Reborn Siberian Tiger, enters the zoo at the beginning

Chapter 6 The Tiger King appears and suppresses the giant bear!

The three powerful awakened beasts stared at each other vigilantly, causing the atmosphere in the field to be extremely tense.

The silver-white giant wolf even let out a low roar, with flames in its mouth constantly swallowing, as if it would start a war if it disagreed with anything.

The other two beasts were no less fierce, and their roars seemed to be thunderous.


Suddenly, the light above the silver fruit flickered, instantly attracting the attention of the beasts in the field.

It seemed to have been fully conceived and was about to fall from the branches. The lingering white light began to flicker constantly, like a short circuit in a light bulb, and the frequency became more and more numerous.

Then, the black giant bear, the wild boar, and the silver-white giant wolf all tried their best to sniff their noses, and greed instantly appeared in their eyes.

The silver fruit is really ripe at this moment!

An extremely tempting fragrance is constantly coming from the front.

As a breeze blew, the fragrance of the silver fruit began to drift in all directions and was gradually smelled by the other beasts.

Suddenly, the field was in a commotion. All the beasts that smelled the fragrance were extremely excited, and their eyes were filled with heat.

One beast could not bear it any longer, and roared loudly, rushing towards the silver tree in a hurry, and even indiscriminately attacking the beasts in front of it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of dull collisions broke out in an instant, and countless flesh and blood flew everywhere. In a short period of time, it was like a bloody rain, scattering in all directions.

As if lured by the bloody smell, the other beasts were naturally no less eager to see this, and almost all rushed over at the same time.

A fight between beasts broke out instantly!

There was still more than ten meters away from the silver tree, and there was a one-meter-long white rabbit with muscles all over its body. At this moment, with red eyes, it rushed into the group of beasts. Its sharp and huge front teeth turned into an invincible weapon and stabbed into the bodies of other beasts fiercely.


A muffled sound was heard instantly, and the white hair of the giant rabbit was stained with a dazzling blood red, which further stimulated its ferocity.

It kicked its legs hard, jumped four or five meters, and suddenly landed on a pangolin that was gray-brown and covered with thick scales.

As soon as the pangolin raised its head, it saw two snow-white incisors piercing into its body.

It immediately wailed in pain, and flew in all directions with scales flying like snowflakes.

In just a few minutes, the pangolin's hard scales were torn to pieces by the snow-white giant rabbit, and its bloody body was full of scars. In the end, it could not hold on for more than ten seconds and fell to the ground with a bang.

The snow-white giant rabbit continued to run wildly towards the silver tree without slowing down. Any beast that was targeted by it could not escape its sharp incisors.

On the other side, the silver-white giant wolf dodged the charge of the black wild boar countless times with its agile movements. At the same time, the terrifying flames spewed from its mouth turned the surroundings into a furnace. Any beast that stepped into it would be scorched in a moment.

As time passed, most of the beasts in the field had died, most of them died in fighting each other. Those who could stand here were all strong beasts.

In addition to the black giant bear, wild boar and silver-white giant wolf, there were only two figures with injuries all over their bodies.

Even the snow-white giant rabbit, which was extremely brave at the beginning, fell less than five meters away from the silver tree at this moment, and its body was already stained with blood.


The black giant bear suddenly turned around, gave up the wild boar and giant wolf, stood up, waved its huge forelimbs, and slapped the two beasts not far away at the same time.



Two muffled sounds rang out at the same time, and the flesh and blood on the bodies of the two beasts flashed like waves in circles, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Although it was not visible from the outside, blood and water with fragments flowed from the corners of their mouths.

The giant bear's blow actually smashed the flesh and blood in their bodies into meat paste!


After no other beasts intervened, only the three most powerful beasts were left in the field.

The silver-white giant wolf realized that things were not good, and kept roaring at the black wild boar, and when it charged at the giant bear, it seized the opportunity to assist from the side.

Gradually, the black wild boar understood that the silver-white giant wolf was seeking cooperation with it, so it let down its guard and prepared to kill the black giant bear with both hands.


The next moment, two cold lights flashed, and it was the sharp front claws of the silver-white giant wolf that pierced the front shoulder of the black giant bear, but the giant bear had thick skin and flesh, so this injury was nothing.

Seeing this, the black wild boar suddenly charged, and the extremely terrifying fang rushed straight into the giant bear's wound.


However, it was slapped away by the giant bear the next moment, rolled over a few times, shook its head, and stood up again.

It was not hurt too much!

The black giant bear seemed to not want to continue the stalemate, and the pig and the wolf would most likely keep it here. In the next second, its body suddenly grew larger, and it was emitting dazzling golden light.

The giant wolf and the wild boar looked over and saw that the giant bear's arms and paws had all turned golden. Their attacks on the giant bear made a sound of metal collision.

After exerting its ability, the giant bear's limbs were several times stronger, and this was also the source of its strength.


A gust of black wind flashed by, and the silver-white giant wolf's pupils shrank sharply. Then he felt a burst of severe pain in his waist, and at the same time, there was a sound of broken bones.

After the black giant bear succeeded in one strike, it pursued the victory and slapped several palms in succession, soon beating the giant wolf all over with blood, and it could no longer stand up.

The black wild boar had a faint intention to retreat, but the giant bear came at an incredibly fast speed. Before it could react, a huge black shadow pressed down swiftly.

The black giant bear defeated the other beasts that competed with it by itself, and immediately roared to the sky.

It seemed that it was the king of this mountain.

After a brief rest, the black giant bear turned its body and walked towards the silver tree, ready to pick the tempting silver fruit, and then slowly enjoy the fruits of victory.


Suddenly, a deafening tiger roar sounded behind it.

The black giant bear turned back suddenly, but saw an eight-meter-long, huge tiger staring at him with a fierce look, and exuding an amazing momentum.

Xia Fan is here!

When he saw the Thunder Yuan Fruit, his tiger eyes flickered, and then he rushed over without hesitation, overjoyed.

"Is this the Thunder Bear that swallowed the Thunder Yuan Fruit in the previous life? It's really powerful, but... it's still not my opponent!"

Immediately, without any hesitation, the bear and the tiger started a bloody fight.

As soon as Xia Fan came up, he used the frenzy to increase his strength tenfold, and then simultaneously exerted the ice power obtained from the ice python, hitting the bear's vital points everywhere.

The black bear had been fighting repeatedly, and now it encountered the real king of the forest. It couldn't hold on for a moment and was killed by it.

Xia Fan stepped on the giant bear with the attitude of a winner, looked at the Thunder Yuan Fruit, and couldn't help but roar to the sky: "The Thunder Yuan Fruit is mine!"

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