Reborn – Super Chef

Chapter 369: As a good food show host ...

Countless reporters and countless audiences are waiting to watch a good show. After all, it is the six-star chef who challenges them. They are full of expectations for this challenge. They believe that this challenge will be very exciting. The gimmick made everyone look forward to it, but as a result ... Zheng Yun immediately announced that he would admit defeat, and also said a lot of words, admitting the gap between his cooking skills and Ye Chui, convinced by mouth ... …

Everyone was surprised. What they wanted to see was not this. How could they even admit defeat?

Shady, there must be some shady inside!

Boiling on the Internet.

Various reporters in the Manhan Building, as well as people who came to see the lively people, also made voices of doubt and inquiry.

Zheng Yun's face was full of helplessness and eagerness. He actually wanted to challenge yesterday. Although he knew that he might lose, he didn't want to escape. However, he got up this morning and made the red braised meat again. , Aftertaste the dishes made by Ye Chuan, he became more and more aware of his gaps-after repeated repetitions these days, he has studied the recipe of the stew of red stewed meat to the extreme, but he still ca n’t make the Ye Ye demo The taste made at the time.

He is a six-star chef and is very sensitive to the taste. The subtle difference may not be obvious to others, but it is as obvious as the ink spots on the white paper, which makes him discouraged. Only then will you admit defeat.

In the kitchen of the Han Building, Ye Cui had heard Zheng Yun's decision from Han Yuyan.

"Directly admit defeat?" Ye Cui was surprised.

Han Yuyan's face was full of joy: "Yes, Master, Master Zheng is now being interviewed. He admits the difference between him and Master, so he confessed directly. Hey, Master, you are still the most powerful. "

"Broken!" Ye Cui was not as optimistic as Han Yuyan.

"What's wrong, Master?"

"A lot of people thought I was a bit overwhelmed when I put on this full-seat ring. Now a six-star chef admits to losing without a game. What do you think the average person thinks about this?" Ye Cui said with solemnity. .

Han Yuyan was stunned for a moment, but also wanted to understand what: "shady?"

Ye Chui nodded. People have already left the kitchen in a hurry.

Numerous reporters in the hall outside saw Ye Chup appearing, and immediately swarmed to surround Ye Chuo. They asked Ye Chui about Zheng Yun's initiative to admit defeat. Zheng Yun also saw Ye Chuan here, and he approached him. The reporter automatically gave way. Let the two meet.

"Master Ye, I admit defeat." Zheng Yun said darkly when he came to Ye Chui, "I'm convinced of Master Ye's cooking."

"Master Zheng, no one knows whether it is a win or a win before the game has started. Why do you take the initiative to admit defeat?" Ye Chui said sincerely. He could see that Zheng Yun should not deliberately admit defeat to make people think that the game is shady Come to wipe the black leaf drip, but really take Ye Cui's heart, and was shocked by Ye Cui's cooking.

Zheng Yun shook his head with admiration: "It's not difficult to cook red stewed meat, but I still need at least three years to ponder every step to make Master Ye's delicacy. This has proved a lot. No matter what, I still have self-knowledge. "

Heard Zheng Yun say this. There was another uproar around.

Ye Cui was just about to say a questioning voice suddenly shouted: "Not fair, this is just too unfair!"

The voice made everyone in the hall stunned, and then the others around the speaker immediately gave way to the place. Let this person's figure show up in the crowd, but it is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes-turned out to be the famous food show host, Bai Qiusong.

Ye Chui's full-seat contest was started because of his interview program, and today's game is very important, and he was also present.

At this moment, Bai Qiusong found that he had attracted everyone's attention, and then continued to say: "I admit defeat even without comparison. I think there is shady inside!"

Zheng Yun's complexion was still calm. Hearing these words. He blushed directly, and said angrily, "What do you mean?" Zheng Yun, who has been a chef for twenty years, has been down-to-earth. The reputation of Hanxiangyuan is well-known. What evidence do you have? Is there shady inside? "

"Master Zheng, you are also a six-star chef, but you have lost the match with Master Ye, which is too incredible? So I think there is shady inside!" Bai Qiusong said, looking around Others, "As a good food show host, I have a responsibility to point out, what do you think?"

"I also think there are some problems ..."

"I admit defeat even without comparing, is this too deliberate?"

"I also think there is a problem!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Zheng Yunqi's whole body was a little trembling. He was actually not a decent cook. When he came to challenge Ye Chui earlier, he also made up his mind to get a recipe from Ye Chuan. Although he had other ideas, he is now. It was indeed convinced by Ye Cui's cooking skills, honestly admit defeat, but did not expect to be suspected of shady, which made the unspeakable angry.

