Hearing this, Hu Qingyun showed some joy.

"Shut up here?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I will shut up in the gate of Houshan emperor, because the breakthrough was too smooth some time ago. It takes time to settle my accomplishments."

"If I ask, will I disturb you?"

Hu Qingyun obviously does not want to delay Jiang Fan's progress.

Jiang Fan said: "it doesn't matter, I have to separate a divine idea to study medicine. But this time it's not preaching. Come to me if you don't understand or can't solve it. "

Hu Qingyun nodded. "Young Lord, it's not just these things that you come to me at this time?"

"How are Huang Yujie and Han ye here? What's the speed of their realm improvement? "

Speaking of the two, Hu Qingyun raised his lips: "young master, you are really good. You bring two Terran geniuses. That cold night's talent is much better than that of the ordinary royal family. The master tried to accept him as a close disciple several times, but he refused. Now he has changed his life for the ninth time, and his realm is still improving. It will not be difficult for him to become a master in the future. As for Huang Yujie, although he had not been in the cold night, he had changed his life for the seventh time now, and his progress was not slow. If the patriarch had not stopped him from going out to experience, he would have reached a higher level now. "

"Where are they now?"

"In the Lord's place, it's the place with the most spiritual power of our emperor's clan. The Lord has paid a lot of hard work to them. Before you take them away, you have to talk to him carefully."

Jiang Fan nodded: "don't worry, I have a good idea, I won't mess."

Jiang Fan turned to leave yaolu, where the patriarch was. He still remembered that there was a training ground nearby, where he had practiced for a few days.

After leaving yaolu, Jiang Fan rushes to the training ground. He disguises himself to test their strength.

There is no guard here. If an enemy dares to sneak into renhuangzong's core area, it is no different from death.

Jiang fan is also familiar with the way, through the disciple area came here, the shadow is obviously less.

Cold night and Huang Yujie sit in the training ground.

The eyes are closed, and the spiritual power flows around the body, constantly baptising the body and the sea of Qi.

On a cold night, there are 64 cyclones all over the body, constantly absorbing the spirit of Zhou Tian. On Huang Yujie's side, there are only 36 cyclones, and the gap is obvious.

There were several kinds of pills in front of them. They were all of good quality, and they were all pills for cultivation.

They suddenly opened their eyes, because they felt a breath coming from the rear, approaching at a very fast speed, full of fighting spirit.

They both got up at the same time. In the cold night, a white folding fan appeared in their hands. In front of them, a piece of spiritual power flew out, turned into a flying knife, and flew straight to the direction of the comer.

Huang Yujie's attack, and then arrived, it is a set of palm, huge fingerprints fly out.

Dangdangdang -

the flying knife is nailed to the comer and sparks, but the comer is not affected at all, and his body is as tough as a treasure.

The palmprint collided with each other, but was directly scattered by the figure. It was amazing.

They frowned, obviously not thinking about it.

They can feel that the other side's realm is not to suppress them, but they changed their lives eight times. They are slightly better than Huang Yujie, and they are not as good as cold night. It's unbelievable that they can resist their attack so easily.

Cold night did not stop, straight to Jiang Fan, although do not know who the other party is, but dare to fight here, should not be the enemy, he has nothing to worry about.

"Ethereal body, endless power!"

With a low drink in the cold night, his figure became unreal and disappeared.

Jiang Fan adjusts one step, two people turn an eye already to contact together.

The fists and fans touch and collide.

The cold night seems light, but the power of the fan is unexpected to Jiang Fan.

Take off the snake!

Jiang Fan's whole body shakes, most of the power of the fan is removed, but Jiang Fan's power is not weakened at all. On a cold night, the whole person flies out, and his eyes are a little unbelievable.

Huang Yujie catches him from the back and constantly pinches the finger formula. A series of spiritual powers fall from the sky and fall around Jiang Fan.

In the twinkling of an eye, those spiritual powers turned into light and trapped Jiang Fan in them.

Huang Yujie mainly practices Qi. His skill is quite good. He has seen it before.

When the light column reached the sky, a seal word was spinning above, and Jiang Fan was trapped by it.

Jiang Fan broke through the blockade directly by absolute means, and the light column was broken in an instant. Jiang Fan mobilized the spirit power of Qihai and showed his absolute strong fighting power.

"Damn, is this guy a monster? Why so strong? "

The cold night stood firm, staring at Jiang Fan, frowning and saying: "I didn't expect that there was such a strong man in the emperor's clan. If he didn't hide his realm, it would be really terrible. How about joining hands? "

"I don't want to lose for no reason," said HuangJiang Fan said: "beat me and give you ten pills for each of you."

Huang Yujie responded directly: "you give up now, I'll give you two."

