"Mr. Ling, I see. Can we take a bottle of water and fruit?" Jiang Tianyi looks at Ling Feng and asks excitedly.

"Well, you take it!"

Ling Feng waves and says that Jiang Tianyi and Mai Qi each take some spirit fruit and a bottle of spirit water and leave Longyu villa in a hurry. After finishing these things, Ling Feng looks at the corpse of spirit beast in front of him. He plans to go to Zou Yuehua and reopen a restaurant to cook food with spirit beast meat! Think of here, Ling Feng go out, directly toward the Yuehua hotel!

"Mr. Ling!"

Zou Yuehua, who received the phone call from Lingfeng, had been waiting for Lingfeng at the door of the hotel for a long time. When he saw Lingfeng appear, he quickly stepped forward and said respectfully!

"Well, I came here today to tell you something!" Ling Feng and Zou Yuehua go to the most luxurious box inside. Ling Feng sits directly on the sofa and says faintly!

"Mr. Ling, please tell me!" Zou Yuehua respectfully stood aside and asked!

"I want to open the most luxurious and luxurious hotel in Haicheng, and we only provide standard meals, with an admission fee of 200000 yuan for each person, but we are free to serve one meat, one flower, one vegetable and one soup!" Ling Feng looked at Zou Yuehua, light said!

Hearing Ling Feng's words, Zou Yuehua was stunned. Even Haicheng International Hotel didn't dare to be so late. The admission fee was 200000 yuan, and everyone had only three dishes and one soup. Could it make money? But Zou Yuehua didn't dare to ask Ling Feng why. He could only say euphemistically, "Mr. Ling, you know the situation of Haicheng. I think if this kind of high consumption hotel has no characteristics, I'm afraid no one will come?"

"You have a point, but what if it's fried with these meats and your aura vegetables?" Lingfeng big hand wave, a piece of beast tiger meat appears in his hands, Lingfeng on the table, light said!

"What is this? No, how can this meat be the same as aura vegetables? Mr. Ling, do you mean to cook with these dishes? " Seeing the spirit animal meat in front of her, Zou Yuehua said in shock.

"Yes, do you still think it's expensive? These meats are more effective than your aura vegetables. I just want to give you 20% of the shares of this restaurant. Would you like it or not? " Ling Feng said with a smile!

"In this case, I'd like to, master Ling. How about the location of Yuehua hotel? I'll redecorate the Yuehua Hotel, and then open it. As for the dishes, I'll make a decision with you after my research?" You can decide these things by yourself. If you don't have enough, you can come to me or go to the distillery in the eastern suburb of Haicheng to find the old man beside Qi hang! " Feng Ling said lightly.


Just when Ling Feng and Zou Yuehua wanted to say something more, Ling Feng's mobile phone rang. He took a look, it was a strange number. As soon as the answer was answered, a girl's voice rang out from the opposite side.

"Ling Feng, I'm back. You will not forget me

Hearing this voice, Ling Feng is very excited. Even he is always called cold-blooded. His eyes are red. Ling Feng says excitedly: "yue'er, you're back at last. Where are you?"

"I'm at Haicheng International Airport now. Are you surprised? I'm waiting for you at the airport. Come and meet me quickly!" Lin Yue's gentle voice came from the phone!

"I'll be right here. You wait for me!" Ling Feng said excitedly, hung up the phone directly, then looked at Zou Yuehua and said: "Mr. Zou, I have something to do. Let's go first! "

after that, Ling Feng rushes out of Yuehua Hotel and calls Jiang Tianyi.

"Hello, Mr. Ling, do you have anything else to explain?"

As soon as the phone is connected, Jiang Tianyi's confused voice comes from there. They have just left Longyu villa. Why did master Ling call again!

"OK, now don't say anything else. You prepare a car for me to meet people at the airport. Lin Yue is back!" Lingfeng light said!

"OK, Mr. Ling, don't worry. I'll drive there myself. Where are you now? Or I'll pick you up and we'll go there together? " Jiang Tianyi quickly said that for Lin Yue, he just heard of it in his daughter Jiang yu'er's mouth and said it was Ling Feng's fiancee!

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