Reborn Siberian Tiger, enters the zoo at the beginning

Chapter 7 Swallowing the Thunder Yuan Fruit

A scornful aura spread from Xia Fan, like an invisible aura, shocking all the beasts that wanted to approach.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’

There are a large number of wild beasts living in this Dali Mountains. Therefore, even though the black giant bear killed the beasts near the silver tree and fought with Xia Fan, many beasts still came to try to get a piece of the pie.

However, when these beasts saw the last scene before the black giant bear died, they were instantly frightened!

In their sight, the tiger king killed the giant bear with great brutality, and his lofty momentum was unstoppable.

Their originally restless hearts suffered a heavy blow, and all the beasts were frightened to death, and almost scattered in all directions without looking back.

Xia Fan ignored this group of villains.

He walked to the silver tree in a victorious manner, and after carefully examining the silver fruit on the tree, he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly, "I got the Thunder Yuan Fruit!"


The moment he swallowed the Thunder Yuan Fruit, a violent force suddenly swept through his body. The violent energy contained in the fruit rushed around like a wild beast, wanting to crush this body.

Xia Fan opened his eyes wide, clenched his teeth tightly, and adapted to the impact of the Thunder Yuan Fruit entering his body.

Gradually, his whole body was covered with layers of lightning, and the electric light, like a small snake, wandered around his body, as if it had life.

He tried his best to absorb the Thunder Yuan Fruit. After adapting to the initial pain, he felt a constant numbness all over his body. His body also gradually became stronger with the help of the Thunder Yuan Fruit...


At the same time.

China, the imperial capital.

In a simple meeting room, it was very quiet, and the atmosphere in the field was very serious.

A young recorder in military uniform was sitting on a chair, holding a notebook tightly, looking nervous.

Opposite him were several middle-aged men in military uniforms, sitting straight and serious, looking straight ahead, as if waiting for something.

If it was just that, the young recorder would not have to be so nervous, but just now, he saw with his own eyes that one of the middle-aged officers was furious and smashed the porcelain cup in front of him into pieces.


At this moment, an old man in a Zhongshan suit came in, surrounded by several scientific researchers in white coats.

"Chief, there is news."

One of the scientific researchers spoke respectfully, causing an officer opposite to nod slightly.

The officer was particularly strong, and his long military career made him have an iron-blooded aura that was not angry and awe-inspiring without doing anything, and anyone who approached him would feel submissive.

"Sit down!"

He forced a smile and waved his hand to signal the old man and the scientific researchers to sit down.

After everyone sat down, he looked at the old man in the Zhongshan suit, his expression became serious again, "Professor Xia, how is the research on the task entrusted to you? Tell everyone."

"Okay, chief."

The old man in the Zhongshan suit is Xia Xinyu, a top biological research expert in China. He has led countless major research projects in China. Even his disciples are all over China and are the leaders of various research institutes.

He nodded to the chief, opened the file in his hand, and said with full energy, "Because the research objects in hand are limited, our team currently only understands the general situation of this change. The core of the mutation needs to be studied in depth."

"However, from the current situation, this mutation can be traced back to the bloody rain."

The chief frowned slightly.

He knew that the bloody rain ended two days ago. Afterwards, according to the information he had, it was not only China, but the whole world that fell into a bloody rain at almost the same time.

Since the blood rain, the whole world has changed. The first to be affected are wild animals and pets around the world.

Xia Xinyu raised his glasses and said, "After research, it was found that this blood rain brought a mysterious energy to the whole world. It is this energy that gives wild animals and pets extraordinary power."

"At first, we thought that this blood rain changed their body structure, but through dissection, we found that the bodies of all affected creatures were extremely normal, and even strengthened."

"Through further research, we temporarily named the mysterious energy brought by this blood rain as aura!"

"Aura is like what is described in some novels. After being absorbed by organisms, it can enhance physical fitness and strengthen flesh and blood."


The chief and several other middle-aged officers looked at each other in bewilderment.

They are firm materialists and naturally do not believe in such illusory ghosts and gods.

The chief pondered for a moment and asked, "So, can you capture this spiritual energy? Or in other words, in what form does it exist?"

"Sorry, we can't capture spiritual energy for the time being."

Xia Xinyu shook his head with regret, "During the research, we found that spiritual energy does exist, but it is currently invisible and intangible."

"If it weren't for the changes in the bodies of several experimental subjects due to the influence of spiritual energy, we wouldn't have discovered it so quickly."

"Moreover, strong beasts absorb spiritual energy far better than humans."

A hint of fear flashed across his eyes, "Chief, I selected a few soldiers who had been soaked in blood rain and compared them with normal soldiers. I found that their strength increased by 30%!"

"What's even more terrifying is that a sheep that has been soaked in blood rain not only became brutal, but also could easily break a soldier's bones!"

When Xia Xinyu said these words, he showed an unbelievable look, but this was what they saw with their own eyes during the research process, "So, I think spiritual energy has an impact on all creatures, especially on wild beasts."

"If we can't find a way to control the situation as soon as possible, humans will be in danger in the future!"


Suddenly, before the chief responded, an officer sneered, obviously not believing Xia Xinyu's words, "Professor Xia, if it's true as you said, can these mutated wild beasts be more powerful than guns and cannons?"

"Yes, even if they are strengthened by some spiritual energy, they are still wild beasts after all. They can't fight back in front of humans."

Several officers thought he was making a fuss.

Xia Xinyu knew that words alone would not convince people, so he signaled a researcher to play the evidence on the spot.

In a shaky video, an armed team was fighting a giant golden python.

Shockingly, the giant golden python was not afraid of bullets and left after swallowing several humans.

The conference room was suddenly silent.

Everyone who saw this scene showed a look of horror!

A terrifying thought emerged in everyone's mind.

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