Jiang Fan laughs. Huang Yujie is exactly the same as in his impression. It's absolutely impossible for Jiang Fan to admit defeat.

He didn't want to use fire, which might expose his identity.

Thunder and lightning on the body, the current constantly gathered around the body, and finally concentrated in the hands.

With the explosion of thunder, his speed increased a lot, directly chasing the two.

Cold night hand turned, just off the folding fan to fly to his hands again.

The folding fan flapped, and a series of aura waves emerged, and finally gathered about two meters in front of the body.

Finally, a stronger attack was formed, and he flew directly to Jiang Fan. The space seemed to fluctuate. It can be seen that the company is highly destructive.

This folding fan is his own soul treasure. It can be combined with his skill to make the power of the skill play to the extreme.

See Jiang fan body before thunder light gathered together, a lightning spear appeared, directly toward the other side to throw in the past.

Boom -

the two attacks collided in the air, causing a huge explosion.

The attack of cold night still has the upper hand, but there is no threat to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's mouth rose and his eyes were full of admiration. He can be sure that this cold night will definitely be a good helper in the future, and his strength is not weak, which is not much different from some royal families in the same realm.

As for Huang Yujie, his identity is different from that of cold night. He comes from a big family in the world. Jiang Fan wants him to stay here, but he doesn't want anything wrong with him. Jiang Fan wants to take him back to the world.

The whole training ground is constantly shaking, which will be discovered by the experts in renhuangzong.

Sure enough, a strong breath directly pressed to this side, followed by a low drink.

"Well! Who is so bold as to fight in my training ground? "

The next moment, the figure has appeared outside the door, looking inside the situation is a Leng.

As for Jiang Fan, at this time, he had already tried. He just stopped and scattered his spirit power.

Palm in the face of a wipe, the whole person's appearance to restore the original, smiling at the front of the two.

Huang Yujie is ecstatic: "Jiang Fan!"

On a cold night, with some respect on his face, he hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Jiang Fan: "see you! How offended you just now

Outside the door is no one else. It's the patriarch Bai Shan. He didn't expect that Jiang Fan was responsible for such a big stir.

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "you're good. You're not lazy. You'll wait for me at the emperor's gate in the evening."

The two nodded and agreed. Jiang Fan turned back and looked out the door. He walked to the white mountain.

"Jiang Fan meets Lord Bai."

Jiang Fan didn't feel surprised at the appearance of Jiang Fan, because Ling Yun had already said hello to him, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fan would fight with them here on the cold night. Although he came late, he could feel the strong atmosphere in the training ground. Jiang Fan's combat power now must surpass that of the cold night.

"Jiang Fan, you've just come back and made such a mess!"

Jiang Fan said: "master, don't worry. I have a sense of propriety. If there is any loss here, I will compensate according to the price."

Baishan didn't have a wonderful way: "compensation? Do I look like such a mean person? Come and sit with me for a while. You are a celebrity now. It's hard to imagine that you can become famous in a few years. I don't know how to congratulate you. "

Jiang Fan left with Bai Shan. In the training ground, they stood together on a cold night.

"Unexpected, really unexpected! I haven't seen Jiang Fan grow up to this point in a few years. " Huang Yujie's eyes twinkled and his voice was full of admiration.

At this time of the cold night, I recalled the situation when Jiang Fan was in Shenling mountain, and everything was like yesterday.

Although Jiang Fan was arrogant at that time, his realm was not high. I didn't expect that he would break through one after another after going out with Yu Xiao. Now his realm is about to catch up with him, and his combat power is so strong that he can completely crush him. The growth speed is really amazing.

"No wonder miss Yuxiao chose him as her husband."

Huang Yujie said with a smile: "before I asked you about your background, you always refused to say. Now you are from the gods. How can you choose to follow Jiang Fan?"

Cold night some helpless: "a word is hard to say! Do you know where the emperor gate is? "

Huang Yujie nodded: "I really know that it is in the back of renhuangzong mountain. It was founded by Lingyun, and there are few disciples."

Although it's not a short time to be here on a cold night, he spends more time on cultivation. He knows very well that he will leave with Jiang Fan one day. He doesn't want to put too much energy on this emperor.

The cold night tidied up her appearance and said, "lead the way. Let's go there and wait for Mr. Jiang Fan."

Huang Yujie quickly raised his hand: "wait! I have to make it clear that Jiang Fan and I are brothers. He is not my adult. "It's a pity that cold night didn't care what he said at all. He strode away directly, and Huang Yujie could only follow up quickly.

They have been practicing together for a long time, and they know each other well. Huang Yujie seems to be more enthusiastic and has less words on a cold night, but he always keeps absolutely calm and can hardly make mistakes.

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