Previously, the big spiritual pulse that formed the wisdom told Ling Feng that there was still a big spiritual pulse in the sea to the East. At this time, he could feel the excitement of the big spiritual pulse in the Hunyuan ring. It seems that this harvest will be very big. While solving these annoying ants, another big spiritual pulse can also work under him!

Ling Feng smiled. At this time, dozens of people appeared in front of him again. They looked serious and stood in the air, as if they were waiting for Ling Feng. They were biochemical mecha soldiers, and they attacked together this time to kill master Ling!

"Master Ling, hurry to catch, you are not our opponent!" one of them looked at Ling Feng and said, flowers and swords are full of confidence!

"Just you, just a bunch of mole ants. The emperor can kill you with a sword today!" Ling Feng despised it very much. He didn't pay attention to these more than ten people at all, but a bunch of mole ants. He wouldn't look at them more!

"Master Ling, you are too arrogant, but after today, master Ling will no longer exist in the world. No, listen to the order, lock master Ling and prepare for fire energy gun!"

A middle-aged man said that he was the captain of the second fire department. Like Yamazaki, he also had more than 20 people under his hand! At this time, all the biochemical mecha teams are ready to go to battle. The biochemical mecha team with nearly 100 intelligent people is mighty against master Ling. Their strength is no less than that of the optical team,. They are all transformed by high-tech machinery. They are very strong and powerful. They are all high-tech. then, the black muzzle of their arms is all aimed at Ling Feng!

Like transformers, each of them has undergone reform all over except the brain, and several middle-aged people in front shouted at the same time: "blow him to death!"

"Bang bang!"

A series of fire energy cannons rushed towards Ling Feng, like raindrops. It can be said that the whole biochemical mecha force is the product of high-tech crystallization. It has strong attack power and fast speed. One person is enough to resist 10000 troops, or even stronger. This is the biochemical mecha force continuously developed by the turtle alliance, These years have awed a lot of allies. Facing the attack like raindrops, Ling Feng didn't put it on him. A aura mask had been automatically formed outside his body!

"Bang bang!"

The fire energy shelled on the aura shield. Except for the strong explosion, it did not cause any damage to Ling Feng, and even the aura shield was not broken!

This aura shield is composed of the external forces of Ling Feng's aura armor. Although its defense is not as good as aura armor, it is also very powerful. This kind of fire energy gun can't be destroyed at all. Ling Feng moves forward step by step, as if ignoring the attack!

"What's going on? Our attack can't hurt master Ling!"

"Is this guy still human? He's a monster. It's terrible!"

The people in the biochemical mecha army were shocked. They knew the power of fire energy guns. Even ZTE hall guests with strong defense could break through in an instant, but their attack had no effect on master Ling! Several biochemical mecha captains feel incredible!

"Is master Ling invincible? It's too terrible!"

"God, tell me how to kill this demon!"

For the means shown by Ling Feng, several captains lamented that it was beyond their imagination. How can they not be afraid of being so strong!

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