Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 307: With him in place, Huaxia Food will already stand in the world again ...

Ye Chui ’s dish has n’t been eaten by Han Lao, and he directly called it a delicacy that he will never regret in his life. Han Lao is the most prestigious foodie in China. Even if he is close to Ye Cui, he wo n’t In the US Food Book, you can favor Ye Chu. He said this to prove that Ye Chu's dish really made him feel very satisfied.

The other three gourmets also picked up the shrimps in the plate in front of them, and felt the strange elasticity of the shrimps, and their faces also showed amazing expressions.

These reactions made Gao Yuesheng tremble, and he had great expectations for Miao Shengsong, but Ye Chu? A 17- to 18-year-old boy can do anything. He despised Ye Chu and looked down on Ye Chu. He was even more annoyed when Ye Hui told him on the phone at Li Qingxi Baozi Store. Miao Shengsong was a seven-star chef. Isn't it better to cook than this kid who doesn't know the height and thickness?

But I don't know why. Since the beginning of this game, he has been uneasy in his heart. Now, the picture he least wants to see appears. Whether it is Han Lao or three foodies, their reactions have explained many problems.

Before the dish was eaten, they praised the dish ...

Gao Yuesheng looked worriedly at Miao Shengsong, and then at that moment Gao Yuesheng's mood was slightly relaxed ≥: Miao Shengsong was doing his own double mushroom competing with all his heart, as if he had not been affected by the outside world at all, even if it was Several other chefs who helped Miao Shengsong also started to pay attention to Ye Chui ’s dishes at this time, but Miao Shengsong was still staring intently at the wok in front of him. At this moment, his eyes were only boiling soup in the wok. , There is nothing else.

"Brother Miao is very serious ... He cooks so seriously that he has not been affected by anything else. His dish is bound to be the essence of his cooking skills. With such a great effort, how could he still lose? "Gao Yuesheng comforted himself involuntarily.

Miao Shengsong is betting his career on this game. If he loses, he will resign and retire. Although he made the bet casually, no one can tell that he is extremely serious.

And Miao Shengsong's character is always known for being serious, he really wants to lose, he will definitely keep his promise!

"As long as Brother Miao is serious, he will definitely not lose ..." Gao Yuesheng said to himself in his heart.

But he didn't realize it at the moment, because Miao Shengsong is very serious now, and took everything he has to make this dish, and when he really loses, what kind of blow will that be ...

Gao Yuesheng's mental activity was only a very short moment. At this time, old Korean and Chinese had picked up a shrimp and gently sent it into the mouth.

Chew carefully.

A look of enjoyment followed his face.

That is not ordinary enjoyment. It seems that the hard-fought exams finally got satisfactory results. The hard-working boys finally got the favor of the girls. The hard work finally saw the victory and the results. The food is like Han Han. Life, the ultimate food makes him have an indescribable sense of satisfaction, the feeling of tasting food for him touched and shocked, just like experiencing a certain stage of life.

He smiled.

I couldn't help smiling.

This is a deeply satisfied smile from a foodie standing at the peak.

Regardless of the taste of this dish. Still taste, he was deeply intoxicated.

For a long time, he said softly, "Good food."

The simple words are worth a thousand words.

Three other foodies. At the moment, they also tasted this Biluo shrimp, they tasted it carefully and enjoyed it all over their faces.

Their position in the foodie group is not as good as that of Han Lao, and this gap is not just in prestige. There is also the kind of passion for food.

However, after tasting this food, they can still reap the full touch. How can the enjoyment of moving food be so extreme, and how can it feel so perfect.

"It's not uncommon to see how tea served as a dish, but this is the first time I have seen someone able to blend the aroma of tea with other dishes so perfectly."

"The smell of shrimp is completely removed by the tea aroma of Biluochun, which can bring out the freshness of the shrimp. I can eat the freshness of seafood with this dish, and it seems to taste another cup of mellow tea."

"It turns out that Biluochun can make such a delicious dish. This biluo shrimp is just amazing on the creative side ... However, the most wonderful thing is that Master Ye can perfectly integrate the freshness of shrimp and Biluochun. Mellow, this kind of cooking is the essence of this dish! "

"Delicious, this dish is so delicious!"

"The most important thing is that the shrimps in this dish were originally fried in rolls, but it is amazing that there is no trace of oiliness. Master Ye's cooking has reached the point of reaching its peak."

