"Are you planning to shoot in the mainland, or are you planning to go to the United States?" Ye Zishu asked.

What they said before was that they planned to put the shooting location in the United States, so that the cost of traveling for the actors would be much lower, and it would also allow the production team to experience an international atmosphere.

But Zhang Guoli said: "Originally we planned to put it abroad, but after comprehensive consideration, I think it is more appropriate to shoot in China.

We have already set up a shooting base in Huairou, and the future shooting work will be completed in this shooting base. We think the overall cost is lower than that abroad.

If it is filmed in the United States, the number of people we can go to is very limited. It is different when shooting in China. Everyone in the entire company can go to the shooting site to observe and learn. "

Ye Shu didn't object to Zhang Guoli's arrangement. Before, he just suggested that the specific implementation depends on the specific situation. Since the cost is lower in China, it is of course better to shoot in China.

Moreover, Shengshi Film and Television Company does face some practical problems, that is, the relative lack of talents. The talents here refer to Shengshi Film and Television Company's own talents.

There are still quite a lot of people engaged in the film and television industry in China, but they are all in various national art troupes, and the talents who really belong to Shengshi Film and Television Company are very scarce.

In order to match one's fame and strength, cultivating one's own talents is an indispensable link. If this can be achieved, spending a little more money is actually acceptable.

In fact, Ye Zishu is very dissatisfied with the spending ability of its subsidiaries. Those companies with strong profitability always keep a lot of cash in their hands.

In the past, it could be said that he needed the funds of these enterprises to support the development of other enterprises under his banner, but now there is no such thing at all.

Only by spending money can you earn more money. You can only earn interest in your bank account, and as a commercial enterprise, earning interest is the lowest investment method.

"Before, I needed funds from Shengshi Record Company, Shengshi Film and Television Company and Shengshi Advertising Company to support the development of my other industries, so that you can keep a lot of cash.

Now this situation has been greatly improved. In the future, most of your funds will be in your own hands, which means that you will learn to use the funds to reinvest and expand the company's business scale.

You only need to maintain a certain safe capital line in the account, and the remaining funds can be used for investment. I hope that your ability to invest in this area will be improved as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

Zhang Guoli heard Ye Zishu's words,

Quite surprised, knowing that a month ago, he went to Shengshi Film and Television Company to take away 5 billion yuan of funds. How could he be told in a blink of an eye that he would not need the financial support of Shengshi Film and Television Company in the future.

"Mr. Ye, I would like to take the liberty to ask, have you solved the problem of the source of funds?" Zhang Guoli asked in a low voice.

This question should not have been asked by his subordinates, but he really couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he asked it out boldly.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "That's true. On the one hand, some industries invested in before have entered the payback period or will soon enter the payback period, and can basically achieve self-sufficiency.

On the other hand, I have a company under my management that is developing well. It doesn’t matter if I tell you, but don’t spread the word, that is Taiji Group. "

When Zhang Guoli heard Taiji Group, his eyes showed confusion, and he said, "Sorry, I don't have any impression of this company. What is the main business?"

Taiji Health Care Company is the kind of company that makes a fortune quietly. The health care product industry itself is not well-known, and they don't promote too much, even if the promotion is to promote the product itself.

Previously, Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing to prepare a package of publicity plans, and publicized them in the usual way of promoting health products, but it turned out that there was no need to do so at all.

Different from ordinary health care products, as long as you use the health care products of Taiji Health Products Company, you can obviously feel the effect. As long as you try it, relying on word of mouth, it is more useful than advertisements.

It is precisely because of this that Tai Chi Health Care Co., Ltd. spends a certain amount of money on advertising, but it is much lower than other health care products.

In addition, the marketing is a direct sales model, which saves a lot of agency costs for middlemen, resulting in most of the profits being in their own hands, and the net profit margin is surprisingly high.

It is precisely because it is expected that their revenue scale will become larger and larger, and sooner or later everyone will know that this is such a profitable golden baby, so he intends to merge Wancheng Foundation into Taiji Group.

Once Wancheng Foundation becomes a subsidiary of Taiji Group, it means that huge funds will become internal investment costs, and the scale of taxation will be much smaller. It is difficult to understand the whole picture of the company's operations from the perspective of taxation.

From the perspective of external investment, they can only draw the conclusion that Taiji Group is very profitable, but it is difficult to figure out how profitable it is.

In this way, a lot of troubles will be avoided, and the money will move people's hearts. At that time, no matter whether they think they are capable or have the strength, they will come to buy shares one after another.

This is also different from technology companies. Technology companies are very concerned by the state. It is very difficult to make small moves. Once they make trouble, they will not have good results.

What's more, the secret to the success of technology companies is science and technology. Without this, money is useless, and all the technology patents of his companies belong to him, and he only authorizes the company to use them.

This means that he is really tearing his face apart. He can completely abandon the existing industry and rebuild a better technology industry group in a short period of time.

But health care products are different. Although there are problems with formula, health care products do not have a particularly good impression in the minds of ordinary people, and the degree of national attention is not too much.

If he really had to do something, it would be quite troublesome for him, but he hated trouble very much. Instead of using his energy to deal with this kind of trouble, he might as well focus his energy on developing science and technology.

He doesn't mind others knowing that Taiji Group is very profitable, after all it is impossible to completely hide it, but he hopes that others will not know the whole picture, and that is enough.

It's like hearing that a rich family has gold in it, and others just lament that the other family has money, but when others know that the family has 10,000 taels of gold in it, the situation is different.

It is estimated that even the beggars on the side of the road must try their best to get a vote, because they will evaluate the risk and the ratio of gain. Once they succeed, the reward is far greater than the risk. Even if there is a risk of beheading, a large number of people ignore it.

"Wealth should not be exposed", the ancestor told us long ago, he would not make such low-level mistakes, and now he does not need the revenue of Taiji Group to prove himself.

He hopes that his persona in the eyes of the public will still be a star + a technology leader, both of which can gain a good reputation in China. "Science and technology are the primary productive forces" is not just talking, it can play a good role in himself. Protect.

Seeing Ye Zishu's serious warning, Zhang Guoli immediately said, "Mr. Ye, don't worry, I won't say a single word out of my mouth."

Hearing Zhang Guoli's words, Ye Zishu laughed and said, "Don't be too nervous, this company makes health products, and you know the current domestic situation.

You also understand the truth of not revealing wealth. In fact, not only this company, but the companies under my umbrella should develop silently. Don't make high-profile, strength is the key. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli relaxed a little, and said, "Boss Ye is right!"

The business leaders he is looking for are those who are practical and capable, and those who talk too much. Even if they are capable, he dare not use them. Who knows when they will be messed up.

What he needs now is to accumulate his personal strength, and at the same time to accumulate strength for the country. When the time comes, he will naturally ride the wind and waves and fly thousands of miles. There is no need to earn a short time.


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