The most important thing is that with Bai Qiusong's words, the reporters and the onlookers all began to question this matter, and this is exactly what Ye Chui just worried about.

"A well-known six-star chef, don't come to fulfill my reputation, my face looks very big." Ye Chui was also angry, looking at Bai Qiusong with a taunt.

Bai Qiusong countered mockingly: "There are so many nobles around Master Ye, I think this is not impossible."

"The biggest noble person around me is me. Do you mean these are my hands and feet?" An old and majestic voice sounded, but Han Lao finally couldn't help but stand up, he came He looked at Bai Qiusong with a cold face next to Ye Chui, "My Han Xichang hasn't done such a nasty thing before. You don't explain this today. Believe it or not, I will sue you for slander!"

Lao Han was also completely irritated.

Bai Qiusong was taken a step back by being scared by Han Lao's unmatched momentum. One of his hands subconsciously covered his left ear-a headset was plugged into his left ear, and he seemed to be covering his ears. Hearing any instructions, I insisted and said, “I ’m just normal skepticism. If you want to prove that there is no shady story, please ask Master Ye to continue to compare Master Zheng, and cook this red braised meat. The dish invites Han Lao to taste the dish without knowing who made it, and selects the winning one. Of course, I hope to invite the three six-star chefs of your shop to stay outside in the process. "

Han Lao was originally the judge of today's competition, let Han Lao taste it without knowing who made the dish, and select the winner from it. This is for fairness.

And let Tian Xiaodu and others stay outside, in order to prevent the three people from going to cook for the leaf drop.

Bai Qiusong knows how to provoke the atmosphere to make everyone agree with himself. He glanced around: "Does this feel fair to me?"

"Fairness is fair enough, but if Master Zheng really wants to stand out for Ye Chuan, deliberately does not cook well and finally Ye Yehui won?"

"Yeah, besides Han Lao ... Han Lao may also deliberately release water. Who knows if there are any negotiated marks in the dishes made?"

When a game is suspected of being shady, it is obviously impossible to make people feel fair no matter what is done. Looking at the bustling look in the hall, Bai Qiusong's face shows a relaxed expression, and on his left ear Inside, He Chengqing's sneer also came over: "Bai Qiusong, well done."

——He Chengqing is telling Bai Qiusong how to do it through headphones at the moment!

"I am Tian Xiaodu, a six-star chef. I am here to bet the honor of my six-star chef."

Tian Xiaodu's indifferent voice suddenly rang, he walked to Ye Chui, glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Bai Qiusong's body. He continued: "I am willing to make this red with Master and Master Zheng. Braised meat. Many of the people present have eaten the red braised meat I made. I will do my best when making this dish. People who have eaten my dish after completion can come to try whether I have put water. My dishes are put together with Master ’s and Master Zheng ’s dishes, so that Mr. Han can choose the most delicious dishes without knowing who made the dish. Can this prove fair? ”

As Tian Xiaodu came out to maintain Ye Chuan, Qin Yiyue also stood up immediately: "I am a six-star chef Qin January, and I also joined."

Followed by Dong Qian: "I am a six-star chef Dong Qian, also join!"

The lobby is boiling again. Six-star chefs are already top chefs in China, and the six-star chefs working in a restaurant are all offered as ancestors without exception. Each of them is proud and they have reason to be proud. However, at the moment, the three six-star chefs in Manhanlou are willing to gamble on their honor to help the boss. Their approach is to admit that they are not as good as Ye Chu, even if they exert their best to make dishes, Ye Chu can still stand out.

This surprised many people.

Bai Qiusong's face twitched, and some self-confidently said: "Then ... that's not the same to prove that the game is fair ... Who knows if there will be a mark in the dish made by Ye Chuan for Han Han to recognize?"

Old Han's complexion became more ugly ~ ~ Suspected that he was releasing water?

He has been a foodie for fifty years now, and this is the first time someone doubts that he will make a fake while tasting food!

This Bai Qiusong doesn't seem to plan to be mixed up in the gourmet world in the future!

"I can monitor the whole process of cooking." At that time, Xing Sen's voice rang again. He squeezed the crowd and walked to Ye Chui's side. "With the honor of my gourmet criminal policeman as a guarantee, I monitored several chefs to prevent the cooking Someone makes a mark in the dish. How, is it fair enough? "

"Gourmet gumshoes?" Bai Qiusong came here today to make trouble and was reluctant, but the most feared thing in the food industry is to provoke the food gumshoes. His scared liver trembles at this moment, and he is busy. Say, "fair, of course fair!" (To be continued)

Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket ... This plot is too difficult to write. If you want to end it as soon as possible without appearing awkward, a chapter will take three or four hours.

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