"I'll go, Mr. Ling. As long as you say, I can eat as much as you give me. Once this kind of thing goes on the market, as long as the publicity is well done, it really has such a magical effect, and the channel and distribution are not a matter at all. But I want to ask, Mr. Ling, how do you plan to sell? Have you confirmed the sales crowd? "Mai Qi looks at Ling Feng and takes the lead in saying that his whole face is full of excitement.

He understood that when Ling Feng asked them to come today, he couldn't just let them find channels. He had to pull them to cooperate. If they cooperated with master Ling, what would that mean? It means that master Ling and them are tightly tied together. If so, I'm afraid that before long, the Mai family will become the largest rich family in Haicheng besides Jiang family, and there is master Ling behind them!

"It's up to you, but I don't think the price should be too expensive. In any case, these things are just water and fruit. If the price is too high, no one can continue to use them, whether they can live a long life or improve the cultivation of martial arts, but they have to last. I think the cost of one person a year is about three or four million It's OK, and I only drink a bottle of water and a fruit every day, but do you think the real rich and family power will only eat one fruit every day? " Lingfeng light said!

Yes, in the whole world, the richest people in the southeast league are the highest. But if the price is too high, and if you need to take it continuously, then there are too few acceptable levels. What Ling Feng wants is the quantity. As long as the quantity can drive up, then there will be more and more money!

"Yes, Mr. Ling is right. I feel that our fruit is calculated according to Jin. In this way, watermelon, apple, pear, litchi, grape and so on, all fruits can become lingguo. But Mr. Ling, how long is the shelf life of this thing?" Jiang Tianyi was not as excited as Mai Qi. He bowed his head and thought about it for a while, then asked the most crucial question!

"Shelf life? The fruit and water infused with aura don't need a shelf life at all. These things become aura fruit and aura grass. Even after a hundred years, they will remain the same as they are now! " Lingfeng light said!

"I'll go. It's a must-have product for gift giving. It will definitely become a trend for gift giving in the future. Mr. Ling, you can give it to me. I promise you a revenue of 50 billion yuan within one year. How about that?" Jiang Tianyi stood up and said excitedly!

"Master Jiang, how can you do this? Mr. Ling, give it to my Mai family, and I'll guarantee with my head that the annual revenue will be 70 billion! " Hearing Jiang Tianyi's words, Mai Qi immediately stood up and said!

"Well, I'll call you to discuss this matter. Master Jiang, I asked you to give Lingqi vegetables to the Zou family before. I'll compensate you Jiang family for lingguo and Lingshui. I'll give you 20% equity of Jiang family and 15% equity of Mai family. Whatever you do, I won't set a task for you, but one thing, you two are not allowed to play for me What's the trick. " Ling Feng said with a smile!

After hearing Ling Feng's words, Jiang Tianyi and Mai Qi were stunned. Although they thought that Ling Feng would give them some benefits, they didn't expect that Ling Feng was so generous that they gave them 35% shares together, which may be worth hundreds of billions in the future. After all, this profit is calculated according to 10 billion!

"Too much for us, Mr. Ling!" Mai Qi said quickly! Jiang Tianyi was also ready to say something, but Ling Feng interrupted them and said faintly: "I believe no one will have a problem with money. There is an old saying in ancient times that if you want a horse to run fast, you must give it good food. I'll leave these sales matters to you. You register a company as a partner and discuss with my sister-in-law. Lingshi group accounts for 65% of the shares. The rest are you, and you are also in charge. So we have to work hard for you in the future. In the future, we will have more products on the market! "

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