"By the way, have there been any special or important events these days?" Ling Feng asked. He felt that Mira, the God, was dead, and the whole East Asia would shake.

Jianling looked at Ling Feng and said, "after the young master went to the Tianta that day, the news of Mila's death came out in the evening. Then this incident caused a sensation in East Asia. One of Mila's disciples, rocky, held a press conference and said that he wanted to be irreconcilable with the young master. He wanted to avenge his master!"

"Oh, is there anything else?" Ling Feng has no expression at all. For him, rocky is just an ant!

"By the way, rocky also said that you assassinated Mira, the God, with extremely despicable tactics. Then the people of East Asia expressed their desire to kill the young master. Later, the countries of East Asia announced the establishment of an alliance to arrest the young master. They knew that the young master was in the Tamsui lake, so they sent tens of thousands of troops outside the Tamsui lake to arrest the young master at a discount."

Jianling tells Ling Feng what happened recently in a few words. Although Ling Feng's face is calm, his heart is also very surprised. He didn't expect that Mira, the God of God, has such a great influence that all the countries in East Asia can unite together to capture themselves and avenge Mira!

Mira is a talented person. It's no exaggeration to be the first in East Asia, but he really hates his influence!

"It's interesting that so many things have happened Ling Feng sneers. He doesn't care about them at all. They are just a bunch of ants. Ling Feng is not afraid at all. He doesn't have any fear in his heart. But they are all small countries. In Ling Feng's eyes, they are just a bunch of mobs. Even country m is nothing in Ling Feng's eyes. Let alone them, they dare to treat themselves like this. It's a shame Knowing life and death, Ling Feng frowned, and the whole East Asia was challenging his majesty, which was also disrespectful to the sword emperor!

"Young master, shall we leave the ghost state first now?" The sword spirit looks at Ling Feng to say again!

"Mila, you don't have to worry about taking revenge on them. I'm afraid I'll take revenge on them!"

Ling Feng's murderous spirit is released instantly, and the temperature of the whole hall suddenly drops. It's like entering the ice cellar. Ouyang bear has been shivering at the discount. He looks at Ling Feng with shivering eyes, only worship!

although Ling Feng is very unhappy now, he knows that the most important thing now is to find Zhang Shaojun's treasure. Only when he gets Zhang Shaojun's treasure, can he clean them up!

Ling Feng looked at the two women and said, "I'm going to Tamsui lake. You two are here waiting for me to come back! Do you understand? "

"Take us with you, young master. We are willing to follow you to the death." The two women said at the same time!

But Ling Feng waved his hand and said, "no, you are here waiting for me to come back. It's dangerous to go to this place. Your cultivation is not enough. Stay here!"

Hear Ling Feng's words, although the two women are very lost, but still nodded, Ling Feng's words for them, is the absolute order!

"Be careful!"

After that, Ling Feng left, a flash of light, Ling Feng disappeared in place again!

In Tanshui lake, Ling Feng stands on the Tianta and looks at the whole Tanshui lake. A few days ago, he was here to enlighten Mila. Mila left the world with a smile and was reborn!

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