Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 282: The average chef is looking for taste, and Ye Chuai is creating ...

After the duck meat is smoked, it is necessary to stew it again, which is one of the characteristics of the Wuwei plate duck, that is, smoked first and then stewed.

The ingredients of the stewed duck are also extremely important. They are secret recipes, but Ye Chuidai used his appetite-level tasting skills to get a thorough understanding of the ingredients. The sauces used by the stewed duck include star anise and pepper. , Cinnamon, cloves, grass fruit, cumin, fennel, Sichuan bone incense, bay leaves and so on.

After these delicious seasonings are cooked, the flavors in the seasonings will fuse together and chemically react with the duck meat, creating a unique and rich flavor of the Wuwei plate duck.

In the process of duck roasting, Ye Chu began to prepare the seasoning. The kitchen was newly renovated and there was no shortage of kitchen utensils, but there was no variety of condiments. I bought some useful condiments.

The role of condiments, especially the various spices used in Chinese tradition, is very important in cooking.

A qualified chef should fully understand all kinds of spices, and understand the role of each spice, but it is not easy to achieve this, after all, in Chinese cuisine There are hundreds of different kinds of spices. Ordinary cooks, even the most basic spices, such as the taste of star anise and peppercorns, cannot be fully controlled, let alone fully understand the characteristics of these hundreds of spices. .

Even Dong Qian, he does not have a thorough understanding of spices. The smoked duck dishes she made, the choice of spices is quite free, without considering the specific role of this fragrance.

At this moment, Ye Tiao found a small cloth bag for braised meat and began to put spices in the bag.

The proportion and composition of this spice is the secret recipe.

Ye Cui knows the secret recipe can be described by countless, many foods require a completely different spice ratio. However, Ye Chu was able to fully record these complicated recipes, such as the beef plate noodles made by Ye Chu, there are more than 20 kinds of condiments, but Ye Chu can still make the recipe without any size. come out.

Of course, Ye Chui can record so many secret recipes. In fact, it does not rely on extraordinary memory, but on the memory of taste and the ultimate understanding of various spices.

He just needs to write down the fragrance of the food, and then use this fragrance to reverse the mix of spices when he starts cooking!

Just like now.

"Wow, Ye Chui, aren't you. Is it so accurate to pick a spice? Is this necessary?" Dong Youyou looked at Ye Chui Zheng a little bit, carefully and accurately sending various spices in a certain ratio. Budai, couldn't help saying at once.

"Of course it is necessary, although the taste of spices is negligible in the whole dish, but every role played in the world is crucial, a little more. A taste may change." Ye Chui said to Dong Youyou very seriously, and then handed the glass bottle with peppercorns to Dong Youyou, "Youyou, help me count thirteen peppercorns ... No, let's count fourteen, fourteen Grains are more appropriate. "

Dong Youyou: "..."

Looking at Dong Youyou's depressed face and counting the pepper, Dong Qian stood aside and thoughtfully, in fact, the choice of spices. Any quality chef has already formed a certain feeling. By using the feeling to put in various spices, it can be said that they have a detailed understanding of spices. She is obviously much worse than Ye Chu. In fact, Ye Chu's way of using spices also comes from feeling, but his feeling is far more powerful than Dong Qian.

Dong Qian's use of spices is looking for a certain flavor, but Ye Chuai is creating flavor.

The spices are quickly slowed down in the cloth bag, and the leaves will drop into the pot. Pour half of the pot of water while the water in the pot starts to boil. At this time, the smoked duck next to it was already cooked, and the process of smoked duck was completely completed. At this moment, the whole duck meat was soft and tender on the outside, with a black layer on the surface, and Ye Chuan gently patted the surface of the duck meat, and the skin of the duck meat gradually fell off, exposing the tender red body inside.

——This is the reason why the leaf lobes shed their skins after being smoked to keep the meat fresh and tender.

Duck meat is different from chicken, and its size is even bigger. To make the duck roast well cooked, the skin of the duck meat must be blackened. If the skin is moulted and then smoked, the meat quality will become worse.

Ye Cui carefully twisted the steaming duck meat, put it in boiling brine, and began to stew the duck meat.

Brine is a unique Chinese cooking method. It refers to putting the pre-processed food in the marinade and gradually heating it with fire to make the taste of the marinade participate in the food.

In the pot, the spice prepared by the leaf drop is placed in a cloth bag. After the processing of hot water, its strong fragrance is emitted, and the water in the pot has completely turned red.

This red color was deliberately done by Ye Chu. He put perilla and other spices in the spices in the cloth bag. The main function of these spices is to dye the food.

