Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 226: Is n’t Master ’s appeal so great?

Lin Wei, with her head bowed and sullen, smelled this scentless fragrance, and immediately raised her head: "What is this smell, so fragrant. The novel"

Wu Haimei also opened her eyes, and took a hard breath: "It's really sweet."

Lin Zhengdao had a strange expression on his face: "Scent? What kind of scent, why I didn't smell anything?"

"You can't smell such an obvious smell?" Wu Haimei asked her husband strangely.

Lin Zhengdao was speechless, thinking how could my nose be as big as you two or two?

But after a while, he also smelled the scent that was being diffused. This smell could not tell what it was, but it gave people the feeling that it was fragrant, something that could cause disgust in others. For the fragrance, Lin Zhengdao, who does n’t care much about eating on weekdays, could n’t help but feel a little emotional: “This fragrance is really strange. I ’ve never smelled it before. I do n’t know what it ’s like. "

Lin Wei squinted his eyes and sucked in hard, suddenly said with some surprise: "It is Ye Chu, this must be the taste made by Ye Chu!"

Wu Haimei looked at her daughter in surprise: "How do you know, did Ye Chuo make this dish for you before?"

Lin Wei shook his head: "Ye Chui hasn't made this dish for me, but I just know that this must be Ye Chui's cooking, this taste must be made by Ye Chui!"

Lin Zhengdao rolled his eyes and said, "What is that leaf drop doing?"

Lin Wei was excited and said: "I just said that Ye Chu must be a super delicious dish that all monks can't help but be attracted to. He will use this dish to attract grandma from the room!"

Lin Zhengdao: "..."

Wu Haimei: "..."

Obviously, the two couldn't understand her daughter's thinking, and she couldn't help laughing, thinking that these words she said were too mysterious, but they smelled more and more scent. The smiles on Lin Zhengdao's and Wu Haimei's faces disappeared involuntarily. This taste ... maybe really have this magical power.


The most spectacular building in the Majestic Temple is the Ten Thousand Buddha Hall, which houses a total of tens of thousands of Buddha statues. It is very spectacular, and when it is evening, dozens of monks in the temple have to go to the collective The chanting of Buddhist scriptures in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall for evening classes, of course, these monks are genuine monks. Not the fake monks who are here to work here.

The sound of chanting one after another seems to have a certain rhythm. Outside the Wanfo Hall is a tourist standing in a circle. Some people are recording this picture with a camera. Someone recorded these Buddhist sounds with a high-power recorder.

But suddenly, the sound of chanting at the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas stopped. The reason for stopping is that there was a scent of non-existent scent coming in. The monk who had been a vegetarian for a long time, suddenly felt that this scent could not hold it.

Seems to be eating bran pharyngeal all the time, and suddenly saw the mountain and sea flavor, the strong drop directly makes people unbearable.

The monk shook up and looked around, looking for the source of the fragrance.

Tourists standing outside the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas also whispered. I don't know where the scent came from.

"What are you doing? Take me seriously!" A master sitting in front of many monks. Can't help it.

He is the elder of the evening class and is responsible for leading many disciples to complete their homework.

Heard his accusations. These Buddhist disciples suddenly began to recite the Buddha, but the beautiful melody in the sound seemed to be gone, and even some people even missed it occasionally, and many monks showed their hearts and minds.

Is like a man who has been abstinent for a long time, and suddenly sees a character beauty walking with red fruits, who can bear it?

More than an hour of evening class finally ended.

For these monks, it is a homework that must be experienced every day. They are already very accustomed to and familiar with it. They did n’t feel any hardship, but today ’s class made them seem to be unable to bear the ants on the hot pot. Until the end of the evening class, hundreds of monks left the Ten Thousand Buddha Hall and talked in a low voice.

"What kind of smell is this, it's so fragrant ... This doesn't seem to be the taste made by the temple kitchen."

"I think it is meaty."

"Do n’t talk nonsense, I ate a lot of meat before I became a monk a year ago, but I have never had such a delicious taste."

"Yes, yes, I went home to visit my relatives two days ago and my mother cooked a pork dinner for me, but it didn't smell so good ..."

"Huh? Did you eat meat?"

"Did I just say something? Amitabha, it must have been my recent lack of sleep and I was just suffering from hysteria, please don't care."


The master who was in charge of reading in the Wanfo Temple, when he walked out of the Wanfo Temple at this time, there was a sullen color on his face, and he thought coldly: "I do n’t know where the fragrance came from, it ’s so quiet, it ’s really a sin ... I do n’t know Is this a monastery, how can people continue to read the Buddha with such a smell? "

"Brother Mingfeng." At this time, two solemn monks came suddenly from the side, one of them was the bright mirror, and the other was a fat monk with a goatee on his face. There is a more solemn momentum, he is wearing a big red cloak.

