Mila once said before she died that the bottom of the Tianta is the place where Zhang Shaojun's treasure was hidden. It's very difficult to enter. The first level is the combination of lightning array and sword array, and the difficulty of each level increases exponentially. Those who can pass the test can obtain the legendary cultivation secret treasure!

Ling Feng is very interested in this. When ling'er left, she once said that there is a spiritual vein in ghost state, but it seems to be imprisoned. It should be here. Ling Feng wants to see how powerful the so-called lightning is!

At this time, at a monitoring point of Danshui lake, a man looked at the display screen in front of him and excitedly reported to his superior: "report, we found a suspicious person, suspected to be master Ling, just above the Tianta, he appeared!"

"Got it!"

The regiment directly under the first liaison department is in charge of the Alliance Army. Its leader is Lisa, known as general laser. This time, master Ling was arrested. He asked to take the initiative to attack, so he joined the Alliance Army and set up a regiment directly under it. There are more than 8000 people under his command!

Over the past few days, they haven't found any sign of master Ling, which makes Lisa very depressed. He is known as laser, which focuses on speed attack. But there is no news of master Ling, which makes him have a kind of wormhole with fire and no place to send. Now master Ling appears in the Tianta, naturally very excited. As long as he takes master Ling, he is the benefactor of the whole East Asia!

"Give me the order. The first team will attack, the second team will detour back to intercept him, and the third team will maneuver!" Lisa gave the order the first time.

There are more than 1000 people in the three teams, and armed helicopters. They drive towards master Ling. Lisa is very excited. He doesn't believe master Ling can resist the hot weapon attack of these 1000 people. With armed helicopters, master Ling can't run at all!

Lisa's plan is very simple. The helicopter is the first to fire, equipped with super technology howitzer, which is very powerful. If master Ling escapes to the ground, then there are 1000 fully armed people waiting for him on the ground!

And Lisa is sitting in the office, watching how master Ling is cleaned up by them through the screen!

Ling Feng, standing at the top of the tower, felt something unusual and frowned. Soon the sound of a helicopter came from the air, and there were a thousand armed soldiers on the ground!

"You've made a lot of money. A thousand people and helicopters are similar. I'll help you directly!" Ling Feng said very plainly that he wanted to enter the bottom of the lake, but he didn't expect that he was found by the Alliance Army hidden nearby. In this case, let's play with them first!

"Bang bang!"

After seeing Ling Feng, the helicopters in the air fired wildly and used howitzers to attack. The whole air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Master Ling, I'd like to see how powerful you are. Under our fierce attack, you are estimated to be dead!" A helicopter pilot said laughing!

But all the bullets and grenades have been frozen in the air, simply unable to move forward, Ling Feng stood there, like the gods in general, out of reach!

Just now, he used the chaotic aura to freeze all the bullets and shells in the air, unable to move forward at all!

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