Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 290: What kind of delicious can this wild vegetable make?

"You are stupid, the stuffing of this bun is made by drying horse lettuce everywhere!" An Xiaoxiao took a bite of the bun and rolled his eyes to the group of beggars around him. Little contempt.

Ye Chui and Qin Yijian, who stood at the door of the hotel, both stiffened at the same time. They felt that they were also despised by this little girl ...

Qin Yiyue looked at Ye Chu with a puzzled expression: "Horse lettuce?"

"A kind of wild grass that can be seen everywhere ... The scientific name is purslane, and some places are called horse lettuce." It is known that this kind of wild vegetable leaves fall, and as in An Xiao's novel, this kind of wild vegetable can be seen everywhere. Growing vegetables is actually what purslane looks like after it is dried?

Ye Chui looked left and right, and soon he saw something in the flower bed in front of the Manhan Tower. He hurried over and pulled out a fuchsia branch with a flat and thick leaf from the plant. This plant is the horse's tooth Amaranth, a common grass found everywhere in the country.

Ye Chui rubbed the leaves of this purslane, then put it into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

Bitter, sour.

It's definitely not a good taste to eat this kind of wild grass, but Ye Chui's face shows a hint of surprise. That's right, that is the taste!

With the taste buds of the leaf drop food **** level, he can accurately judge that this kind of wild vegetable has just formed the taste of dried vegetables after exposure treatment! O

This dried vegetable is exactly this purslane!

Ye Chu has also studied wild herbs. This purslane has also been studied, but the taste of this wild vegetable is not very good after all. It is far less delicious than other wild herbs such as shepherd's purse, amaranth, etc. The taste of this wild vegetable will be relatively unfamiliar, and there is no way to recognize the dried purslane.

Qin Yiyue also hurriedly approached Ye Chui, learning that Ye Chui pulled a purslane from the flower bed and chewed it into his mouth. He frowned. Unconfirmed look at the leaf drop: "This is the kind of dried vegetables?"

Ye Chui nodded: "Yes, that kind of dried vegetables is this kind of wild vegetables!"

Han Yuyan, who had already finished the steamed buns, also got together, learned that Ye Chui and Qin Yiyi also took a purslane and wiped it carefully, and then sent it to his mouth. As a result, this sister just took a bite. Spit out everything in his mouth: "It's bitter and sour, Master, you are lying to me ..."

"Dried vegetables are indeed like this kind of wild vegetables after drying. It will be bitter to eat raw ... Even if other vegetables are eaten raw, the taste will not be delicious." Ye Cui comforted his apprentice, and then again With a little surprise, I looked at the little beggar who told me what the vegetable was. He and Qin did not taste what the vegetable was, but the little beggar tasted it!

Portulaca oleracea is a common wild vegetable, but the taste of this wild vegetable is very different from that of dried food. In addition, the appetite-level tasting ability of Ye Chu can determine that this dried vegetable is what the purslane is dried. Qin has no way to confirm it in January, and Han Yuyan vomited directly ...

How did this little beggar recognize it?

The beggars do n’t care much about other things when they have something to eat. Most of them are eating buns gorgingly, and only a few are paying attention to the situation of the leaf drop.

An Xiaoxiao sat on the stool and continued to nibble on her bun. She didn't seem to care much about Ye Chui and others' eyes.

Ye Chui came over.

Several beggars watched Ye Cui vigilantly.

"Little girl, how do you know this bun is made of horse lettuce?" Ye Chui asked with some curiosity.

An Xiaoyan's big eyes glanced at Ye Chui. Although her face was dirty, her eyes were extremely bright. As if to take it for granted: "Of course it was tasted."

"Do you often eat this kind of wild vegetables?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

An Xiaoxiao seems to be a little impatient: "Ask so much, what do you think we are like you rich people, you don't have to eat good vegetables to dig wild vegetables, this kind of wild vegetables is bitter and sour. What good food."

"So you rarely eat this kind of wild vegetables?" Ye Chui showed a surprised expression on his face. Ye Chui rarely showed such an amazed look in terms of food. In fact, it was him, if he had eaten it in a short time Once or twice this wild vegetable. When he tastes the dried vegetables again, he can immediately taste what it is, but can he be replaced by a 14-year-old girl?

That was enough to surprise Ye Chu.

An Xiaoxiao still looked at Ye Chui unhappy: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

The youngest Su beside him seemed to realize something. Somewhat excitedly said: "This gentleman, our girl cooks delicious food. Although we are beggars, we occasionally make a meal. Every time, the girl is hands-on, hey, a little bit better than the big restaurant Not bad. "

"Is it?" Ye Chui smiled at An Xiaoxiao.

Ye Chui's smile was so warm that An Xiaoxiao was slightly dumbfounded, but he quickly thought of the white eyes and disdain of other people when they saw them on weekdays. She hummed and glared somewhat conditionedly. Ye Chui said, "I'm good at cooking. You can take care of anything. Dogs take more mice ..."