This represents his identity as an abbot in this monastery.

Mingfeng monk said, "Brother Ming Jing, Brother Ming Chen."

The name of this fat abbot is called Ming Chen.

"I don't know where this taste came from. Mingfeng, you are responsible for the recitation of the disciples of the temple, but you must let them hold their state of mind." Ming Chen said with a face.

"I know that our Buddha's heart is firm, can it be confusing if the fragrance is unique, Brother Shi can rest assured." Ming Feng said hurriedly.

Ming Chen nodded and said to Ding Jing again: "Brother Ding Jing, you are a good monk. I came to my solemn temple this time. I have some Buddhist doctrines and I do n’t understand. I am going to ask you, so please come to my meditation room. Well, a few days ago, I thought that pilgrims brought good tea. We can just eat tea and talk about Zen, would n’t we be happy?

"Brother Brother's kindness, I got it, but unfortunately I am reading buddhas for the pilgrims today, and I feel very tired. I want to go back to the room to rest first." Ming Jing said apologetically.

"Then please ask Jing Jing to rest as soon as possible." The abbot Ming Chen did not stay.

Mingjing Jingyi said Amitabha and turned to walk to his zen room.

Ming Chen looked at the mirror and left, but snorted coldly, and said to Ming Feng, "I was embarrassed to say more just now that the mirror was here. This scent is too weird. You can check it carefully for me. Who is deliberately making trouble in the neighborhood and wants to steal our monastery business? This is against the Buddha, you know? "

"Brother, don't you need to be so real?" The angry Mingfeng just now was more calm at this time, and hurriedly persuaded, "I'm afraid that the taste will dissipate soon. Let's just let it go, why should we be so serious?"

"Humph, this is the best way!" Ming Chen snorted coldly, turned and walked away.

Mingfeng watched Ming Chen leave, he turned and closed the door of the Ten Thousand Buddha Hall, and could not help but take a deep breath.

"This scent is really good ... Um, Amitabha, sin and sin ... I do n’t know what it ’s cooking ... The color is empty, the air is the color, the Buddha said, all the thoughts are empty ... is it the legendary stew? meat?"


The mirror here hurried back to his zen room and closed the door firmly. He was sweating at the moment, and the air conditioner in the room was directly turned to the maximum power, but there was still no way to make him feel refreshed. .

He walked back and forth in the room for a few steps, and finally sat on the futon and began to recite the Lengar Sutra: "Dahui, my audience has no meat to eat from the beginning, and it is more greedy to kill the meat, and away from the sage. The bitter, flesh-eaters smell the righteousness of the dharma, and practice the truth in the bodhisattva to get the speed of Amitoro, Sanli, Sanbodhi ... "

He was able to settle in quickly when he originally recited the Buddhist chanting, calming his state of mind, but this time it was completely useless.

The more they read these verses, the more irritable they feel. The annoying scent makes people feel upset.

In fact, he began to discuss Ye Bu with Ye Chui a few days ago, his thoughts were shaken, and the Dharma was already broken by Ye Chui, but later because of the reason of the video, he was given mercy to give his heart agitation He pressed it down, but now he smelled the scent, and his instability in his heart started to move again.

This is a very painful situation. He became a monk since he was a teenager, and his practice has been very smooth. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing. His unsteady thoughts about his practice have left him in a state of breaking the ring in minutes. ...

"... When the Buddha said it was right, the evils of Raksha Bharat heard that the Buddha said that when she learns to disgust, she will not eat flesh, and she will persuade her to be compassionate, to protect the lives of the people, to protect herself from all flesh ..."

The Lengga scriptures in his mouth also became messy, and he couldn't help but breathe hard, greedily absorbing the fragrance in the air, and the whole person seemed to be bad.


In a small restaurant outside Majestic Temple.

Standing in front of the wine jar, Ye Chui gently stirred the ingredients in the wine jar with a pair of long chopsticks. As a **** of food, he has a natural resistance to this rich fragrance, and the most important thing is that he has seen more rich Fragrance ~ ~ The scent of Buddha jumping over the wall could not fascinate him.

As the cooking time increases, the scent of the Buddha jumping wall will only become stronger and more attractive, and now it is only a semi-finished product.

It ’s just that although he is so calm, others ca n’t calm down. In the evening, Ye Chuan let Han Yuyan drive back first. After all, there are two younger sisters in the family to take care of. Ye Chuan and Tian Xiaodu stare here At the moment, the group of people around the small restaurant is not increasing but decreasing.

"What kind of dish is this? What I just smelled in the temple was involuntarily attracted."

"I was passing by the road next door. I could not help but rushed over when I smelled the fragrance. What kind of food is this?"

Looking at these almost crazy people, Tian Xiaodu couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Is the appeal of this dish a bit too great? (To be continued. (LX.))

PS: Monthly ticket and recommended ticket ~~

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