Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 368: There is no need to compare this cooking competition ... I admit defeat!

??? The day I agreed with Zheng Yun to come to the challenge happened to be the weekend.

In the morning, Ye Chui was staying in his office to read the hotel ’s billing statement. Animal husband Wang Shiyu suddenly pushed the door in: "Brother, brother, the grandfather, who is not ashamed or ashamed of his filial son, is here. He is waiting below."

——This is Han Lao.

"Everything that is not ashamed or ashamed of the filial son is snatched. Hush, don't be so rude." Ye Chui sneered a little, standing up and rubbing the head of Xie Xi. He would do such a thing without giving you food. "

Wang Shiyu threw out his tongue, looked up at Ye Chui and said, "Brother, there are many people waiting for him outside. That Master Zheng seems to be very powerful, can you do it?"

"Relax, this is just a new feeling." Ye Chui said with a faint smile, pulling her brother out of the office.

Many people have gathered in the hall of the Manhan Building, and the flashes have all flashed into one piece. This heavy-weight big news will naturally attract countless media, that is, the hall of the Manhan Building is large enough, otherwise so many people They may not be able to squeeze in, and in order to be able to stand in a good position, in fact, reporters have arrived one after another before the two ramps.

Of course, there are still some people in the crowd who are deliberately looking at the excitement, and even heard that there are people who come from other cities deliberately. In short, people's enthusiasm for this matter is too great.

While Han Lao was sitting at a dining table in the hall, he was drinking tea calmly. A reporter tried to interview him in the past. He also carelessly looked like this in front of outsiders.

Han Yuyan, Pan Qingguo, Tian Xin, Qin January, Dong Qian, and even Lin Wei, quiet and safe. They are struggling to maintain their orange order, but Ye Chui ’s emergence caused a commotion, and various problems followed.

"Mr. Ye Chui, what do you think of today's challenge with Master Zheng? How much chance do you have?"

"Will your Manhan Hanxiu recipes be left in the hands of others today?"

"I heard that the dish to be contested today is red braised meat, can you tell us about this dish?"

I have had a lot of experience in dealing with media reporter Ye Chui ’s last life. ”After the last life, it was not an era of gastronomy. The reporters’ enthusiasm for the news about the chef is not high, but there is no such exaggeration now. Like any movie star who has won a big prize, he understands that the best way at this time is to say nothing, and one hand holding Wang Shiyu came to Han Lao's side with some difficulty, thanks to Han Lao's aura, The reporters did not rush into the chaos any more.

Ye Chui sat down next to Han Lao, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was helpless: "It's messy enough."

"You challenged the entire Chinese chef alone. This is a rare thing in a hundred years. Of course it's messed up, hey, it's messed up." Han Lao said with a smile, pointing his finger in the direction of the kitchen, "I'm blocking here, you Let ’s go to the kitchen first. When Zheng Yun ’s apricot arrives, I ’ll let him go directly to the kitchen. "

"That's it, then you can help Lao Han Lao." Ye Cui said gratefully and stood up. The reporter who bypassed the mess was walking into the kitchen.

Some reporters also want to follow in, just listen to Han Lao's unhappy face shouting: "The kitchen is the place where you cook, what are you doing together, what questions do you have to interview me!"

The reporter immediately pointed the camera at Han Lao like chicken blood, and then all kinds of problems were smashed out-

"Han Lao, what do you think of today's culinary competition?"

"Is it true that Mr. Ye Chui has a close relationship with Mr. Han?"

"Ye Chui has a cordial relationship with you and let you be a judge. What should you do about this?"

Hao Lao has also seen this position for a long time, and after all, his body is ashamed and powerful, only to see him raise his arm, a look that has something to say. Many reporters were suddenly quiet, waiting for Han Lao to say something.

"I have a question to understand first, and I will talk about other things later!" Han Lao said seriously.

Reporters have a picture of listening carefully.

Then they saw that Han Lao suddenly came down with Ye Chui. At this time, I was going to find An Xiaoxiao, an animal friend of Wang Shiyu, and dragged him over to let Scorpion sit in a seat beside him. He asked Wang Shiyu animal friend with a very serious expression: "Xiuwa, listen to Yuyan, say you are to me Every time I come to grab your dishes, I have a lot of opinions. This must be made clear. Grandpa is also for your own good. Braised pork sauce with pork elbow pot wraps these dishes. It is not good for your health if you eat it by a filial son! "

All reporters: ""

Han Lao seriously asked this question to a filial son? This is deliberately making trouble.

"Han Lao, can you tell me what you think of this game?" A reporter asked heartily.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was asking people questions? It's rude to interrupt the old man. Didn't your dad teach you? You were still in your mother's stomach when I was in the food business!" Han Lao looked upset The reporter shouted.

