Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 283: Li Qingxi bun shop?

"Master, Master! I brought a good thing. Grandpa told me that I would give it to you personally ... Hey?" Han Yuyan hurriedly ran into the hotel from the outside. As a result, Dong Youyou and Dong Qian were seen at a glance in the lobby. "Youyou, when did you come to Yanjing?"

"Hey, I just arrived today." Dong Youyou said with a smile, stood up and greeted Han Yuyan, and gave Han Yuyan a big hug. He was quiet in Yanjing Yehui with Han Yuyan and Lin Wei. Wang Shiyu has always lived in Hainan Chicken Rice Hotel and is already a good sister with Dong Youyou.

When Han Yuyan saw Dong Youyou's heart, he was also unable to express his excitement, but he was hugged and held by Dong Youyou. Han Yuyan's face suddenly changed. After thinking of something, he hurriedly pushed Dong Youyou away—— This girl is crooked ...

Say it was a joyful reunion of a friend, in fact Dong Youyou is taking advantage of her.

Dong Youyou was a little bit unconscious, he said to Han Yuyan in a low voice, "It's bigger."

Han Yuyan gave Dong Youyou a white glance and walked to Ye Chui's side, blushing like an apple.

"Heavy rain, what's wrong?" Ye Chui felt quite interesting, and asked with a smile, "What good things did you bring?"

"It's the hotel plaque that Grandpa personally prepared for you." Han Yuyan suddenly rejoiced at this point. She hurried to the door of the hotel and waved outside. The two men carefully lifted a plaque into the hotel. Inside, the plaque was still covered with white cloth. Han Yuyan walked over to lift the white cloth and suddenly exposed the plaque below.

The plaque is made of poplar, and above them are the three large characters "Manhan Building" written by Han Lao personally. The fonts are powerful and magnificent. Han Lao's writing is extremely extraordinary, and his pen power is extraordinary, and his three characters have been completely sculpted on the plaque forehead. The entire plaque has no extra decorations and is antique. But there is an elegant and noble atmosphere.

When he was in Hainan, Ye Chui wanted to open the four restaurants in the food industry, so he asked Han Lao to write the plaque for the restaurant. On the plaque forehead, Han Lao has just made the plaque for him to send over. The value of this plaque is absolutely extraordinary, after all, Han Lao's identity is there.

Ye Cui looked at it several times and nodded his head in praise. "Han Lao's word is indeed very good. It is very old-fashioned and fits well with the hotel I want to build. Heavy rain. Thank you Han Lao for me."

"Hey, if you want to thank him, help him make a few delicious dishes." Han Yuyan said with a smile, his nose suddenly pumped, could not help sighing, "Hey, what a scent this is, it's so sweet. "

"It's your master's smoked duck." Dong You said with a smile. "You came just right. This whole duck looks like it weighs three or four pounds. We can't finish it. You are just here. Let's eat together."

"Oh." Han Yuyan also showed a very interested expression, "I'm hungry too, but Master, are we going to hang this plaque out first? I think you have put the original plaque of Honglou today Take it off. "

"The plaque should be hung up when it is officially opened. Now put it away." Ye Cui said. Greet Pan Qingguo and others to move the plaque into the upstairs room and put it away first, then Ye Cui helped Han Yuyan to add double chopsticks. have a meal together.

Han Yuyan and Dong Youyou are also sisters, and they often talk on the phone on weekdays. It was even more intimate to meet at the moment. Han Yuyan wanted to take Dong Youyou and Dong Qian to play in Yanjing for two days. Dong Youyou naturally agreed, but Dong Qian did not have much interest. She wanted to stay Help Ye Chui decorate the hotel in the hotel.

Ye Chui talked about his plans for the restaurant style again.

"The dining hall should be divided into three parts?" Dong Qian was slightly surprised. "These are the pro-fan feast, the Wanshou feast and the Yanchen feast ... Ye Chui, you are asking me to join Tian Xiaodu and Qin January. Compete? "

"Why, are you afraid?" Ye Chui looked at Dong Qian with a smile.

Dong Qian said with disappointment: "Of course not, I will not be worse than the two of them!"

In this year's Hainan chef competition, among the three six-star chefs who won the top three, Dong Qian ranked third, but this does not mean that her cooking skills are poor. In some respects, Ye Chu feels that she is better than Tian. Xiao Du is also excellent-Tian Xiaodu was able to get the first place because of the reason for cheating. If the topic he selected was not the grilled fish belly roll, the final ranking is still unknown.

"Oh, there are actually six types of banquets for Man Han seats, but the other three are not suitable for launching. Let each of you be responsible for one kind of banquet. Competition is one aspect, but the main reason is that you want Man Han full seats to be fully presented. "Ye Ye said with a smile.

Dong Youyou said with some longing: "It sounds very powerful, but Qin promised to come to the hotel to help in January. When will he arrive?"

