Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 345: Steamed 8 pork, fried pork ribs, 4 hi balls, jars of meat ...

Because this year is the year of the pig, the theme of the Spring Banquet is pork. As the name implies, restaurants that participate in the Spring Banquet need to use pork as a main ingredient to cook a table. Pork is one of the earliest domesticated animals in humans. Mainstream meat in human daily life.

In this world, the vegetarian movement has resulted in a lack of many meat farming techniques, such as raising chickens and ducks, and some techniques have been retained, such as pork breeding. This is because pork has been completely trained after training Losing the ability to survive in the wild, the vegetarian movement has experienced eighty years. In order to continue this crystallization of human domestication history, domestic pigs have been cultivated by some national institutions.

As a result, pork breeding technology has been preserved.

After the lifting of the ban on meat, pork farming has been rapidly promoted under the initiative of the state. Almost every city has established large-scale pork farms. Therefore, pork resources are always indispensable in the daily operations of large restaurants.

Manhanlou is here every morning to bring fresh pork from a slaughterhouse on the outskirts of Yanjing for daily expenses.

"The theme of this year's spring banquet is pork? Hey, there are many pork dishes in the menu of Manhanlou, and they are all highly praised. We won this spring banquet!"

This is Dong Youyou's voice.

When learning the news about the theme of the Spring Festival, Ye Cuizheng was staying in the office with Dong Youyou, and Han Yuyan was also on the sidelines. Do not fly back to Hainan to take care of the four restaurants over there. She is just flying back from Hainan on the fifteenth day of the first month. She is going to have a holiday with Dong Qian. At this time, she is reporting the business situation of the four restaurants over Hainan to Ye. Hang, because the sales of Hainanese chicken rice in the four restaurants dominates, Dong Youyou is particularly proud.

But what made her more proud was the theme of this spring feast. She looked at Ye Chui and asked with a smile: "Ye Chui, are you right?"

Han Yuyan naturally knew the importance of the Spring Banquet. At this time, he said with a smile: "In fact, Grandpa told me some time ago, this year's Spring Banquet theme may be pork, and now it seems to be the case, hey, we have a lot of pork dishes on the menu of the Manhan Building. Steamed Babao pork, fried pork ribs, Sixi meatballs, jars of meat. Red braised meat, crystal elbows, pot roasted elbows ... These dishes are all the favorite of the guests who come to the restaurant. Is the most delicious. "

——Sister Han apparently did some hard work after hearing the wind from Han Han, and summarized these pork dishes, and these dishes in Manhanlou belong to ancient recipes, which have been lost in the poisonous era of meat Yes, only Manhanlou can make these dishes.

Putting so many dishes on the table during the Spring Banquet will definitely become a highlight of the Spring Banquet.

Ye Chui learned that the theme of the Spring Banquet was pork. My mind has been turning. At this moment he smiled and said: "When the boss hasn't cooked for a long time, today is August 15th. In the evening, I personally cook to cook a table of pork dishes for everyone to try."

"Really?" Han Yuyan and Dong Youyou suddenly looked happy. There is no shortage of good chefs in Manhanlou, and the food produced is very delicious. Working in this restaurant, there is no shortage of delicious food that you can eat every day. Every meal is sweet and delicious, but it is said that the most delicious is made by the boss Ye Chui.

But now that Ye Chui has become the owner of the restaurant, he rarely has the opportunity to eat dishes that Ye Cui has cooked.

"Tonight we have a good luck." Han Yuyan laughed a little. "Master, what are you going to do tonight?"

"Just make the dishes you just said." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to them." Han Yuyan hurriedly left the office.

Dong Youyou looked at the figure of Han Yuyan, and suddenly thought of something, she laughed with Ye Chui: "Ye Chui, Sister Yuyan seems to be very attentive in helping you in your hotel, I don't know what salary you gave her what?"

"Salary?" Ye Cui listened to Dong Youyou's mention of this stubbornness, and tilted his head and thought about it, "It seems that I have never mentioned the salary thing with her ... Anyway, she is still using me for 18 billion worth Wages. "

"Dear brother, it's clear that Ye Chui is too much for you." Dong Youyou called out immediately, "Sister Yuyan is doing her best here ... you don't know, she worried about me some time ago My sister is not happy to work here, so I specially got two concert tickets for me and my sister to attend, so good staff you go there to find. "

——Sister Han will burst into tears when she hears this ...

"... She would ask me if she wanted a salary. Now I think she is very happy to be a restaurant manager. Shouldn't she care about that salary?" Ye Chui said with a shy expression, embarrassed. Han Yuyan really helped him a lot in the hotel. Should he find a way to compensate for this second apprentice who is hard-working and grudge-proof?

"Hum, I won't tell you, I'm going to find my sister."

Dong Youyou flicked Ye Chui with a big white eye, jumped and left the office.

This girl has a relaxed personality. In the strict sense, Ye Chui is still her boss, but she should never have that kind of consciousness. Of course, Ye Cui does not care about that point, just Dong Youyou said, Ye Cui I also thought about Han Yuyan.

Um ... why is this sister staying here so hard?

