Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 251 Trunk and Branches (2/4)

"Then Mr. Ye's work will also be handed over to the team below?" Zhang Guoli asked.

The reason for raising this question is mainly because the benefits of the projects proposed by Ye Zishu are really too great. If you drop any project, you will reap a lot of benefits.

This violates the rules of fair competition for each team. If you want to manage each team well and let each team have no complaints, you must achieve rule-based fairness, which is very important.

"The projects I provide are all projects that can greatly improve the overall strength of the company. Naturally, the company organizes people to execute them, and don't assign them to a team to complete.

Because this is the company's resources, it is natural for the company to control it as a whole. It is good for the company to control more resources, and it also prevents small groups from becoming difficult to control after they grow bigger.

The way we set up a small team is not to decentralize the company's resources as a whole, but to let the small team create their own resources.

Only when necessary, the company will provide resource support, and the company itself should not rely too much on small teams, but also needs to continuously develop new projects and build new teams.

Only by constantly innovating, can the old team feel the pressure, and it can also prevent the old team from making great achievements and feel that they can stand on their own. "Leaf Book said.

Originally, he didn't want to say it so clearly, but he was afraid that Zhang Guoli would not understand the risks involved. Everything has a good side and a bad side.

Choosing decentralization gives the team a higher degree of freedom and room for development, which will inevitably lead to an expansion of team power, especially for a team that develops smoothly, and they may feel that they can do well without leaving the company.

Therefore, while choosing decentralization, necessary precautions must be taken to avoid the worst situation, and there are also countermeasures so as not to cause too much loss to the company.

"Everything will have good and bad, as the company's management, you need to pay attention to the company's situation at all times to prevent things from developing in a bad direction.

This will be the work that you will always need to do in the future, and how to avoid it, on the one hand, you need to have a sufficient understanding of the following situation to avoid being caught off guard when problems arise.

On the other hand, it is to continuously strengthen the company's own strength. Only when the backbone is strong, will more branches be attached to it. If the backbone is not strong, the branches will naturally want to leave after they grow stronger.

Because the trunk cannot provide more nutrients to the branches, and if such branches attach again, either the trunk will be sucked dry, or they will turn themselves into the trunk.

Management rules are only one way to solve the distribution of benefits,

But it is not absolutely reliable. The day the rules are made, they exist to be broken.

If you want to keep the rules always effective and have a strong binding force, the most important thing is to have an absolute power to maintain it, and this absolute power is the company itself.

If the company itself is strong enough, let alone a small group, even if these teams are strong enough to allow them to establish a company independently, they will still rely heavily on the company. "Leaf Book explained.

In fact, this truth is not only true in company management, but also in the ecosystem where there is a relationship of interests. This is the law of nature.

"Mr. Ye's few words are simply enlightening, and I am enlightened!" Zhang Guoli said with a sigh.

Leaf Book does not include the details of management, because the details are different for each company, and it is impossible to generalize the details into general laws.

What he talked about is the principle of universal laws. Following this line of thought, each company can formulate different detailed rules and management methods according to its actual situation and development stage.

"In fact, corporate governance and ecological governance are the same. Some people are destined to be highly independent, and some people are talented, but their personality and thinking are dependent.

So not everyone is suitable to form a small team independently. For this area, you need to be divided into two models. For those who are more independent and capable.

They can be allowed to set up independent studios, or even independent companies, as long as we can control the equity, which is actually equivalent to equity investment.

In fact, most people do not have such abilities, but their professional abilities are not bad. The company organizes such people by itself, which will also be the basis for keeping the backbone of the company strong.

This is like the situation in the forest. Some vines will die without the trees, while some plants will grow stronger without the shelter of the trees. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Small and powerful companies can do one size fits all, because governance is very easy, just like those small countries in the world, sometimes their thinking is linear, because their governance system is small, so it is easier.

But a big country like ours not only has a vast land, but also has a large population, as well as cultural customs that have been basically fixed for thousands of years.

To govern such a large country, if one size fits all, accidents will inevitably happen. This is why our laws will leave a lot of space, because the regulations cannot be too rigid.

If Shengshi Film and Television Company wants to become a large enterprise, or even a giant enterprise, it must adapt to local conditions, and management cannot be one size fits all. Such an enterprise is destined not to be very inclusive.

This is also the reason why he suggested setting up a small group or even branching out to set up an independent subsidiary, which not only takes care of the consistency of the company's system, but also allows the existence of special circumstances.

Only by being inclusive can we gather enough talents and use these talents to develop and grow, at least much better than it is now.

This is still the operation of the local region. In the future, when it comes to the operation of overseas markets, flexibility will become more important, and inclusiveness is an essential corporate cultural gene.

That's the end of this topic. Many principles are not for listening, but to be implemented in the implementation steps, so that they are meaningful.

He only needs to see the future development of Shengshi Film and Television Company. Whether the company is running well or not is the most objective and fair evaluation. It is useless to talk about other things.

"By the way, "Titanic" is so popular, have other film companies asked you about special effects production?" Ye Zishu asked.

He wanted to see how much international film companies paid attention to Phoenix Special Effects Company. He had to know that special effects production made money at a rate that was not lower than making movies.

The special effects of a movie start at least tens of millions of dollars, and some even reach hundreds of millions of dollars. If there are more than a dozen special effects production orders every year, Phoenix Special Effects will be crazy about making money.

The production cost of special effects of Phoenix Special Effects Company is almost negligible, and the profit margin is very large, even more than many companies that work hard to make movies.

"It is true that many companies have asked us about special effects production and how "Titanic" was filmed, Mr. Ye should be very clear.

After the movie became popular, the actors who participated in it were also frequently interviewed by reporters. Our filming experience was something they frequently mentioned.

This has aroused many people's curiosity about our special effects technology. After we received a call to inquire, we also actively recommended Phoenix Special Effects Company to them.

Some people also asked about the cost of our special effects production. We quoted the price based on the current production cost of Hollywood movie special effects. For example, for the special effects of "Titanic", we quoted 150 million US dollars. "Zhang Guoli said.

Ye Zishu smiled slightly when he heard Zhang Guoli's subsequent quotation. This is what was agreed at the beginning. For the film special effects of Shengshi Film and Television Company, Phoenix Special Effects Company's unified price is 10 million US dollars.

But external quotations need to be based on specific circumstances. Phoenix Special Effects Company has formulated a series of quotation rules. These film and television companies should know how much they need to spend for special effects after they get the rules.

This is a clearly marked price, and no one is cheating. Compared with the traditional special effects production technology, although the cost of Phoenix Special Effects Company will not be much lower, the speed is much faster, and the overall effect is better than the traditional special effects technology.


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