Since he wants to protect the whole fairyland, he has only one way, that is, keep walking forward! Before others notice the Pangu flavor on him, Ling Feng should have absolute strength. Otherwise, hundreds of millions of lives and families behind him will disappear!


Ling Feng sighed. Now he really didn't know what to do, but he didn't have any way back, and he didn't think about what the voice told him. Now Ling Feng has only one wish, that is to practice quickly!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng closed his eyes and entered the cultivation again. I don't know how many days later, Ling Feng still closed his eyes and didn't move. What he didn't know was that his body had been transformed and his whole body had a light. At this time, Ling Feng's breath had completely retreated, and no one would say that he was a mole ant from the six realms, At this time, he is the real first-class God!

Moreover, Ling Feng's spirit is more pure than other gods, which means that Fengling and others are not in front of them, otherwise they will be surprised, because Ling Feng can't be said to be a God at this time, because his momentum has been regarded as a God King! But his cultivation is still a god!

On the other side, the spirit guard is on wanjian mountain, quietly feeding the captive of the Eastern god king to use force. With his endurance, he has long been used to everything in wanjian mountain. Even when he is alone, he often likes to talk to himself!

"The smell is that master has come back?"

Suddenly, the guardian frowned and felt it, and then said in surprise. After that, he rushed out directly and rushed to the Eastern god King's palace. He wanted to greet the Eastern god king. This is what he must do every time!

However, at the moment of his departure, he thought of Ling Feng. He thought that Ling Feng was still practicing in the cave. He thought that he accidentally opened the entrance of the divine world in advance and let Ling Feng out. Thinking of this, he trembled all over and even panicked on his face. He didn't know what to say!

But just when the guardian didn't know how to greet him, a light flickered and a figure appeared in front of the guardian. When the guardian saw it, he quickly knelt down and said, "master!"

The vigil has formed an instinct. Every time he sees the Eastern god king, he kneels on the ground like this, and then says very respectfully. At this time, the Eastern god king, who has just finished the God King conference, comes over with a trace of anger on his face and says faintly: "who asked you to open the door? Don't you know if this matter is about your life? You must give me a satisfactory answer!"

When the Eastern god king just came back, he already knew that Ling Feng was there, but he couldn't go directly to Ling Feng. He wanted to find the guardian and ask about the situation, so he was deciding what to do with Ling Feng

"Shifu, you said this. If the other party breaks through the barrier and comes to the entrance of the divine world, I can open the door for him. He has passed through the barrier. I have no reason not to open the entrance of the divine world!" the guardian knelt on the ground trembling and said pale!

"What do you say? How could he cross the border? I think you must be playful. Don't you know how to let the magic dog out? How could he break through when there is a magic dog? Do you know that if others know this, we will all die. Do you understand?" the Eastern god king looked at the guardian in front of him and scolded loudly!

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