"Brother, have you heard? The ancient Titan python in Overlord Mountain has become a giant beast!"

At this moment, on the bank of the river in Black Tiger Mountain, two Siberian tigers who had a good relationship were eating freshly killed beef and chatting.

After hearing this, the Siberian tiger Xiaofei was silent.

This news spread to the surrounding hills overnight.

It was naturally clear, especially when it learned that the identity of this ancient Titan python was his big brother in the past, it regretted it.

Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back, and it had already become a subordinate of the Black Tiger King.

And among the subordinates of the Black Tiger King, its status was not high among all the younger brothers.

There are hundreds of adult tigers under the Black Tiger King.

And each of them is quite strong. It is also because of its good strength that it is much stronger than the adult tigers of the same level, so it became a subordinate of the Black Tiger King as a lackey.

Moreover, apart from being the natal beast gods, they have almost no special features. It is conceivable that they want to stand out from the younger brothers and be valued.

"Brother, why don't you talk?"

Seeing that Xiao Fei ignored him, the Siberian tiger Xiao Shuai was very confused.

""Stop bothering me, okay? Get away from me!"

Xiao Fei couldn't help but lose control of his emotions and said angrily

"What the fuck do you mean? Didn't you just join Dawang Mountain a few days earlier than me? Why are you so arrogant? What the hell!"

Xiao Shuai also became unhappy immediately.

Just when the two tigers were on the verge of a fight, a curse came:"You fucking bastards, stop arguing! If you keep arguing, I will beat you to death"

"The king's good brothers are coming soon, hurry over and gather together to get the cards ready"

"If the king is angry and punishes me, I will beat you two dogs to death!"

A giant tiger over six meters tall came up with a gloomy face, staring at the two tigers with cold eyes and a very ferocious tone.

These two little brothers were assigned to it.

If anything happened, it would naturally be jointly responsible.

Tonight is the day when the Black Tiger King entertains his good brothers.

If anything goes wrong, it will not escape punishment.

After hearing the commander's words, they did not dare to talk back.

Because the commander is a mutant, it is not difficult to kill them, and the key is that the speed is very fast, as if a speed skill has been randomly awakened, and the speed is as fast as the wind.

Therefore, even in the Black Tiger King Among the four commanders, his status is also very high.

Soon, under the leadership of the commander, a group of tiger brothers have already taken their posts.

At a glance, it can be said that the aura is full, and hundreds of tiger brothers stand at intervals.

The black tiger king, who is more than 30 meters tall, is standing in front of the cave door on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, waiting for his good brothers to arrive.

It didn't let it wait for long. Soon a super white tiger appeared in its field of vision. With just a few jumps, it quickly closed the distance.

In less than two minutes, this super white tiger appeared.

""Big brother! You are finally here!"

Seeing this scene, the Black Tiger King immediately opened his bloody mouth and laughed.

Although they are not brothers, they have fought side by side too many times, and even if they are in trouble, they have never given up on each other, which makes their relationship better than that of brothers.

Later, by chance, they found a strange ginseng, a natural treasure. After they each took half and ate it, they broke through the giant beast realm one after another, which can be said to be a step to heaven.

Even after becoming a giant beast, they often get together and visit each other.

Although they dare not think about becoming a legendary realm, the giant beast realm is enough for them to live freely!

"Haha! Brothers, you are still as handsome as ever after not seeing each other for many years!"

The two brothers were looking at each other and chatting.

At this time, the Black Tiger King accidentally saw a huge monster appear in the river on the top of the mountain, and this super monster quickly came ashore. After seeing this scene, the Black Tiger King's face suddenly sank, and he didn't understand why Liu Mang appeared here.

As for Wang Mang's background, he naturally knew about it. He was one of the three kings of Bawang Mountain. Now Bawang Mountain is in its heyday, and even he doesn't want to provoke it.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Seeing his good brother frown, Baihu was immediately puzzled, and then he looked in the direction of his gaze and saw Liu Mang's figure.

Baihu was stunned for a moment and looked at the Black Tiger King:

"Brother, are there any other friends coming?"

Black Tiger King shook his head and said:

"I don't know it, and I don't have any relationship with it."

"And it looks like he is here with bad intentions!"

"But it shouldn't be like that! I have no grudge against it."

Upon hearing this, the white tiger's eyes became sharp and he said:

"Then let's go and see what it wants to do!"

The Black Tiger King also nodded, and then said:

"Big brother, you take a rest first, I will be back soon."

Then, it looked at its men and opened its bloody mouth and said:

"Come with me and take a look."

After saying that, it brought its younger brothers and rushed forward aggressively.

A few minutes later, the two sides met in a tall forest!

Seeing the aggressive Black Tiger King coming with a group of his men, Liu Mang was a little surprised, and then he glanced at them inadvertently.

But it didn't matter what he saw, Liu Mang actually saw the figure of the younger brother who betrayed him in the past!

In addition, Liu Mang unexpectedly discovered that next to this younger brother who stabbed him in the back, there was a Siberian tiger that impressed him deeply.

Isn't this the guy who urinated in his cave nest?

But looking at the other party's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't recognize him.

But it's normal to think about it. I guess this guy would never dream that his current size has reached such a huge level, right? In addition, Liu Mang, who has a maximum speed of 500 miles per hour, is not worried that these two guys can escape!

At their speed, it is almost impossible to escape in front of Liu Mang now.

At this time, the Black Tiger King spoke, but his tone was a little unfriendly:"Brother, you entered my mountain power for no reason. It's a bit bad, right?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang said indifferently:"What's wrong with entering your territory? You even dare to take in the little brother who stabbed me in the back, and you never thought that I would come to trouble you?"

After hearing this, the Black Tiger King was stunned, then glanced at the little brothers around him, and slowly said:"Who is the former little brother of the three kings of Bawang Mountain, roll out by yourself, don't let the king find you out personally."

Hearing this, Xiao Fei's tiger body trembled suddenly. If you look closely, you will find that it has begun to tremble.

In the end, it still did not dare to hide, but trembled, moved its steps stiffly, and walked out of the crowd of tiger little brothers.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shuai next to him couldn't help laughing.

No wonder this guy's temper suddenly became so irritable before!

This guy turned out to be the traitorous little brother of the three kings of Bawang Mountain!

Thinking of this, Xiao Shuai couldn't help gloating.

When a little brother dares to betray, isn't this looking for shit in the toilet with a lamp?

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