"You really can hide us?"

Rain Xiao looked at the situation outside, obviously some worry.

The ground is still shaking, and the footstep is getting closer and closer. It's hard to imagine how huge the guy is coming from the footstep.

About a few minutes later, the earthquake on the ground intensified. They looked out of the cave to see the true face of Lushan.

But the next situation, let them two people Leng under, because they heard footsteps passing from the front, but did not see the figure.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Fan was surprised.

"Go out and have a look?"

Jiang Fan thought about it and said, "you wait, I'll go and have a look."

Yuxiao's fighting power is not weaker than Jiang Fan. She doesn't want Jiang Fan to take risks alone.

"Let's go together."

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I'll go to the cave first, don't..."

Before he had finished speaking, he heard the distant footsteps turn back again.

Then I heard the voice of the guy before: "king, those two guys are hiding in the cave here. I'll take you to find them."

Hearing this, they were also surprised. Unexpectedly, the bastard turned around and came back.

Rain Xiao asked Jiang Fan: "do you want to rush out?"

Jiang Fan said: "don't worry, it will be OK."

When they came to the cave, they didn't rush out. They first looked at the situation outside, and then tried to find a way to see if they were escaping or how to deal with it.

But when they saw the situation outside, they frowned slightly and were a little surprised.

I saw a little bit standing beside the guy who had recovered his body. He looked like a teenager, but he was only 30 cm tall, which was very humble.

See that little bit walked a step toward the front, bang, the earth all followed to vibrate for a while, the strength is amazing.

"What is that?" Jiang Fan frowned.

Yu Xiao is surprised: "gods!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was stunned and looked at Yu Xiao in doubt: "gods? Aren't you the gods? "

"To be exact, we just have the blood of the gods. The real gods have already disappeared..."

Before she finished her words, she saw that little dot suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already in front of the cave where Jiang Fan and Jiang Fan were. Then she played a magic power. The array was broken instantly, and Jiang Fan felt a familiar magic power appeared.

At this time, the child like monk outside the cave said with a smile: "king, these are the two people. They must be more interesting than me. Let them play with me. Can you let me go? You promised me that. "

Jiang Fan felt the breath of Xiao yue'er from the other party. The breath was very similar, and the force of breaking the array exerted by the other party was also very similar to the breath of the spiritual map in his body.

"Shut up

The little one angrily scolded, and the friar was directly hit by a force. He rolled on the ground several times before stopping, with a puzzled look on his face.

That little bit has been looking at Jiang Fan two people, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes with a bit of doubt.

"I have my own blood. Is there any other blood in our family? "

Rain Xiao came forward, the forehead appears that golden grain, opening a way: "see God clan adult."

Jiang Fan did not say that he wanted to see the situation first.

The little girl looked at Yu Xiao and said, "it's a pity that her blood is so thin."

But then he looked at Jiang Fan and frowned again: "what a strange blood. It's a pity that it's different. It's really strange."

Jiang Fan said, "I'm not a deity."

"Is it not my family? But why is your Divine blood more pure than this girl's? Is it blood fusion? "

Jiang fan doesn't deny that he can't figure out what this little spot is now. As far as he is concerned, the most urgent task is to find out what their current situation is and whether they can leave safely.

How to see, this little temper should not be very good.

"Why don't you get out of here? By your means, the seal here can't stop you! " Jiang Fan said calmly.

Little Pitt tilted his head: "break the battle? How much time did it take me to set up this array? There's a big chaos outside. Our life is too high and the law can't tolerate it. I can't live long without this seal. If you're OK, you can leave. Anyway, it's our descendants, and I won't leave you here with me. "

Hearing this, the monk in the distance looked nervous: "king, you can't do this. You promised me to let me go."

"Go away! Go up and cool off, or I'll eat you. "

With a fierce look in her eyes, she turned and looked at the friar. The friar turned and left as if facing a big enemy.

There are too many things in his mouth that Jiang fan doesn't know. It seems that many things have happened in this vast world. I'm afraid that this little one has a big future. It's also a terrible life that I don't know how many years it has been born.However, from the perspective of realm, his breath is only Shentai realm, which is not very strong, but the actual combat effectiveness is unknown to Jiang Fan.

Yu Xiao said: "the law of heaven and earth has been restored, and a pure blood clan has been born. If you want to return to Shenling mountain, I can take you back. "

Hearing this, the little girl suddenly brightened: "pure blood clan? Do you have the spirit map of breaking the battle

Yuxiao nodded.