Ye Chui shook his head, decided not to think about the problem for a while, and his thoughts returned to the Spring Banquet.

"The Spring Banquet is a competition between restaurants. I don't know what to do at Shenghua Garden?"


"The theme of this year's spring banquet is pork!" Gao Yuesheng, who had just learned the theme of the spring banquet in the kitchen of Shenghuayuan, quickly found Jim who was in the kitchen. He smiled all over his face, "I don't know if Master Jim What about the pork dish? "

Because of Jim's joining, the restaurant menu of Shenghuayuan is also renewed. They are all in accordance with the dishes provided by Jim. Most restaurants also do this. The dishes of the restaurant are the master dishes of the chef.

However, there are not many pork dishes on Shenghuayuan's menu.

"Pork?" Jim thought for a while and then laughed. "This is simple. Boss Gao, don't worry. Pork dishes are also very popular in Chinatown. I know a lot of delicious food."

Gao Yuesheng heard Jim's words. The smile on his face was even brighter, but he thought of something, and said with some worry: "But there are also many pork dishes on the menu over the Manhanlou, Master Jim, this is what I found from the menu of the Manhanlou. A menu of several pork dishes ... Each of these is delicious. "

Man Hanlou ’s menu can be easily obtained by someone with a heart. Since Gao Yuesheng regards Ye Chui as a mortal enemy, he naturally has a copy in his hand. He handed a piece of paper to Jim and continued: "If there is no wrong guess If so, the dishes made during the Spring Banquet at Manhanlou. That's all. "

Jim took the piece of paper and scanned the names of the dishes on them. Most of these dishes had not been heard, but he did not worry too much: "After the Chinese cuisine spread to the outside, it has gone through sublimation and became noble. Chinatown dishes, the old saying in Huaxia is correct, it is called blue out of blue and better than blue. Although the names of these dishes are not familiar to me. But there are many similar dishes. They are formed after sublimation outside. The new dishes have a more outstanding taste. Since Ye Ye is going to use these dishes to participate in the spring feast. Then I will make dishes similar to these dishes and try to suppress him! "

Jim ’s words were full of confidence, but ... Gao Yuesheng vaguely felt something from his words.

This Jim threatened to let Huaxia cuisine return to its peak before returning to Huaxia, but his tone seemed to be full of confidence and unspeakable pride in Chinatown dishes ...

"The dishes in Chinatown are no different from the Chinese dishes. It should be just my illusion ..." Gao Yuesheng then dispelled his worries. Now that Shenghuayuan has joined Jim, his business has greatly improved from the trough of the previous period.

As long as the business is good. He is still worried about what those do?

He went on to say: "We have two main opponents for this Spring Banquet, one is Manhanlou, and the other is Jingjialou. Jingjialou has been the leader of the Spring Banquet for three consecutive years. I do n’t know what to do this year. Dishes. "

"Relax, whether it is Manhanlou or Jingjialou, it is not my opponent!" Jim said confidently, holding the piece of paper filled with the name of Manhanlou's dish tightly in his hand. "Dish of Chinatown , Already far above the Chinese cuisine! "




The sound of the firecrackers continued to sound on the street outside the Manhan Tower.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival, the sound of firecrackers is indispensable.

There are still a lot of artillery battles that Han Yuyan bought back during the New Year. At the moment, An Xiaoxiao and Wang Shiyu are playing on the street.

It was already over ten o'clock in the evening, the day's business of the restaurant was over, and Ye Chui didn't say that he personally cooked a table of delicious food. It was a table of pork feast, steamed Babao pig, fried pork ribs, Sixi Maruko, jar Meat, red braised meat, crystal elbow, pot roast elbow ...

Tian Xiaodu, Han Yuyan, Lin Wei, Dong Youyou, Dong Qian, Du Xuejiao, Qin Yiyue and so on sat on the table in the lobby of the hotel, tasting all kinds of pork dishes, and sighed constantly.

"I really know Ye Chui the more you know the flaws in your cooking skills as long as you know ~ ~ This piece of pork skin is a dish in the Yanchen banquet I am responsible for, I am confident that I have made it very outstanding , But there are still many gaps compared to Ye Chu. "Dong Qian pointed to a dark red dish on the table.

Sliced ​​pork is actually called sliced ​​suckling pig. It is Ye Wei who changed the method for the convenience of the restaurant business. The dish is a disguised pork dish with crispy crispy skin and tender and delicious meat. It is no different from the original.

"Red braised meat and jar of meat, these two dishes I learned from Master when I was cooking at Xiaoyu's home cooking, but now they are still not as delicious as Master's." Tian Xiaodu also shook his head and said, The fat face was full of smiles, "At the beginning, I represented Wan Laifu to return to the spring banquet. This time we have these dishes in Manhan Building, and we will definitely get the first name."

"We definitely have to fight for the first name of the Spring Banquet." Ye Chui was sitting with Lin Wei, and he said with a smile, "But ... Have I said that we will make these dishes at the Spring Banquet?" (Unfinished. .)

ps: At the beginning of the new volume, the subscription has dropped a lot recently ... so I used the name of the dish as the title ... The next chapter will reveal what Ye Chui is going to do at the Spring Banquet ~~~

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