Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 227: You do n’t want to use this food to seduce our monks ... Hey, ...

As the day passed, the wine jar that simmered the Buddha and jumped over the wall couldn't stop at night. Someone had to stare here. Every once in a while, I put Ye Chu in the wine jar and used the Shaoxing flower carving and other ingredients to make the seasoning , So Ye Chui talked with Tian Xiaodu to take turns staring here.

There is a small hotel nearby, Ye Chui opened a room in the hotel, allowing the two to take turns to rest.

They are also fighting for this dish, and this is obviously necessary, because when they watched the night, they found many people who tried to sneak into the restaurant. If they do n’t watch, I am afraid that the Buddha will jump over the wall in one night. Was given away.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Cui came to the outside of the small restaurant with rubbed eyes, and he was holding the biscuits bought from a food stall near the hotel. Tian Xiaodu was tired all night and saw Ye Chui. When he came over, he immediately stood up, rubbing his eyes.

"A few more people came in the middle of the night. They were all trying to steal the dish. I was stopped." Tian Xiaodu said wearily, "There is a group of people who are quite arrogant and almost fight me ... Fortunately, there are monasteries near here. These people are justified and did not really do it. "

"Well, you have worked hard." Ye Chui handed him a scones.

Tian Xiaodu took a bite of biscuits but shook his head: "There is nothing. It is worth the hard work to participate in making this super dish."

He turned to look at the restaurant and took a deep breath: "Well, today's fragrance is stronger than yesterday's fragrance."

"The scent will get stronger and stronger." Ye Chui said with a smile. This method of Buddha jumping over the wall was originally created by Ye Cui, but he knew very well what happened, and thought of it, Ye Chui smiled at the corner of his mouth, "The last day Time. I am afraid that the fragrance of Buddha jumping over the wall will be several times that of the present. "

"No, is it really so powerful?" Tian Xiaodu's expression was startled.

Ye Chui nodded: "It's so powerful, don't look at how much money and energy we have spent for this dish. This should be ... well, you have been here for half a night and you should be tired now. Go rest. "

"Okay, I know." Tian Xiaodu nodded and yawned and went to the hotel.

Ye Cui finished two biscuits, and ate a bowl of tofu from the small restaurant next to the breakfast restaurant. Then he continued to stare at the wine jar. At this time, he glanced at the solemn temple in the distance, and his face was full of misfortune. Come in good faith ...


The morning class in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Hall has already begun.

But Ming Feng, as a leader, showed a very annoyed expression, and his eyes were red-the monks who were supposed to be a hundred times more spirited in the early morning, were now depressed. Mental exhaustion, there were a few people who fell asleep with their legs crossed, and none of the rest were invigorated. The rhythmic chanting sounds were soft and extremely weak at this time.

"What are you doing? Didn't you sleep last night? Didn't you have a full stomach? Give me energy!" Mingfeng could not help but growled loudly.

"Master, this can't blame us ..." A monk could not help saying, "The scent from outside the monastery hasn't stopped all night. Not only is it so good, the scent is getting more and more fragrant, who wants to sleep, Do n’t say go to sleep. Last night ’s meal was not eaten by a few people. ”

"Fuck, don't forget that you are all Buddhas, your behavior is in the eyes of the Bodhisattva. How can you practice if your will is so unsteady !?" Ming Feng shouted loudly.

"Master, you seem to have dark circles too, maybe I didn't sleep well last night?" Someone muttered in a low voice.

Ming Feng: "..."

The morning class ended in a state of exhaustion. Each monk yawned out of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple. According to the monastery's work and rest, he went to breakfast after the morning class. In the past, the monks were very excited and excited. However, now an individual feels very unwilling, and the meal in the temple cannot be said to be unpalatable. But under the rendering of this rich fragrance, it is almost similar to bran pharyngeal. Who can still eat it?

"Hui Xuan, Hui Yin. The two of you will show me what's going on. Who is cooking this delicious food outside ..." Ming Feng said and changed quickly, "Oh, no, it's not a delicious food. Sinful food! "

"Yes, Master!" Hui Xuanhui cited two monks who were quite strong. Hearing the Master's words, the two quickly agreed, and then walked out of the monastery.

Outside the monastery, after a night of simmering, the ingredients in the wine jar have turned into residue, all the essence is fully integrated into the thick soup, and Ye Chu is using the fine funnel to grow from the wine jar little by little. Fishing out the residue of ingredients.

These residues are naturally impossible to look good, but despite this, these residues are still a rare delicacy-after all, this is the residue of various meat products and rare ingredients such as shark fin, fish, lip and abalone. Delicious is also rare.

