After hearing this, Liu Mang thought about it and agreed.

The girl player had raised 1.2 billion for him.

Thinking of this, Liu Mang immediately understood.

It seems that this girl player can't be squeezed out!

Moreover, it was able to raise more than 1 billion in half a month.

To be honest, it is really not easy in the real world.

So, it seems that this girl player really didn't slack off.

Thinking of this, Liu Mang's tone softened a lot and said:

"All right! It seems I still have to work harder on my own!"

Then, Liu Mang couldn't help but think of the method the player girl mentioned, which was to hunt ordinary creatures on a large scale to gather evolution points. This seemed to be a way to become stronger.

But just as Liu Mang had this idea, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! When the host hunts creatures that are much weaker than the host to collect evolution points, this method is not feasible.】

【Because the stronger the host is, the weaker the creatures he hunts, the lower the proportion of evolution points he will get.】

【The current host hunts an adult creature, and the ratio of evolution points obtained is: 100 kilograms of flesh and blood to obtain 1 evolution point】

【As for creatures under adulthood, the evolutionary points obtained by the host will also be lower in proportion, because the effect of these flesh and blood essences on the host has become smaller and smaller. 】

After hearing the voice of the system.

Liu Mang was stunned.

Good guy!

The same flesh and blood will depreciate?

In other words, the stronger he is.

The weaker the creature, the fewer evolutionary points he will get even if he devours it. It is even outrageous to the point that one evolutionary point requires 100 kilograms of flesh and blood?

But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Mang felt normal again.

No wonder the creatures in the giant beast realm basically don't prey on these ordinary creatures on a large scale. Whether they are minors or adults, they don't care.

Because this is insignificant for their accumulation of flesh and blood essence, and it has almost lost its value. Unless they are in a whim or have a playful mood, they may play with these creatures like ants to relieve boredom.

Maybe the black-backed King Kong was like this!

That's why Liu Mang was so angry when he disobeyed it.

Because in the eyes of the giant beast creatures, as long as they have not reached the giant beast realm, except for those peak mutant creatures with outstanding talents and huge potential, they are basically ants and can be trampled to death at will. At this time, the little loli's weak and aggrieved voice sounded:

"Brother Python, you work hard for your own good!"

Liu Mang waved his hand and said,"Okay, I understand. Now there is something that may require your help in the next two days. Remember to contact me tomorrow."

"Since you can’t get the money together anyway, just cooperate with me. You’re free anyway."

The next moment, the little Lolita said sadly:"I know! I’ll listen to you, Brother Python."

If the game hadn’t invaded reality a month later, she wouldn’t have been so angry.

You know, in the world now, she has a bunch of licking dogs, central air-conditioning, and caring and warm men who are trying to please her. Her nickname of Little Lolita Fairy is not for nothing!

Thinking of this, the little Lolita’s beautiful eyes lit up. It seemed that among these suitors, if she remembered correctly, there were a few with good family conditions!

Maybe they could even get together some money to spend on Liu Mang!

Thinking of this, the little Lolita didn’t tell Liu Mang.

On the contrary, she also wanted to give Liu Mang a surprise, so as not to be despised and said that she didn’t work hard. Just thinking about it made her feel wronged!

As for Liu Mang, he returned to the cave nest in a good mood..

Afterwards, Liu Mang also told the player girl about the problem he needed her help with.

When the little Loli learned that Liu Mang was going to hunt the player's natal beast god, she was stunned.

Others don't know what the natal beast god means, but she knows it too well!

Before the game invades reality.

The world will almost be in complete chaos.

For example, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and for example, organisms in the ocean that have absorbed enough nuclear waste water will produce nuclear mutant organisms. The virus laboratory researched by the United States has leaked, producing an extremely terrible infectious virus. Once infected, it will be as terrible as a zombie.

And this virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted in many ways, including air transmission, and later... It caused the infection of plants and animals, and also caused mutations.

Moreover, this is only the beginning. If you think it is the end, then even nuclear fusion creatures and zombies are not so scary.

The most terrifying thing is that all human munitions, including the equipment for producing munitions, disappeared out of thin air, causing humans to suddenly enter the era of cold weapons.

Subsequently, mutant creatures, nuclear mutant creatures, and the game world invaded the real world, and humans have completely fallen to the bottom.

Moreover, even if there are munitions experts who survived by chance, it is impossible for them to produce munitions, because the will of the game world has taken action and does not allow the existence of munitions. Any creature that disobeys the will of the game world must die..

In addition, the earth has directly become a small and inconspicuous territory in the game world. Later, it is said that the destruction of the earth's civilization was fueled by alien creatures. These alien creatures also wanted to invade the earth, but naturally they never returned.

As for what happened later, she didn't know!

But this also means that the natal beast god is very important!

Once you lose your natal beast god, there is really no chance of turning over in the future.

But after changing her mind, the little Loli was speechless again. She lived so miserably in her previous life, and she still had the mind to worry about others?

Take care of yourself first!

Thinking of this, the little Loli also became hard-hearted.

Then, she said in a soft tone that seemed extremely proud and confident:

"Don't worry, Brother Python, they are just thirty game world players!"

"If you need my help, I will definitely help you solve this problem!"

After listening, Liu Mang nodded with satisfaction and said,"Okay! You go offline first!"

"Just remember to go online tomorrow, you don't have to watch over me."

After getting Liu Mang's permission, the little girl said happily:

""Okay, Brother Python."

After saying that, she hurriedly logged off.

As for Liu Mang, he took a boring nap.

When he woke up, he still had nothing to do.

But he was a little uncomfortable with this sudden relaxation of life.

He always felt that he really had to work harder.

After all, it only took five million evolution points to evolve to the early stage of the giant beast realm.

But now it takes 20 million evolution points to evolve to the middle stage of the giant beast realm.

The evolution points required for the later late stage of the giant beast realm and the peak of the giant beast realm are estimated to be even more terrifying!

After some thinking, Liu Mang immediately moved his huge body and made a decision in his heart. He couldn't be so lazy. Anyway, he was idle, so he might as well kill a neighbor to relieve his boredom!

As for which neighbor to kill?

He already has a goal.

Let's kill the Black Tiger King first!

Remember what Gouzi said!

The Black Tiger King accepted Xiaofei, the Northeast Tiger who once betrayed him.

This is a good excuse, and at the same time, he can also use actions to tell his brothers how miserable the final outcome will be if they dare to betray him!

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