The reporter quickly lost a smile: "You ask, then you ask."

So there was such a conversation between Han Han and Wang Shiyu's animal friend——

"Xiuwa, can you forgive grandpa?"

"Unforgivable, people like to eat braised pork the most, every time you are robbed."

"Grandpa promises not to grab it next time."

"Do not believe!"

"I promise."

"I don't believe it!"

Reporters: ""

At the moment, many people on the Internet are also talking about the challenge, and even some people have taken the handicap. Whoever wins and loses in the first game of Ye Chu and Zheng Yun, naturally the majority of Ye Chuai wins, but There are also some people who sing badly, and from the beginning it was determined that Ye Chuitu is famous, this time it was just self-humiliation.

The tongue of China is the most famous food forum in China. Today, the food discussion forum of this forum is particularly lively. There are nearly a thousand messages in the top post.

This post is a live broadcast posted by the forum moderator of Zong Yanjing. The person who posted the post has already arrived at Manhan Building before the diagonal, planning to watch the whole process of this culinary competition and broadcast the forum live. The bustling scene of Manhanlou was completely recorded by him--

"Yanjing's major TV stations seem to be coming, as well as reporters from neighboring provincial TV stations, major food magazine newspapers, and gourmet websites. There are so many people, but I haven't seen Ye Chui appearing yet."

"Han Lao is here."

"Ye Chui also came out, but he didn't seem to introduce the interview and told Han Lao two words and went to the kitchen. The reporters were stopped by Han Lao. He heard that Han Lao is the judge of today's competition."

This moderator truthfully broadcasts the current speculation to the forum, and each of his live broadcasts will cause a group of people to discuss.

"This leaf drop is too high, thinking who he is, he hides and refuses to come out and meet people."

"If you don't have an interview yet, wouldn't it be guilty?"

"Han Lao is the judge? Is there anything wrong? Everyone knows that Han Lao is close to Ye Chui. Is it fair for Han Lao to be the judge?"

"The young man upstairs is ignorant, who is Han Han, even if he kisses his son, he will be fair and just."

"Zheng Yun doesn't know when he will arrive."

Ye Chui's attitude of refusing to interview obviously made many people feel very dissatisfied and expressed their opinions one after another.

And after Ye Chui came out into the kitchen, another ten minutes passed, and the moderator ’s live broadcast post was finally updated again: “Master Zheng Yun from Hanxiang Garden finally arrived, and he was interviewed by the reporter as soon as he arrived.”

"Master Zheng seems to have something to say, and now the whole hall of Manhan Building is quiet."

"I'm fucking, pit father. Master Zheng just said half of the words. The microphone in his hand suddenly broke down. Now the restaurant is messy. He can't hear what he said in the second half. He is changing other microphones. The first half of the sentence said: This cooking competition is no match "

After the moderator's live broadcast is posted in this message, the following is crazy.

"This culinary competition does not need to compare what Master Zheng will say next, he won?"

"It seems that Master Zheng is very confident!"

"I have been to Hanxiangyuan, and the cooking is very good. This Master Zheng is also a well-respected celebrity chef. It is said that he also went to the United States on behalf of the Chinese chef to do catering exchanges in the United States. These words, then he must have won the game. "

"Master Zheng really cows!"

"I still support Ye Chui!"

In just a few seconds, there were more than a dozen messages written out. Many people were full of curiosity about Zheng Yun's half-sentence, thinking that this is Zheng Yun's declaration of the competition.

However, the moderator ’s live post was finally updated again: "After Master Zheng changed his microphone, his words were finally spoken completely. What he said: I do n’t need to compare this cooking competition, I admit defeat!"

"I rely on!"


"He admits defeat directly?"

"Is there an inside story?"

A message is wailing ~ ~ In the kitchen of Man Han Luo, facing many shocked reporters, Zheng Yun who just hurried over and announced that he would admit defeat, Zheng said seriously to many reporters and continued: "Yes, I confessed directly. There is nothing inside. This is my real idea. I came to challenge Ye Cui half a month ago. I wanted to win the recipe for the red braised meat in Mr. Chui's Man Han Banquet. Mr. Chui made this dish by himself, and gave me a detailed and detailed explanation of the recipe, but I have done this dish many times in the past half a month, but I ca n’t make the taste of Mr. Ye Chui. What ’s the difference? I think it ’s because of the gap between my cooking skills and Master Ye Chui ’s cooking skills. I do n’t need to continue to compare this game. I lost.

Ps: Seeking recommendation tickets for monthly tickets

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