The residue is grayish yellow and has been cooked through, which is a good thing for bibimbap.

And outside the small restaurant, a group of people could not wait to taste these residues-

Last night the onlookers outside the restaurant stayed for a long time, so Ye Cui told them that they would replace the debris in the Buddha jumping wall in the morning. If they were willing, they could taste the debris first.

Of course, this part of the residue is also charged, after all, this is not the residue of ordinary things, and the price is still quite high, but even if this does not block the enthusiasm of these people, pinch points came early in the morning.

The residue was taken into a large pot, at this time there was only a small portion of the soup in the wine jar, but this soup was the most precious-someone even exchanged it for 100,000 yuan. This soup leaves will not change!

Ye Chui first moved those large pots of debris to the outside, and immediately caused a sensation in the outside.

The appearance of the residue is naturally not good-looking, but everyone is attracted by the scent of this Buddha jumping the wall this night. Even the residue can make people crazy.

"Boss, please trouble you to sell these things for me first." Ye Chui saw the boss Chen Laosan of the restaurant standing in the crowd, and immediately said with a smile, "I will give you 500 more every day. "

Chen Laosan had just come to see the excitement, and was already greedy for this Buddha jumping the wall. He heard that there was still such a good thing, he immediately nodded: "Okay, okay, but how do you decide the price of this thing ? "

"This ..." Ye Cui looked at the people around him. There were too many people. If it was too cheap, this residue was not enough to grab, so Ye Cui said a little bit black, "Three hundred yuan per bowl ... "

"I want a bowl of three hundred dollars!"

"I want two bowls. Although this thing is a residue, it is so fragrant and still boiled with so many rare ingredients. Three hundred pieces are not expensive at all!"

"That's right, give me a bowl too!"

"I want three bowls!"

Ye Chui: "..."

Do n’t you be so good, it ’s really just residue ...

At the invitation of Mr. Chen, everyone began to line up consciously. Mr. Chen used the bowl in this restaurant to hold the residue, three spoons and one bowl. The people in the several shops next to him directly steamed the store. The steamed buns that have just been cooked have been moved over and sold together with the residue of the Buddha jumping from the wall. Outside, the small restaurant turned out to be an indescribable scene of prosperity.

Ye Cui sighed while cooking the ingredients for the second wave of jumping over the wall in the small restaurant-by the end of the perfect Buddha jumping over the wall, a total of three waves of food were needed!

Yesterday, the ingredients were cleaned and put in the refrigerator of the small restaurant. Ye Chui only needs simple handling to put it back in the wine jar, but when he was cooking, there was a sudden noise outside the small restaurant, it seemed that someone quarrel.

Ye Chui was curious and immediately walked out of the hotel to look outside. Then he saw that two muscular monks were talking to several diners-these two monks Ye Chue was quite familiar. When he went to the solemn temple two days ago It was this monk who drove him out.

"It's you!" Hui Xuan, two of the monks, yelled immediately when he saw Ye Chui coming out of the restaurant, and naturally remember Ye Chui, "You are so rude, cooking meat outside the temple is disturbing and quiet. , You have offended the Buddha, and the Buddha will also blame ... "

"Ha ha."

Ye Chui couldn't help laughing, and Hui Xuan said awe-inspiringly in his mouth, but his eyes couldn't stop floating in the large basin next to him. Hui Yin's eyes standing next to him were even fixed on the residue in the basin ...

These two are also greedy.

"It's my fault to disturb your quietness. So, how about I invite two of you to eat a meal as compensation?" Ye Chui said with a smile, took a bowl and took it from Chen Lao San. Rice scoop, began to scoop dishes.

Hui Xuan's face was awe-inspiring: "We are monks and we are determined. You never want to use this food to seduce me ... Hey, put more meat!"

Soon Ye Chui filled a bowl of delicious residues ~ ~ and took two buns to Huixuan.

Hui Xuan still remembers his position as a monk at this time, squatting on the ground and picking up chopsticks, then eating buns and eating.

Next to Hui Yin's eyes, "I still have me and me."

"Wait." Ye Chui smiled and helped Hui Yinsheng give him two steamed buns, so Hui Yin also squatted on the ground and ate.

At this time, they probably have forgotten what to do here ...

The tourists all around were sweating a lot. The monk was too embarrassed to eat ... to be greedy.

While looking at the extremely sweet taste of another monk, Ye Chui suddenly moved: "The scent of this Buddha jumping over the wall floated all night. The Weiwei and the aunt in the monastery did not know what to look like. , Let these two monks wait to be brought back. "(To be continued)

ps: The high tide started ha ~~~~~

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