However, I can also tell you one thing. The inheritance of the Pangu nationality does not repel you, mainly because of the chaotic aura in your body. This is the best thing to deal with the divine world and the biggest secret. It will make you go farther and farther on the road of killing God. But you remember, don't use the chaotic aura when you're not sure you can kill the enemy, Because the main gods in the divine world will never allow a God that threatens them to exist, you know!

Our Pangu inheritance and chaotic aura can't be shown in front of outsiders. I didn't expect you to enter the divine world so soon. Maybe all this is doomed. Well, it's doomed that our Pangu family still has inheritance and has not been destroyed. Well, child, your real strength is still too weak. Now you should strive to improve your own accomplishments. Before you improve your accomplishments, Don't worry about chaos aura and our Pangu family!

You want to be a God that makes everyone fear. Only when you can face the ears of the top ten gods in ancient times can your strength be really strong! When people look up to you, those people will be afraid of you, son. Your former master of the cave is the best friend of the Eastern god king, but what you didn't expect is that he is your senior brother and the last existence of our Pangu family,

After I died, the Pangu clan fought with the divine world for three months, and almost everyone died, but he survived and lurked in the divine world. All this went very smoothly, but for hundreds of thousands of years, I suddenly couldn't feel his existence. I don't know what happened. You have to work hard! Well, boy, you have to find him and find him to share your pressure and tasks. You remember, I hope you live for yourself. Well, I'm leaving. Come on and live! "

After hearing that, the voice in Ling Feng's mind gradually disappeared, and there was no sound in Ling Feng's mind. Ling Feng opened his eyes and his eyes were full of shock. He didn't expect that the friend of the Eastern god king, the former owner of the cave, was a Pangu people. To Ling Feng's even more surprise, his senior brother, had been in the divine world for so many years, Finally, he ran away. What's the matter?

Ling Feng also had some doubts, but ah, I believe that up to now, the elder martial brother's potential has been confiscated. At least they don't know his real identity. Otherwise, the Eastern god king would have been over!

"You can rest assured. Similarly, I don't have any choice. I can only move forward all the time. For my home, for the whole earth and for the fairyland, I must move forward, although I have been chosen?" Ling Feng said to himself. He has chosen, so there is no way to get lucky. Since this is the earth he wants to protect, Since he wants to protect the whole fairyland, he has only one way, that is, keep walking forward! Before others notice the Pangu flavor on him, Ling Feng should have absolute strength. Otherwise, hundreds of millions of lives and families behind him will disappear!


Ling Feng sighed. Now he really didn't know what to do, but he didn't have any way back, and he didn't think about what the voice told him. Now Ling Feng has only one wish, that is to practice quickly!

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