Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 250 Abandoning the Nanny Mentality (1/4)

Although Zhang Guoli was still curious about how much money the Taiji Group could provide to the boss, he chose not to ask. This should not be something he can ask.

"There will definitely be more and more funds in your accounts in the future, and investment will become one of your most important tasks in the future. How to effectively operate these funds, you need to think carefully about this issue.

There must be many places to invest, but I still hope that you can focus on investment in the film and television entertainment industry. Compared with other developed countries, my country's entertainment content is still too little.

Now there is a serious discrepancy between entertainment content and the ever-growing public demand. I hope you will continue to increase investment in the entertainment content industry, with the emphasis on investment in the film and television industry.

Investment in the film and television industry is divided into two parts. The first part is basic investment in the film and television industry, such as film and television shooting bases. Although we have special effects software, we basically don’t need to do so.

But I think it is still necessary to do this. On the one hand, it can reduce the cost and time of post-production, and on the other hand, it can be operated as a tourism project, which can solve a large number of employment problems.

Technology is important, but relying entirely on technology will gradually lose the essence of expressing content. Filming still needs to be down-to-earth. Technology can solve some problems, but not all problems.

The second part is high-quality and large-scale content production. At present, you still have some shortcomings in this area. I hope you can continue to expand your thinking and strive to break through the current predicament.

I know that there are practical reasons for the development of your business, but I think this should not be a shackle that restricts your development. There are many ways to open up new situations.

For example, you can set up a special film and television investment department to cooperate with film and television talents from all over the country, especially various TV stations, which have a lot of director resources.

But they generally lack funds, and you have sufficient funds. Your cooperation should complement each other's advantages and create another situation.

Of course, such cooperation can only increase the scope and scale of your investment, but it cannot guarantee the prosperity and stability of Shengshi Film and Television Company for a long time. After all, you can cooperate or not.

When local TV stations become richer, they must also want to invest independently. After all, there are talents and funds, so there is no need to share profits with others.

So cooperation is important, but the development and training of your own talents is equally important. You must come up with a set of talent training mechanisms to make up for this shortcoming as soon as possible.


You are not only a localized film and television company, but also an international film and television company. You can establish branches in every major film and television market.

On the one hand, it is close to the main market, so it can keep abreast of market demand, better produce film and television content close to the local market, and tap the talent resources in the market at that time.

On the other hand, creative inspiration can be drawn from all over the world, nutrition can be absorbed from other cultures, and the film and television content created must naturally have international attributes.

Your acquisition of Miramax is an attempt in this regard. In the future, you need to continue to do this, and strive to achieve the ability to go out and bring it back.

Our Chinese civilization has never been a civilization that rests on its laurels. We naturally have to learn from other people's excellent cultures, make them part of our culture, and integrate them into our cultural system.

But we can’t learn everything, we must combine the core of our culture and identify the dross that has a strong destructive force on our culture, so as to avoid the phenomenon of cultural loss.

Of course, our excellent culture can also be properly displayed to the outside world and export our own cultural influence. This strategy will also be a long-term research topic for you. "Leaf Book said.

To be honest, the domestic ability to operate capital is indeed a bit lacking. Ye Zishu himself has some experience, but he needs to focus on technology.

In contrast, capital operation is not worth the loss for him. Perhaps capital gains are easy for ordinary people, but in his opinion, they are far from the benefits brought by high technology.

Take Lingtong Technology Company as an example. If it wants to generate 100 billion yuan in revenue in a short period of time, it is very difficult for financial capital to achieve it. However, Lingtong Technology Company only needs more than a year to do it through science and technology.

Moreover, the future growth rate will be even higher. Technology can create wealth. In his opinion, pure financial operations must be restricted and cannot be unrestrained.

Of course, his proposal to Shengshi Film and Television Company is different from pure financial operation. Through their own investment, they can promote the birth of more high-quality film and television content, which is also creating wealth.

