"Master Ling is too strong. He is even stronger than expected. We underestimated his combat effectiveness. What should we do now?"

"Master Ling is not afraid of group attack at all. One person killed the whole optical brigade. We should be careful. There will be a hard battle next!"

Several of them were talking about the war, and their hearts were very shocked!

"Next, we need to make a new battle plan to deal with master Ling. We can't make any mistakes, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

Ogawa Xiong'er frowned and said seriously. He is the person in charge of biochemical mecha and the most powerful person here!

"No, time can't be delayed. Master Ling is getting closer and closer to us. If he delays further, he will arrive at the base!" a sub captain looked at the radar display and said!

At this time, in the Xijing battle conference room, the picture of Ling Feng killing the whole optical biochemical mecha team has been presented to everyone. At first, they don't believe it, but the fact is that they spend a lot of money and rely on the ultimate power. The biochemical mecha team is vulnerable and destroyed in front of Ling Feng!

This result is hard for several senior executives to accept. After all, each biochemical mecha soldier is accumulated with countless military expenses, which costs more time and cost. Now they are all killed in less than ten minutes, which makes several senior executives very sad. They think the old man sighed and said: "Master Ling array is not simple. I didn't expect that the whole optical biochemical mecha brigade was destroyed by him alone!"

"Yes, who could have thought that master Ling would be so powerful? I really don't know how to deal with master Ling later. This man must not stay. If he doesn't get rid of it, there will be endless trouble for the turtle alliance in the future."

The old man nodded with a murderous look in his eyes and a powerful pressure on his body. This pressure will be owned by people who are in high positions all year round. He looked at it and said with a smile: "although we lost the first war, they will attack master Ling crazily and kill him. Let's watch!"

For the old man, the temporary failure is not in his eyes. The next will be the ultimate World War I, biochemical mecha brigade against master Zhan Ling!

At this time, in the biochemical mecha base, Okawa quickly formulated the next battle plan!

"Start scheme 1. All soldiers on the island will enter level I combat preparation. We must not let master Ling close to our base. In addition, let all the biochemical mecha troops go out and kill master Ling with all their strength!"

With the order issued by akiji Okawa, the whole island has been busy. It is on first-class combat alert. As soon as master Ling appears, he will attack immediately and show no mercy. There are thousands of troops on the island, which are well-equipped. Although they are not as powerful as biochemical mecha troops, they are also equipped with all kinds of cutting-edge thermal weapons. There are unmanned fighters on the whole island, Heavy tanks, wait!

Even on the Bund sea, there is a whole naval combat brigade, including destroyers, submarines and frigates. Now the second bear of Okawa is waiting for master Ling to appear, and then he will directly kill him on the sea to eliminate the harm for the turtle alliance!

The whole island is very depressed and full of gunpowder. While Okawa is staring at the big screen in the battle command center, he is waiting for master Ling to appear and must kill master Ling!

At this time, Ling Feng flew with his indifferent sword on the sea. He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the biochemical mecha base. In addition, Ling Feng was very surprised that another great spirit vein was nearby!

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