Su Laosan directly tapped on An Xiaoxiao's head: "Girl, don't say anything!"

Ye Cui didn't care about Chong'an and smiled: "Little girl, would you dare to bet me?"

"Betting?" An Xiaoxiao stared at Ye Chui, "What do you want to do?"

Other beggars looked at him curiously when they heard Ye Cui's words. Qin Yiyue and Han Yuyan also looked at Ye Cui in doubt, not knowing what Ye Chui was going to do.

Ye Chui smiled and looked at An Xiaoxiao, said: "I will use this horse lettuce to make a dish, you try it, if you can learn this dish again, then you will win." Ye Chui looked at the other beggars around again, and continued to smile and said, "You should have been intentionally ordered to mess with me, we bet, if I win, please leave, if I lose, then I will Please stay in the hotel and stay as long as you want. "

"There is such a good thing?" Immediately, a beggar was about to move.

"Little, promise him, how hard can it be to make wild vegetables like horse lettuce? You can learn to make them so powerful."

"Yes, little, promise him!"

Su Laosan showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and he was able to become the leader of this group of beggars, naturally because he was quite savvy on weekdays. Unlike other beggars, he thought about things more. But at this time, he was not sure what Ye Chui meant. Is it that he wanted to bet off An Xiaoxiao by chasing them away, but it was not like ...

So Senior Su touched An Xiao ’s shoulder: "Girl, what do you say?"

"Huh, what's difficult." An Xiaoxiao looked confident, and he stood tall. "Compared, who is afraid of who!"

"Then we will compare!" Su said the third, he reached out and rubbed his naked chest. With a little laziness, he continued, "Little boss, bet our beggars, don't think of regrets, we won't be willing to give up at that time."

"Of course not." Ye Chui smiled softly, but his eyes kept looking at An Xiaoxiao.

That look ... quite weird.

"Master looked at this little beggar's eyes a little fascinated ..." Han Yuyan, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but said to Qin Yiyue, "Wouldn't he have any ideas about others?"

Ye Chui's eyes are exactly the same as the strange Shu Mi when she saw Little Loli ...

Qin Yiyue looked at Han Yuyan with a smile: "I think he does have any thoughts about this little girl, heavy rain, you are going to be miserable."

Han Yuyan heard Qin Yiyue say, his face changed: "No ... no? Master, he ... how could he?"

"What are you thinking?"

Qin Yiyue's rare smile was a little cramped. Continue to say: "This little girl's ability to taste the tongue is not easy. I did not recognize the wild vegetables with the boss. She recognized it with only one bite. Such a tasting ability is probably not worse than your grandpa ... but The difference is that your grandfather's appreciation ability has accumulated through countless experiences, and this little girl's appreciation ability is obviously born. If I am not wrong, the boss wants to accept this little girl as an apprentice. "

"It turns out so ..." Han Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Yiyue said that she was going to be miserable. It turned out that she would have another younger sister. Han Yuyan stared at Qin Yiyue. I didn't expect this wood to be so bad.

But following her, I felt a little more pressure: Although she was nominally Ye Chui's apprentice, she basically didn't learn anything. If Ye Chui really wanted to accept this An Xiaoxiao apprentice, An Xiaoxiao's talent So powerful as Qin Yiyue said ...

Isn't her position so embarrassing?

"Well, it seems that I really need to practice cooking ..." Han Yuyan secretly determined-in fact, this is not the first time she has made up her mind ...

Ye Chui had already told some beggars that he had made a bet. He walked to the flower bed next to him, squatted down and pulled a few horse lettuce in it, and walked back to the kitchen of Manhanlou to start cooking.

Qin Yiyue and Han Yuyan naturally followed Ye Chuan at this time. They wanted to know how Ye Chuan prepared to make wild vegetables such as horse lettuce into delicious dishes.

The beggars outside the Manhan Tower are also very concerned about this matter, and they are talking about what horse lettuce can make. An Xiaoxiao's expression is not serious, but Su San obviously has other ideas.

"Little, I think this little boss is not an ordinary person, maybe a good opportunity ..." He whispered to An Xiaoxiao.

"Uncle, don't say it ~ ~ I won't leave you!" An Xiaoxiao said immediately.

"You girl, did you force me to hit you?" Su Lao San was a little angry.

An Xiaoxiao was a little scared when he saw the reaction of Su's third son, and said quickly: "Uncle, don't be angry ... You want me to learn cooking with someone, at least that person's level is higher than me , This little boss is a few years older than me, how could it be comparable to me? "

"People must not look ..." Su Laosan said in a deep voice.

"I will wait until he wins!" An Xiaoxiao said with a smug face.

From the age of seven or eight, she found that her tongue seemed to be different from others. She only had to taste a few of the dishes in the big restaurant, and she could guess how the dish was made, horse lettuce? What kind of delicious this wild vegetable can make, no matter what Ye Chui does, she can easily learn to make it! (To be continued ...)

ps: Qiu monthly ticket Qiu recommended ticket for praise ~~~~~ Small teacher ~~~~~~~

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