"Can you swallow the spirit for your own use?"

Yuxiao nodded again: "yes!"

"Do you have congenital patterns?"

"Lord Hui, originally he did have a congenital array pattern, but later he lost it."

Hearing this, the little boy was furious: "son of a bitch! How can such an important thing be lost? That's the most important part of our blood. Where did he lose it? Can you send someone to look for it? "

"The one who doesn't want to talk about it can't help it. But she can transform the array pattern, and her strength has not been damaged. "

But when she heard this, her eyes were full of disappointment: "well, in that case, you'd better leave. But you can report my situation when you go back. If you want to take me out, you have to have a congenital array pattern. I need to be attached to the array pattern and can't leave directly. I'm just a remnant of the past. My body is still in the middle of the seal. If I want to open it, it will take at least ten thousand years. If I don't have the congenital array pattern to protect my body, my spiritual power will be exhausted after I leave this array. Although I really want to go back and have a look, it seems that I have no chance. "

Jiang Fan on one side was a little frightened when he heard this.

In front of me, this little spot is just a spiritual body transformed by a memory. But this spiritual body is no different from the living one. It has the same vitality and life. It is a living existence. It can be seen how many years of cultivation.

However, their previous words let Jiang Fan come up with a figure in his mind, swallowing the living beings and having a spirit map. Isn't that xiaoyueer?

What is the so-called congenital array pattern? Is it the black dress?

Jiang Fan swallows his saliva. At the beginning, Xiao yue'er is forcibly taken away by Qiu Tian. In order to help Jiang Fan complete the blood fusion, Xiao yue'er quietly leaves black clothes. With the above array diagram, she helps Jiang Fan successfully cultivate the spirit map of breaking the array and engrave it in his body, which is the mysterious spiritual power operation circuit, so as to truly complete the blood fusion.

If that black dress is a congenital pattern, isn't it on him? Or he's wearing the black one.

It's just a black gauze skirt on Xiao yue'er, and a black military dress on Jiang Fan.

Yu Xiao nodded: "don't worry, I will take the words to help you out as soon as possible."

Jiang Fan suddenly realized that when Yu Xiao first came here, she could successfully pass the outermost array. It turned out that it was not just luck, but her spirit.

After thinking about it, he said, "OK, since you're here, don't come for nothing. Girl, come with me. I'll send you to inherit. Although it can't help you break through, it can definitely benefit him. At least it can improve the power of your blood."

Speaking of this, he looked at Jiang Fan: "as for you little devil, forget it. It has something to do with my family. Wait here. I'll give you some Lingbao later. Don't make trouble. "

Hearing this, Jiang fan is also relieved, at least the other side has no malice.

Yu Xiao follows the other party to leave, Jiang fan waits in situ, but he is still thinking about what he said before.

Although this little combat power is only in Shentai, it's just a wisp of memory. It's hard to imagine how powerful his real strength is.

This kind of existence returns to the world. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a disaster. What happened in those years? Even such a powerful ethnic group can't protect itself.

After they left, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness spread out and covered the surroundings. He found that the monk who had just escaped was watching in the distance.

He was full of fear for Jiang Fan. He heard what he had just said clearly. He didn't expect that little bit was a god family, but it wasn't the God family now.

But his wish failed. Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan didn't need to stay here, and they also got benefits.

For a moment, anger starts in my heart.

"Son of a bitch! I'm not good, and you can't think about it. "

There was a trace of poison in his eyes, then he turned into a black fog and left quietly.

Jiang Fan felt that the look in his eyes was slightly murderous, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn't know what he was going to do.

He sat in the same place and simply practiced. It took a lot of time for him to improve his skills. Now this time can't be wasted.

But when his eyes were full of purple, he suddenly found that there were many spiritual powers around him. They all came out of the array, one after another, interwoven around Jiang Fan, as if to form an array.

Jiang fan can clearly see that the rudiment of the array is gradually emerging. It seems that the guy was playing tricks just now.

Of course, he can't wait to die. He can directly mobilize the breath of the body, suppress those spiritual powers with the power of the Dao chapter, intervene before the formation of the array, and interrupt the formation of the array.If you guessed correctly, that monk should also be a master of array. For some reason, he could mobilize the power of the great array here.

"Want to crack so easily? Good idea! Let you feel the horror here, pull your back

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