Zhang Guoli felt a little nervous when he heard Ye Zishu's grand plan for Shengshi Film and Television Company, and felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to be the person in charge.

He suddenly felt that it would be better to hand over the excess money in the company's account to the boss to spend, at least not to cause too many headaches.

However, he also knew that this process was inevitable. Unless the company did not develop, it would take this step sooner or later, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

Seeing that Zhang Guoli was not very confident, Ye Zishu suddenly wanted to change to a better helm. Zhang Guoli was becoming more and more unsuitable to be the helm of a large enterprise.

He does not deny Zhang Guoli's artistic ability. In his previous life, he created many classic roles and also worked in many other film and television entertainment positions. He is a rare artistic talent.

But artistic talent and managing a company are two different things. Guo Dongmei doesn't have much artistic talent, but managing a record company is much better than Zhang Guoli.

It's just that he hasn't found a suitable person to replace him. It is estimated that Zhang Guoli himself is not particularly happy about managing the company, and he may even be on pins and needles.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to shoot "Pirates of the Caribbean" himself, which shows that he is actually more interested in the job of directing, and even interested in participating in the show.

Of course, it is inappropriate to say these words now, not for fear that Zhang Guoli will be unhappy, but for fear that he will be less concerned about the company's management and instead focus more on directing or acting.

"Actually, managing a company is not as difficult as you imagined. You must first change your management thinking. You should be familiar with Shengshi Records.

When Guo Dongsheng was the person in charge, he also grasped his eyebrows and beards. As a result, everything was not done enough, nor was it professional enough, and the enthusiasm of the employees was not fully stimulated.

Later, I suggested that they set up a small team management model and delegate most of the company's power to the small team, and things changed a lot. In order to make more money, the small team exploded with strong internal motivation.

This has resulted in a significant reduction in the areas that the company's upper management needs to manage. It is only necessary to integrate and control the entire company's resources to avoid situations that are out of control.

In fact, film and television companies can also do the same, and you are not short of money. You can use high salaries to find talents and let them form a small team by themselves, which is the same as the previous proposal to establish an animation studio.

In this way, although they belong to the company, they have strong self-execution ability. They only need to make reasonable settings on the distribution of benefits, and they will run by themselves.

Moreover, the establishment of many small teams is actually equivalent to raising Gu. People with outstanding abilities can naturally stand out, and there is no need for the company's senior management to do a lot of work.

The main work of the company's top management is to integrate resources and allocate resources and benefits, so as to prevent small groups from growing and wanting to leave the company's control, which will cause great damage to the company.

If you have enough time, you can sign up for business management courses in domestic universities, which will be of great help to improve your management level and avoid company crises. "Leaf Book said.

Originally, he wanted to recommend some talents who were more powerful in his previous life, but after thinking about it, he forgot. In fact, he was not too satisfied with many film and television works in his previous life.

This may be related to the overall environment, not the fault of these film and television elites, but he wants to see a different development of the domestic film and television entertainment industry.

Therefore, it is not recommended for talents in the previous life, maybe there may be some changes, and this change may be more important to him, otherwise it will be different from the development track of the previous life.

For him, it has become boring, it is better to see if there is a one who has escaped, so that things will change a lot, so that the world will become more colorful.

"Based on Mr. Ye's suggestion, we will organize the company's senior management to study the reform of the corporate management structure, and come up with a set of effective methods as soon as possible." Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu nodded and said, "Go ahead and do it boldly!"

Originally, he wanted to hear their internal discussion about this year's filming plan, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. If he even asked about this, he would really become a nanny.

This kind of mentality is unacceptable. It is like a parent. The more worried the child is, the more they worry about their children's failures, and they have to take care of everything. On the contrary, it will make the children lose a lot of abilities and cause serious dependency inertia.

Such a child, even if he grows up, is still a child mentality, unable to take on greater responsibilities, and will only continue to drag his parents down and become a burden on them for a lifetime.


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