"What did you say? Have they launched a nuclear weapon? " The Firebird asked in astonishment, even shaking all over. Just as they were talking, there was a vision in the sky.

Nuclear weapons are coming towards Ling Feng, and Ling Feng is still calm. He plans to fight against nuclear weapons hard. The whole sky is full of flames, as if he can swallow everything. Nuclear weapons are getting closer and closer to the forest wind. The hot breath and pressure have come to the yacht. Although the Aura barrier keeps blocking, the people on the boat can still feel it.

The whole space is shaking. The sea water beside the yacht has formed huge waves tens of meters high. Before it arrives, it has formed a terrible situation. We can see how terrible energy will be produced when this nuclear weapon is completely exploded.

As the yacht keeps avoiding the huge waves on the sea, it seems that it can go up in smoke at any time. Ling Feng is a little excited. Today, he can finally see what the so-called most terrible weapon on earth looks like, and his heart is even very excited.

Firebird, Zhou Lao and Zhou Yuxin are all shaking. They don't know what to do now? Because it is not ordinary missiles, but the most terrifying nuclear weapons, the most powerful and destructive weapons on earth.

"Everything will be OK, with Ling Feng in, I want to believe him." Firebird prays silently in his heart. Although he is a member of the team, he has never seen such a super scene. He can even feel how small he is under nuclear weapons.

"Peace, we will be safe." Zhou Lao and Zhou Yuxin also kept praying. Let alone them, it was the first time on earth that they used nuclear weapons to deal with a person. A terrible man.

The three Firebirds have closed their eyes and held their breath. Ling Feng's face is not right. He still stands in the same place and looks ahead. The chaotic aura in his body has burst out, and even the Hunyuan armor has come out. Dozens of aura covers cover the yacht. Ling Feng believes that he can resist it, but they can't bear it. So Ling Feng must strengthen the aura barrier, To protect the yacht.

Ling Feng is standing on the deck. He is going to use Hunyuan armor to fight against nuclear weapons. This Hunyuan armor is formed after Ling Feng's infant period and the evolution of aura armor. It combines Ling Feng's chaotic aura and is very terrifying.

This Hunyuan armor is a rare skill in the whole fairyland. This is also the magic power that Ling Feng realized after he entered the yuan infant period. He used to kill all kinds of monsters and ferocious beasts in the world with Hunyuan armor.

Today, although he can only play a Hunyuan armor one thousandth of the strength, but carrying nuclear weapons is no problem, Ling Feng is full of confidence in himself. At this time, the nuclear weapons have come down, closer and closer to Ling Feng, even Ling Feng can feel the hot breath rushing over.


When the nuclear weapon collided with Ling Feng's aura field, it exploded instantly. The sound of the explosion was earth shaking. A huge fireball formed in the center of the nuclear explosion, and then rushed to the sky. The surrounding air solidified instantly, and the whole space was burning with high temperature, and the whole sea was ablaze.

Powerful aftershocks around, the sea set off hundreds of meters of waves, the whole sea rolled up, the fire lit up the whole space.

And the people who saw the nuclear explosion in the live broadcast were very shocked. They could not imagine this kind of phenomenon. It was so terrible.

"This nuclear weapon is too terrible. It's a pity that master Ling can destroy everything under this kind of explosion."

"But master Ling is also very strong. In the face of nuclear weapons, he never changes his face. Even if he dies, he will spread all over the world and be known as the strongest warrior."

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