At this time, Reese ordered all the fleets to retreat and prepare to launch nuclear weapons. The radar was also accurately locating master Ling. In the office of M continental alliance, deputy leader Mindray and all the hall leaders were waiting for the nuclear weapons to launch.

"Deputy leader, I didn't expect that in the past nearly 100 years, we could finally launch a nuclear weapon. Master Ling is dead this time." A hall leader said with a smile, as long as master Ling is dead, nothing is a problem. Their fleet must stop master Ling and kill him.

"Yes, master Ling is not the opponent of nuclear weapons at all. There is no doubt that he will die." Mindray said with a smile that he certainly knew that the fleet had brought a powerful nuclear weapon when it attacked. It's also the card of their fleet.

Of course, the nuclear weapons on the fleet are nothing at all. There are several powerful nuclear weapons hidden in the M continental alliance. This is the real card of the M continental alliance. After all, the cards of the M continental alliance are not just superficial ones.

All the hall leaders looked at the big screen, and they knew that as long as this medium-sized aircraft carrier was launched, master Ling would die, even if he could go to heaven and earth. At this time, the fleet, Reese a face of excitement, he was very excited to listen to the technical experts report.

"Report to leader, medium nuclear weapons are ready, enter the launch orbit, ready to launch."


With Reese's order, the aircraft carrier rushed out directly, flying out in the direction of Ling Feng. The speed was very fast, and the surrounding air was as frozen.

At this time, all the people who watched the live broadcast found the missile, and they had guessed that the weapon was the legendary nuclear weapon.

Unexpectedly, the M continental alliance finally used nuclear weapons, which shocked the world and made people scared.

"I didn't expect that the M continent actually used nuclear weapons. In order to deal with master Ling alone, the M continental alliance used the biggest card."

"The continental alliance has violated the restrictions and used nuclear weapons without authorization, which is too presumptuous."

Many people have said that many people's eyes follow the aircraft carrier. They are surprised. Some people even oppose the M continental alliance. An expert specially explained: "the fleet of M continental alliance is loaded with medium-sized nuclear weapons. The strength of M continental alliance is terrible, and the persecution of Li is even more amazing. The radiation generated after his explosion will be more than ten times of the sum of the two in the century war, Gen It was unthinkable. "

"I didn't expect that continental alliance m really used nuclear weapons to kill master Ling. Although the nuclear weapons are not the strongest, they are also very scared. I'm afraid that the Atlantic will be barren in the future. Ah, what a crime."

Many alliance experts said that although the M continental alliance uses medium-sized nuclear weapons this time, it is not the strongest for M Continental, but it is enough to deal with one person.

At this time, the nuclear weapon quickly toward the location of Ling Feng abandoned out, Ling Feng quietly standing on the deck, eyes looking at the distance, Firebird suddenly feel very uneasy, quickly said: "master Ling, how I suddenly feel very uneasy."

"Yes, it's too quiet now. It's terrible." Zhou Yuxin also quickly said, and Ling Feng just said with a smile: "don't worry, it has come."

"Ah, what do you say has come?" Firebird asked with a puzzled face.

"What else, nuclear weapons? It's very close to us." Ling Feng looked at the sky in front of him and said calmly.

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