The body of the Black Peng King tens of meters long is larger than an airplane, and it is as hard as divine iron, plus the speed has broken through the sound barrier, and it will rush into the mine base in a few blinks.

The birdsong was even more terrifying, and the dust of the trembling veins fell.

The stones tumbled and almost collapsed!

The huge body covered with dense scales came closer little by little, and the small half of the body drilled into the vein.

The Light Emperor turned into a pure elemental body again, and his right hand accumulated a mirror-like light, shooting out a beam of light and then bouncing off the surrounding objects, thus forming a track of light, which also broke through the sound barrier!

At the same time, countless dazzling light bullets were released in mid-air again, and the power and range were much greater than the first time!

You must not let the Black Peng King stop the master from breaking through, even if it costs his life!

The reason why the natural disaster realm is so named is that every attack is like a natural disaster.

It is no longer comparable to manpower, and in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no difference from the gods.


The Black Peng King's divine consciousness issued an early warning and felt a fatal crisis!

Without any hesitation, the Black Peng King immediately changed direction in a vain attempt to return to the sky.

The reason why it is difficult for natural disaster realm creatures to fall is simply that they can temporarily predict the future.

"Self-seeking... Impasse!

A cold and hoarse voice came out from the Spirit Jade vein.

Followed by.

A dark red fist quickly stretched out from the vein, and it was Lin Ye who was wearing the blood demon battle armor.

Lin Ye's speed was even more terrifying, and he hit the Black Peng King with one punch!

A blazing white light was wrapped around the fist, and the surging and turbulent energy stirred wildly.


The space seemed to shake out a pattern similar to countless glass cracks, densely like a large web woven by a thousand spiders.

About a hundred meters in radius covered the Black Peng King, and it withstood a ten-magnitude earthquake in an instant!

The earth cracked one ravine after another, boulders and woods all collapsed, and a large pit of tens of meters appeared out of thin air!

Earthquakes are undoubtedly one of nature's most terrifying disasters, if enough to cause a tsunami in the ocean!


The Black Peng King vomited blood in a gulp, and his dark golden body was dim, like a kite with a broken line flying upside down.

Lin Ye only punched the power to severely damage the first-order peak Heipeng King!

The supporting Light Emperor and Little White Tiger were frozen, completely unexpectedly that the master could burst out such a terrifying and terrifying power with one punch!

The heavenly dome was trembling gently, the air seemed to have been evaporated, and the place was in ruins.

Lin Ye was only a first-order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm now, and he couldn't fully show the horror.

When he evolves to the ninth order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, he can penetrate the heavenly dome with a single blow, sink the earth and steam the great river!

Lin Ye didn't care about their reactions, and stepped out to catch up with the Black Peng King!

He devoured all the spirit jade in the vein, still stuck at the peak of the first order, unable to take the last step.

The spirit jade had all been exhausted, and Lin Ye set his sights on the Black Peng King.

A beast king at the peak of the first order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, the origin essence contained in it is unimaginable, no less than most of the Spirit Jade Origin Stone veins.

The Black Peng King, who flew out for thousands of meters, the feathers on his chest were infected with blood, and when he saw Lin Ye rushing over step by step, his eyes showed fear for the first time.

It let out a mournful wail, without the majesty of the Beast King, and fled the place with its wings.

The Black Peng King is a first-order peak beast king, not a wolf king who has been hit hard by a nuclear bomb at all.

Still did not have the strength to fight back, and was unilaterally beaten.

At this moment, the Black Peng King did not dare to covet the Spirit Jade Vein at all, and Lin Ye was a primeval demon god in its eyes!

It is clear that they are all the pinnacles of the first order of natural disasters, but the combat power of both sides is simply one heaven and one earth.

Facing a big fat meat sent to the door, how could Lin Ye be willing to escape.

The right arm reformed into a white bone heavenly knife, and the snow-white crystal was like a piece of cold ice, and endless piercing sword light bloomed across the sky!

The Black Peng King was thirty or forty meters long, huge as a mountain, and at this moment, the gold-like feathers trembled, feeling the approaching danger of mortal danger.


He quickly stretched out an eagle claw to face the White Bone Heavenly Saber, and the void immediately burst out with a deafening metallic trill.

Immediately after that, the mournful wail sounded again, and it could be heard for 10,000 meters.

A bloody eagle claw flew high, and the Black Peng King let out a wail, and a cold breath appeared in his heart.

King Heipeng continued to try to escape, but he was stabbed again, and a terrible hole was cut in his abdomen.

It constantly wails, indicating extreme unwillingness.

But there is no way back, and the current state cannot take off, and can only fight to the end.

Lin Ye's white bone heavenly knife continued to slash, and the Black Peng King was almost dismembered, emitting one wail after another, truly feeling desperate.

Whether it was a claw or an eagle's beak, the attack fell on Lin Ye, and the slightest damage could not be done.



With King Peng's last wail, its head was cut off!

The blood burst out more than ten meters, smashed heavily into the ground, and suddenly made a loud noise.

The whole battle seemed to have passed for a long time, but it actually happened for seven or eight seconds.

A beast king fell, simply like a dream!

Lin Ye dragged the headless peng corpse with one hand and the huge peng head in the other, and returned to the spirit jade vein again.

He is in the midst of a breakthrough and can't delay too long.

The Infinite Devouring Talent was immediately activated and began to absorb the Origin Essence of the Black Peng King.

Originally, it was stuck on the threshold of the first-order peak of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and the Spirit Jade Origin Stone that had swallowed all could not break through, but there was no way to do it.

It's really sleepy to send pillows, and the Black Peng King came too timely.

Originally, when the Azure Wolf King was sitting in the Spirit Jade Vein, the Black Peng King had coveted it for a long time, and now he took advantage of the critical moment when Lin Ye was breaking through to sneak attack to steal the fruits of victory.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not succeed in the end, but he was killed by Lin Ye!

Since the Black Peng King was not hit hard, it contained much more Origin Essence than the Azure Wolf King.

The bottleneck stuck at the peak of the first order quickly broke through, and after devouring most of the Black Peng Queen, Lin Ye successfully reached the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm!

The most obvious thing is that the white bone body continues to grow, until it reaches a height of fifteen meters!

A very scary height that requires looking up.

Even if he encountered an adult fire bull again, compared to Lin Ye, he looked like a child.

The White Bone Heavenly Saber was even more terrifying, and it was twenty meters apart from all its strength.

A twenty-meter-long big knife is enough to cut off the mountain range with one slash!

If there is another beast king similar to the Black Peng King, I am afraid that it will be split in half with one sword!

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