Lin Ye successfully broke through to the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, although he did not get the talent of the Black Peng King.

But the eagle eye talent has made a qualitative leap, and now Lin Ye is enough to see the scene of 50,000 meters.

Divine consciousness even came to forty-five miles, and directly became more than twice as big!

Lin Ye, who had broken through to the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, did not leave the gate immediately, but entered the retreat again.

Just breaking through needs to consolidate the realm, otherwise there is a danger of falling into the realm.

Although Lin Ye is devouring breakthrough and there are no dangers, it is not a bad thing to familiarize himself with the realm.


Lin Ye wanted to contact Liu Yiyi.

He broke through to the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm in Kunlun Mountain, and Liu Yiyi in the Human King Hall would also break through.

I don't know how much movement it caused, whether it would arouse Ye Nantian's suspicion.

Before entering the Spirit Jade Vein, Lin Ye gave an order.

The White Bone Servants scattered to a radius of hundreds of miles, continued to grow in the killing, and became a real army of White Bones.

Now the number of white bone servants is enough, more than 10,000 heads looking at the entire Kunlun, it is definitely a race that should not be underestimated.

The only drawback is the overall realm.

However, the White Bone Servant can also evolve, as long as it kills, it can break through, and the potential is more terrifying than before death.

Because they were creatures enslaved by Lin Ye, they were also infused with a wisp of Lin Ye's soul.

Even if the number was so small that it was unheard, as Lin Ye's realm continued to break through, they slowly began to show their horror!

Lin Ye, who returned to the Spirit Jade Vein, did not immediately contact Liu Yiyi.

About a day and a night passed before he began to connect with his soul.


As the familiar voice sounded, Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

And then.

He immediately began to ask what had happened to Liu Yiyi in the recent day.

"The host... You broke through again! Liu

Yiyi's voice was full of surprise, obviously happy for Lin Ye's breakthrough.

"What impact did my breakthrough have on you."

"Originally, with the master's breakthrough to the first order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, my soul realm directly came to the Awakening Realm Eight Stars, which directly shook all the high-level of the Great Xia Dynasty, and used various precision instruments to do another examination."

"Yesterday, the master broke through to the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and my soul realm directly came to the peak of the Awakening Realm Nine Stars!"

"Ye Nantian was shaken, and after various inspections, it was released after confirming that there was no problem."

Liu Yiyi's voice has become louder, and her experience in the past two days has also wavered.

An evolutionary who is only three stars of the Awakening Realm in the physical realm, the soul realm has directly come to the peak of the Awakening Realm Nine Stars!

It was really unheard of, and Ye Nantian had never heard of it.

Thanks to Liu Yiyi's soul and Li Xinxin's physical body completely matched, even though countless examinations were done, the high-level of the Great Xia Dynasty still did not find a single clue.

He even sent people back to that small mountain village and checked almost all the ancestors of the villagers.

Liu Yiyi was blessed with misfortune.

In the importance of the Human King Hall, it has gone up another level, and it is no longer an ordinary core member.

Ye Nantian flipped through the ancient books and finally found an example.

Legend has it that there is a physique in the world, and the soul is naturally different, and it rises without cultivation!

That physique is uncertain whether it ever exists, but future achievements are terrifying!

Then Ye Nantian regarded Liu Yiyi as the hope for the future of the Great Xia Dynasty, and began to develop in the direction of the deputy hall master of the Human King Hall.

Moreover, with all the evolutionary resources devoted to cultivation, it is estimated that it will not take long for the realm of the flesh to catch up.

Liu Yiyi told Lin Ye very solemnly.

The role of the Human King Hall is very important, and the state has devoted almost all its energy.

Ye Nantian had already begun to get in touch with other hidden world masters, maybe it wouldn't be long before a hidden world expert would join the Human King Hall.

What Liu Yiyi said was top-secret information, and the core disciples couldn't touch it.

If Liu Yiyi hadn't cultivated in the direction of the deputy hall master, she wouldn't have been able to know such top-secret information.

After confirming that Liu Yiyi was okay, Lin Ye cut off the contact again.

He began to consolidate his realm and become familiar with the power after the skyrocketing, and the two things took three days.

When he reappeared, he took out the quaint fire bull horn and began to gather the army of white bones scattered everywhere.

The mountains of the 10,000-headed white bone creature station are everywhere, and they are not like the power of the human world at all, as if the undead legion came out of the underground mansion!

The bone beast stepped on the void, running on the top of the mountain, and Cang Yu was trembling!


A loud roar resounded in the sky, and Lin Ye led the army of white bones towards the center of Kunlun.

Unlike the previous caution, this time it was really fanfare.

Without hiding the breath of the white bone army, it has been marching without obstacles.

Mighty and cold!

Along the way, over the mountains, I don't know how many miles I traveled.

A natural calamity realm second order plus a natural disaster realm first order, and an army of white bones that have experienced bloody battles!

Unconsciously, in just two months, Lin Ye has also grown from a dry bone at the foot of the mountain to the point where he can compete with those terrifying existences in the central position.


A loud roar came from not far away and poured into Lin Ye's ears.

It was a lion with pale golden hair, with a body length of seven or eight meters, and it was a ferocious beast at the peak of the Awakening Realm Eight-Star.

"A small eight-star ferocious beast, if there is no beast king behind the scenes, it will not dare to give it a hundred dares."

Lin Ye let out a sneer, and his eyes signaled to the little white tiger.

Little White Tiger's current realm is in the late eight-star stage, although it is a small realm behind the lion, but in the blood-colored soul fire, there is a burning strong fighting intent.

The next moment.

It moved directly and killed the lion!

When the pale golden lion saw the little white tiger killed, his eyes were also pale golden, revealing deep disdain.

The Emperor of Light, who had been silent, also moved, looking deeper into a mountain.

Above stood a lion with two heads, also with pale golden hair, but the realm was a first-order beast king of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

Lin Ye showed a faint sneer.

The battle in the center of Kunlun Mountain was indeed fierce enough, and he was targeted just after entering.

One is a fierce beast of the Awakening Realm Eight-Star, and a beast king of the first order of natural disasters.

The Bright Emperor got Lin Ye's signal, and he followed closely.

Since you dare to target him, you must do a good job, and finally risk being counter-killed.

The Light Emperor can transform into a pure elemental body, and physical attacks are almost ineffective, and those who encounter the second order of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm will not fall behind.

Lin Ye's left arm also appeared a lightning strike wooden bow.

He unfolded a terrifying divine consciousness, covering a radius of forty-five miles, and detected that a second-order beast king of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm was approaching him!

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