The general inaction board duck is dyed with edible nitrate, but Ye Chu feels that nitrate is harmful to the human body, so find another method.

At this moment, after the duck meat was put in the pot, Ye Chuan changed the pressure of the duck meat with a bamboo sieve, so that the duck meat was completely immersed in the brine, covered the pot lid, and simmered slowly over low heat. Opening the lid, the rich duck flavor spreads everywhere.

Ye Chui smoked duck meat on charcoal fire before, the taste is quite tempting, but that kind of temptation is no different from Dong Qian's smoked duck, but at this time, after the Ye Chui modulation After being cooked in brine for ten minutes, the flavor of the spice reacted with the duck meat, but the aroma stimulated by it was tempting and delicious.

Dong Youyou immediately exclaimed: "No, just after being cooked in the pan for ten minutes, how has the taste changed so much?"

"Is this the reason for all kinds of spices?" Dong Qian seemed to understand what he said. "Just now Ye Chui has carefully selected each flavor, which has changed the flavor of duck meat so much. All kinds of spices are essential for this taste. "

"Zanthoxylum bungeanum is so accurate, isn't it such a god?" Dong Youyou said in amazement.

Dong Qian's expression moved slightly, and looked at Ye Chu. To what extent should he understand the spices, so that he could accurately use the pepper to the point ...

At this moment, Dong Qian's admiration for Ye Cui has become a kind of awe. Is this young man a god?

In fact, the reason why Ye Tiao's last life can get the title of God of Food is because he is extremely proficient in all aspects of cooking, so that people can feel the power of the silent **** ...

After the brine was boring for ten minutes, the fire became smaller and it was simmered for about half an hour.

Up to now, the duck meat can be out of the pan. Carefully put the cooked duck meat on the chopping board. Just look at the duck meat with yellow sauce, whole body oil, aroma, overflowing, appetite, leaf drop Come across a plate, cut the whole duck meat with a knife, cut it into strips and place it on the plate.

This inaction board duck was completed.

Dong Youyou couldn't wait to pick up a piece with chopsticks, send it to the mouth, and taste it carefully. The expression on her face then changed: "It's really delicious ..."

After saying this, she shut her mouth in a hurry and gave Dong Qian some embarrassed glances. She said too much delicious food. Obviously, she was comparing it with Dong Qian's smoked duck.

Dong Qian smiled and didn't take it seriously, picked up the chopsticks and took a mouthful to taste in the mouth, then nodded and said: "This dish is similar to the dish I developed, but the taste is better than my smoked duck A lot ... this dish was supposed to do this. "

"Yes, you have seen the steps just now. You can follow this step in the future." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Dong Qian was stunned: "This is already your recipe. I can't continue to cook this dish."

"Oh, anyway, this dish is sold together with the sugar cane crispy duck, it should be a work of the two of us." Ye Chui smiled, this dish is used to sell money, it is good for Ye Chui. Of course, he will not deliberately refuse such good deeds.

"OK then……"

Dong Qian nodded, and she was very happy that she chose to join Ye Chui's restaurant. She didn't pay much attention to the money, but she was most concerned about the ultimate pursuit of cooking. With Ye Chui, her cooking must be Advance by leaps and bounds!

"It's getting dark. The two of you came to the restaurant as soon as you got off the plane. You must haven't eaten by now?" Ye Chui smiled and picked up the plate of inaction plate duck. "This dish just happens to be dinner. Let's go , Outside the kitchen. "

Dong Qian and Dong Youyou followed Ye Chui to the outside hall.

The smoked duck made by Dong Qian was given to Pan Qingguo and other waiters for dinner. Several waiters had a beautiful meal with rice, but just after eating dinner, they saw Ye Chui walked out with a plate of Wuwei duck. The eyes of several people were immediately attracted to the past.

Although Ye Chui's Wuwei Duck is very similar to Dong Qian's smoked duck, UU Reading Books www.uukanshu. Com can be that attractive, but it seems to be better than Dong Qian ...

Working in a restaurant is naturally used to all kinds of food, and should have a certain resistance to food, but Pan Qingguo and others found that after Ye Chui came to the restaurant, their appetite was still being hung up again and again. ...

At the dining table, Ye Cui and Dong Youyou were about to have dinner, but Han Yuyan's voice suddenly entered the hotel.

During this time Han Yuyan has been with Han Lao, but almost every day she will come to the restaurant to see. Most of the time is to see how the decoration of the hotel is completed. Sometimes it is also to bring Han Lao back. Some dishes made by Ye Chu.

But what is the important thing that she came to find Ye Chui today-

"Master, Master! I brought a good thing. Grandpa confessed that I would give it to you personally ..." (to be continued)

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