"I have to wait for a while, I contacted him. He is working in a small restaurant on Wangzhou." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Small restaurant? What is that wood doing there?" Dong Youyou didn't understand.

"The buns in that small restaurant are delicious. He wants to learn the craftsmanship of others." Ye Chui replied.

"It turns out so ..." Dong Qian's face showed a look of admiration. "It's not without reason that his cooking is so good, but I won't admit defeat, I must exceed him!"


While Ye Chui had dinner with Dong Youyou, Dong Qian, and Han Yuyan, Fan Hong just received a call in an apartment in Xizhou.

"What, where did you find Qin Yiyue now?" A friend of Hong Fan was calling. Fan Hong was very good at drilling camp and his connections were quite strong. He had been looking for Dong Qian also during this time Qin Yiyue's whereabouts, this is a friend finally found Qin Yiyue's whereabouts.

Although Qin Yiyue is not a celebrity, his coldness like a solo man in the chef competition has made many people pay close attention to him. It is easier to find out where he is than Dong Qian.

It's just that Qin chose to work in a small restaurant in January, which is very different from Dong Qian's work in the food city. The kind of small restaurant with a **** corner is too unobtrusive, and it is difficult for people to find out.

"A small restaurant in Linxian, Wangzhou City? What is Qin Yiyue doing in this small restaurant?" Fan Hong listened to the other side of the phone, his face full of surprise, he originally thought Dong Qian became a six-star chef but The food street takes care of ordinary small restaurants, which is strange enough, but I did not expect this Qin January to be even stranger than Dong Qian, even working in a small restaurant in a small county ...

"Does he have any hardships?" Fan Hong couldn't help asking.

On the other side of the phone, Fan Hong ’s friend wondered: "How do I know this, but I am also very puzzled. With his current ability, it is very easy to get tens of thousands of yuan a month. Why should I go to work in a small restaurant? Weird enough to eat! "Suddenly, Fan Hong's friend continued," But Fan Hong, I have to warn you, I heard this news from a dinner, I have heard that there are other A restaurant is very interested in this Qin January. It is better to speed up if you want to act. "

"Another restaurant?" Fan Hong froze.

"It is the Shenghua Garden of Yanjing."

"Shenghuayuan? That's a six-star hotel!" Fan Hong said in surprise.

"Yes, I heard that during the Hainan chef competition, the people of Shenghuayuan went to Qin January, hoping to absorb Qin January into the restaurant. Unfortunately, Qin left the chef directly after the game. There is no chance to connect with Qin January. I heard that they are bound to get Qin January. This time, their boss is going to go out in person! "

"This ... well, I know. I will start tomorrow morning and go to Wangzhou."

Fan Hong said hurriedly, in order to get this Qin January, he also worked hard, and he suddenly thought of something: "Right, what is the name of the small restaurant where Qin January is located?"

"It's ... Li Qingxi bun shop."



Dong Youyou and Dong Qian stayed in the hotel that night. Han Yuyan came over the next day and took Dong Youyou to play around in Yanjing. Dong Qian stayed at Manhanlou to help Ye Chui to make suggestions and stand in the position of a woman. In the past, she was quite insightful about the decoration of the hotel. In many places, her mind was more delicate. Of course, Dong Qian also constantly asked Ye Chui some cooking questions. Ye Chui all answered them one by one. He has the experience of God of Food. And ability, the understanding of food is naturally far more than many chefs, these answers also benefit Dong Qian.

Similarly, it also made Dong Qian feel that he chose to stay with Ye Chui to join Manhanlou is a correct choice.

It is worth mentioning that Dong Youyou mentioned to Ye Chui that she wanted to buy a house in Yanjing. This is not just a random talk ~ ~ Actually she really has this plan, but it is not true. Asking Han Yuyan, the rich woman, for money, Dong Qian has been able to save some money in these years. At least paying a down payment is no problem.

After all, Yanjing's current house prices are not as exaggerated as the previous one.

In addition to Dong Youyou and Dong Qian, Tian Xiaodu seems to be interested in buying a house here in Yanjing.

And these needless to say for the time being, but at the afternoon of the third day, in the suburb of Linxian, Wangzhou City, Fan Hong with a tired face squeezed out the bus.

He looked tired and helpless and looked at the county in front of him.

"I didn't expect to spend a day just coming here ... I don't know where that Li Qingxi bun shop is? Has the boss of Shenghuayuan arrived?" Fan Hong knew where Qin January was. Immediately took the train to Wangzhou City, and took another two hours by bus, and then came to the destination.

Lin County is a small county town that is not very prosperous. Fan Hong did n’t want to understand it at this time. Why did Qin January good hotel not go? Working in a small restaurant in a bun shop ...

The name of this restaurant ... it really doesn't touch the six-star chef! (To be continued)

ps: The Shenghua Garden that appeared in this chapter has appeared in the volume of Hainan Chicken Rice ~~~

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