human body, and then quickly retreated. His breath was weaker than before. Obviously, it also had a huge consumption.

"Leave him alone! Let's see what happens! "

Jiang Fan had several spirit stones in his hand, which fell near the entrance of the cave. In an instant, the array formed and blocked the entrance of the cave.

From the outside, there is no cave at all.

But from the inside out, it's clear.

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