Speaking of the cold night, Jiang fan is really impressed.

Born at the foot of Shenling mountain, sheltered by Shenling people, he has outstanding talent.

On that day, when Jiang Fan went up the mountain, a royal family used him to make trouble for Jiang Fan's human identity. This boy came forward and was not afraid of the power of the royal family.

Finally, he was forced to leave Shenling mountain in the name of the royal family by the young master of the Heishan nationality. He was protected by Jiang Fan. Finally, he was asked to wait for him here.

I didn't expect that this guy was clever enough to wait for him in renhuangzong.

As for the other person, he is a guy who should not appear in the world. Huang Yujie from crape myrtle said that he was inhaled into the world by a strange spiritual power. Jiang Fan has no time to inquire carefully. This time, he just has time to have a good chat with them.

The elder martial brothers were very enthusiastic and asked Jiang Fan about the situation in recent years.

Jiang Fan seriously injured the three royal families. They went to one side completely.


Ling Yun's speed is much faster than theirs. He goes back to find the Lord directly.

"Elder martial brother! I'm back. "

"Will it go well? See you come back, should not need your hand? It seems that those little guys have all grown up. That's good! "

Ling Yun shook his head: "if it were just those little guys, renhuangzong would be in great trouble. I'm glad to meet you. The boy just came to solve the problem. "

"Oh? Who are you talking about? The strength of those royal families is pretty good. "

"The boy Jiang fan is back!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's name, Baishan was surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that he would appear at this time.

"Isn't he still practising in the secret place of thousand claw mountain?"

Ling Yun said: "I don't know, but that boy is really a strong pervert. It seems that my eyes were really fierce at that time. I chose such a strong boy. The three men didn't even have the chance to fight back in front of him. They hit the ground."

"I didn't think that boy would come back again!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something.

"No! I have to arrange for the boys to go out and do some work

Ling Yun raised his eyebrow: "do you want to support them in the cold night? Don't be clever, elder martial brother. What's more, you don't know what the boy is doing when he comes back. They are his people all the time in the cold night. It's better not to mess around. What's more, Jiang fan is also a disciple of our emperor. Don't be too outspoken. "

"I didn't expect that boy to come back so soon. They certainly can't stay, but cold night is different from Huang Yujie. They don't have the power to restrain them. Jiang fan can be regarded as a man of Shenling mountain now, just like Qiu Tian. "

Ling Yun said with a smile: "elder martial brother! Jiang fan is a man trusted by the underworld. Even if he has some relationship with the gods, what's the matter? It's OK to be human. "

Baishan some helpless: "I just don't want to let Jiang Fan take these two guys to go, they are much better than Jiang fan that boy."

"If Jiang Fan hadn't let that cold night stay in our emperor's clan, I'm afraid that boy would have run away long ago. How can you stay here so long? "

Baishan is obviously more selfish than Lingyun, but this is normal. He is the head of a clan, and he has many aspects to consider.

He sighed helplessly: "ah! I hope that boy is not in a hurry to let them leave. If emperor Renzong wants to rise, he needs real talents to rise. Jiang fan used to be the biggest hope, but his identity is too complicated now. "

The two talked about Jiang Fan's identity for a while. However, Baishan was afraid that Jiang Fan would bring two Terran geniuses, but he also welcomed Jiang Fan back. This was undoubtedly the best incentive opportunity for the disciples in the clan. Jiang Fan was famous and had a very high status among the younger generation of the Terran. In addition to Jiang Fan's special identity, he didn't have to care about the coercion of the royal family and the royal family, If he can return to his ancestral home, there will be all kinds of benefits without any harm.

Three days after Lingyun arrived, Jiang Fan and his party returned to renhuangzong.

However, Jiang Fan didn't show up directly. He asked his elder martial brothers to lead him into renhuangzong. He disguised himself and then returned to renhuangzong with a token.

Although he only left here for a few years, the scale of renhuangzong has expanded a lot, the number of disciples has also increased, and the quality has also been significantly improved.

I can still remember everything in those years. At that time, he came to the world for the first time and got a lot of help here. Without all kinds of refining secrets, Jiang Fan could not rise so fast.

Therefore, he took this place as his home in his heart, and he chose to shut up here, which proved how much he valued the emperor. For him, this place was his treasure.

He also wanted to see the situation here and the state of the two old friends.

However, he was the first to come to yaolu. He also had a Taoist priest here. If not including the hell and Jiang Fan, he could be regarded as the first heaven level pharmacist among the indigenous people in the world. That is Hu Qingyun who broke through after Jiang Fan's instruction.

On that day, Jiang Fan left. Hu Qingyun wanted to leave with Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan refused.