"In addition, I also tasted the aroma of roasting in the shrimp. This flavor should be left by the flame grilling of the shrimp when Master Ye turned the pot. This step not only removes the fat left on the surface of the shrimp balls, but also gives this dish Added another layer of flavor! "


After eating this Biluo shrimp, the three foodies praised it one after another. They kept telling many wonderful places of this dish, and they seemed to be unable to say so much. The words, but let others suddenly realize the profound meaning that Han Lao's previous delicious taste contained.

Han Yuyan listened dumbly for a while, then turned to look at Ye Chui, his eyes flashing.

An Xiaoxiao has not concealed her admiration. She has always felt that her cooking skills are very high. If she takes over cooking training, she will definitely become the most powerful chef. But let him taste the truth that there are people outside and people outside.

Qin Yiyue has completely stopped his hands. Many of the chefs who belonged to Shenghua Garden on the other side of the kitchen couldn't help but stunned. Many of them saw the steps of making this dish. Peel the shrimp off the live shrimp, fry it, stir fry with tea, and collect the juice on high heat.

This process is as simple as it can be, anyone can easily make it right, but such a simple cooking will produce such a wonderful taste ...

They vaguely understood some truths. They usually feel vaguely cooking on weekdays. The more complicated the steps of the dish are, the more perfect the dish will be, and the more complicated the cooking process will be The dishes are wonderful, but now they all understand the same. It turns out that cooking does not have to be complicated. The most beautiful dishes are still the simplest. It ’s just that they are not simple. They need cooking skills. Hone.

Han Yuyan suddenly thought of something. He murmured a word in his mouth. He was about to go to Han Lao who caught the second shrimp. His action stopped suddenly, and he turned to look at Han Yuyan: "Yuyan, what do you say? "

"Grandpa, I suddenly thought of a sentence that Master often hangs in his mouth. He often said to the master, but I never understood what it meant, but I seem to understand now ..." Han Yuyan said softly .

"What's that?" Han Lao asked next.

"He said, this is the realm of great feud discord." Han Yuyan said softly.

"The big soup is at odds?" Han Lao's movement paused. After a while, he nodded with a smile and turned his head to look at Ye Chui. "Good boy, I still looked down on him. The big soup is at odds with ... It is really the most appropriate for him to describe his realm of cooking with the pottery. "

The other three foodies stopped their actions and looked at Han Lao. Disagreement?

"Grandpa, why do you say that?" Han Yuyan then asked.

The three foodies listened carefully to Han Lao's words. Han Lao is one of the most famous foodies, and some of his food perceptions are of great benefit to them.

"My history of Chinese civilization began in Shangxia, and the way of cooking also started from Shangxia. Although the chefs of that era did not have extra seasoning, they could still make superb delicacies. If the soup is not in harmony, the big soup is not in harmony. The original intention is not to eat condiments, which reflects the original taste of the food. The gift book has annotations. , Which means that there is no taste, but contains all tastes. If Dagen discord is regarded as a state, then it is simple and simple, and it is the ultimate expression of simplicity. I originally thought that this state is just a Legend has it that I didn't expect to see it on this kid today ... Dagen is at odds, so a big one is at odds. I dare say that in the realm of culinary arts like this, no one can compare Keep up with this kid! "

Han Lao's words made the three foodies show their educated expressions. Han Yuyan was even more overjoyed. With Ye Chui, he could not help but feel the wonders again and again.

My master, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is always more powerful than he thought.

Han Lao turned his head to look at Ye Chu, who was putting his weight on An Xiaoxiao's body because of his strength. At this moment, he was even grateful for Ye Chu: The big soup was not in harmony. The essence, since Ye Chui has this kind of realm, then in the future, he will definitely make Huaxia Food stand at the top of the world in the history of world food culture ...

"Master Miao's dishes are also ready."

Someone whispered, everyone looked at Miao Shengsong on the other side of the kitchen. He was pouring the double mushrooms he cooked into the dish. Han Lao and the three foodies also looked at it. Then, that The three foodies all sighed in unison.

After eating the leafy Biluo shrimp, they don't think there are people today who can make them feel more delicious than this dish.

In this game, the seven-star chef's dish has not been served yet, he has already lost! (To be continued ...)

ps: Chapter 2 is here, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket for praise ~~

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