Hu Qingyun's Dan Dao is still on the rise. His realm is strong enough. It's better to stay here.Yaolu is similar to the original situation. Many pharmacists live here and study the method of alchemy and the art of alchemy.

After Hu Qingyun reached the Tianjie pharmacist, he greatly promoted renhuangzongyaolu, and even these pharmacist disciples benefited from it.

Hu Qingyun knows Jiang Fan's identity, and he also knows that he will leave with Jiang Fan in the future, so before leaving, he must try his best to leave what he has learned and some experience to renhuangzong, which can be regarded as a great contribution to renhuangzong.

Hu Qingyun knows that Terran is hard.

Jiang Fan didn't attract anyone's attention when he entered the medicine room. After all, many disciples usually came here to get medicine. Only in the core area did some disciples stop Jiang Fan.

The pharmacist came towards him.

"This is..."

Before he finished speaking, the pharmacist suddenly felt dizzy. A moment of blank appeared in his mind. There was no one in front of him. He couldn't even remember why he came here.

He scratched his head, but he was a little confused and had no choice but to walk away.

Jiang Fan just used some medicine methods, which was very advanced, but it didn't have any influence on the pharmacist. He continued to walk inside. With Fu Lingyu, he could determine Hu Qingyun's position at this time. He was in the core of the pharmacy, and should still be refining medicine. Jiang Fan also wanted to see if he had improved in recent years.

As expected, the door of the pharmacy is closed and the array is running. Hu Qingyun is obviously closed.

Jiang Fan didn't say anything. He went directly to the door, felt the breath of the array with his breaking power, and planned to sneak into it.

A pharmacist saw that Jiang Fan was also stunned and said directly, "who are you? This is the core of yaolu. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. Don't stand there. Leave quickly... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Jiang Fan had gone into the array strangely, and soon disappeared.

He quickly came to the door of the alchemy room, carefully observed the operation of the array, but found that there was no change in the array, and the figure disappeared so strangely.

"What the hell?" he said

In the pharmacy, Jiang Fan appeared quietly, but he didn't make any fluctuations in the surrounding spiritual power.

There are four people in the room. Hu Qingyun is controlling the fire of the Danlu, and the spirit power is constantly injected into the Danlu.

While the three pharmacists were staring at the change of the flame, Hu Qingyun was refining pills while explaining some of his pills.

Jiang Fan sits in the corner and listens carefully. Hu Qingyun's realm is not low, and his comprehension ability is not weak. Although many opinions come from Jiang Fan, he can still hear something he has learned from them.

He did not disturb, quietly sat on one side, to observe the changes of pills.

This is a baikongxuan pill of nine grades. The prescription was given by Jiang Fan on that day. Judging from the color and smell of the pill at this time, it is perfect.

I believe Hu Qingyun has also made a lot of efforts in this kind of pill, and his ability to control fire has also improved a little.

However, the pill is almost perfect.

Sure enough, in less than two hours, the flame in the furnace suddenly went out, the lid opened itself, and the pills flew out of the furnace.

The three pharmacists applauded with admiration in their eyes.

"Great! Pharmacist Hu really deserves his reputation. We are really eye opening! "

"Pharmacist Hu will invite us to come next time he closes the door. In just a few days, we will benefit a lot."

Hu Qingyun sat there and said, "you are all potential high-level pharmacists in the Terran. I hope you can break through into the heaven level as soon as possible. There are too few powerful pharmacists in the Terran. If you want to compete with the royal family, pharmacists are indispensable."

What else did he want to say? Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he was surprised.

Three people see Hu Qingyun's eyes are also some doubts, turn back to see. But they were surprised to see a young man standing not far behind, because they didn't know when the young man would appear.

Because Jiang Fan disguises himself, his appearance is not the same as he was, but Hu Qingyun can feel that Jiang Fan's breath is very similar to Jiang Fan.

Besides, he was a Taoist priest, and he was sensitive to Jiang Fan, so he didn't do it immediately.

However, Jiang Fan's realm surprised him a little. At the beginning, Jiang Fan followed Qiqi to leave, which was just a lethal realm. Now it's totally different.

A pharmacist looked back at Jiang Fan with a frown: "who are you? How did you get in? "

Three eyes with vigilant color, obviously for them, a stranger, must be on guard.

"Come on! You three go first, you are your own people

When the three heard this, they had nothing to say. They just looked at Jiang Fan and said goodbye to Hu Qingyun.

The three are curious about Jiang Fan's identity. After all, some famous young people are very famous in the human race, but they have no impression of this young man, or even never met him.

After they left, Hu Qingyun said: "little master!"Jiang Fan said with a smile: "your promotion is very good. You have completely mastered this pill. Later, I will pass you several prescriptions. Later, I will stay in renhuangzong and shut up. If you don't understand anything, you can come to me directly."

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