Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 257 Every Family Has Difficult Sutras (4/4)

"I see that your two older brothers are not too young, are they both married?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

It stands to reason that it should not be so difficult for a working family to get married, and now that Pei Qing is making a lot of money and her family environment has been greatly improved, she shouldn't be single anymore.

"Why do you still care about the marriage of my two brothers?" Pei Qing said angrily.

"As an executive of the company with the largest revenue under my umbrella, how can I not care, your family's private affairs are no longer just your family's private affairs." Ye Zishu said.

"Your logic is very problematic. I am selling art, not selling myself!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"If you think this way, there is a problem. No one in power has absolute private affairs. Look at the old emperor, is his family affairs just his family affairs?

If one person's affairs will affect a large number of people, then it is no longer a personal matter. The situation of your family will definitely affect your work mood.

Your work mood is likely to affect the normal operation of the company, thereby affecting the livelihood of many people. From this perspective, is the logic I said okay? "Leaf Book said.

"You are sophistry!" Pei Qing said.

"You just said that's the reason?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, she was silent for a while, and said, "I'm not afraid of making fun of you if I say it, but in fact, my two brothers used to be generous people.

Later, in order to allow them to marry a daughter-in-law, they simply let them take the place of my father and mother and work in the factory.

It's just that the previous impression already exists, and the word-of-mouth among the neighbors is not very good, so it has been delayed until now, and no suitable girl is willing to marry in. "

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu thought to himself why he felt something was wrong just now. Although her two brothers were very enthusiastic when he entered the room, they had a ruffian air, which was not normal enthusiasm.

This was also when he suddenly shook hands with her two elder brothers in a very formal way, which could create a certain sense of distance. In addition, the conversation with her father and grandfather was not particularly pleasant, and it always felt awkward.

"Now that you have made money, it shouldn't be a big problem for the two older brothers to marry a wife." Ye Zishu asked.

I hate to admit it, but money can solve many problems,

As long as a gangster has money, a lot of women will pounce on him, which is also true in this era.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, not only did she not speak, but her expression became even worse, and she could only sigh in the end.

"You're right, but not everyone in my family is willing to accept it, at least to pass my mother's test." Pei Qing said.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu understood the meaning. A decent person would usually find a decent person to fall in love with. His two older brothers found unreliable people, which meant that they themselves were not reliable.

She was a street liar before, so it is unlikely that she would reform after entering a factory. Now that my sister can make so much money, she is probably even more restless.

Now the entertainment industry in the capital is much more developed than before. There are a lot of dance halls and more places to hang out. How many of the people you meet in these places are sincere, either for fun or for other purposes.

Ye Zishu also came to the conclusion that the men in Pei Qing's family can't explain in words, but the women are very methodical in dealing with others, just like Pei Qing and his two brothers, they don't get along at all.

Pei Qing's annual salary is more than one million, which is an absolute high-salary class in this era. It must be known that in the A-share listed companies decades later, the proportion of executives with an annual salary of more than one million is not very high.

What's more, in this day and age, money is more valuable. There is such a daughter in the family who is good at making money. He doesn't need to look at the specific situation, he can imagine it.

"You won't spend the money you earn on them, will you?" Ye Zishu asked.

It's fine if he doesn't say anything, but when he said it, Pei Qing became even more embarrassed, and said falteringly: "Although my two elder brothers are really not very good, they still doted on me since childhood."

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu smiled, and these words were just to deceive outsiders, or Pei Qing just wanted to make her face easier.

Judging from the brief contact just now, his two elder brothers are at most not bullying her, and there is still a long way to go with Chong.

However, he didn't expose it, he just said: "The ancients said, 'Healing the emergency is not helping the poor', I think there is still some truth in this sentence.

Your salary is indeed quite a lot, but if you really want to squander it, it probably won’t last long, and people’s desires will become bigger and bigger with the squandering, let alone this kind of money that is easily obtained.

Gujia is becoming more and more complicated in today's society. People with money and no brains are the targets of many people fishing. You seem to have good intentions, but the result will get worse and worse.

Not to mention if you continue to develop like this, whether your ability can catch their greed or not, it is they themselves who are likely to slip into the abyss of lawlessness. You are not doing this for their benefit, but harming them. "

Seeing that Pei Qing was deep in thought, Ye Zishu didn't continue talking. He had already said this to this extent, and it was already out of bounds. After all, this was his family's business.

The reason why I want to say so much is mainly to prevent Pei Qing from being too much disturbed by her family and affect the development of Taiji Group. This is to save Pei Qing.

If it really got to the point of getting out of hand, Ye Zishu could only bear the pain and replace Pei Qing. As he said just now, the superior not only has rights, but also has responsibilities.

Once the behavior of the superior person affects many people, it is not a private matter, and a choice must be made, which is why most superior persons are "ruthless".

Not to mention that Pei Qing is still working for him, even Ye Zishu himself, even if he has tens of millions of wealth, he must guard against other changes in his family because of money.

Although his younger siblings are very obedient, sometimes the magic of money is so powerful, if you don't have a correct attitude towards money, it is easy to get lost in it.

If it wasn't for the fact that his younger brother is now an adult at any rate, and his world view is gradually taking shape, even so, he still has to deliberately guide his younger brother how to look at problems.

Seeing that Pei Qing has been thinking for a long time, but there is no result, Ye Zishu is not in a hurry. It is difficult to make a decision in such a short time, and other opportunities may be needed.

"Brother, let's go eat." Ye Zihua shouted outside the door.

"Just now, you can think about it slowly, let's go eat first." Ye Zishu patted Pei Qing's shoulder with a smile and said.

After the two came out, they saw Pei Qing's mother and grandma bringing the prepared meals from the kitchen to the living room. Ye Zishu hurried to the kitchen to help bring the meals to the living room.

When Ye Zishu came to the living room from the kitchen with cabbage stew, he saw four big men sitting on the dining table with big horses and swords, and they didn't intend to step forward to help.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu felt that what she just said was even more necessary, although Pei Qing didn't mention her father and grandfather.

But judging from this situation, the idea of ​​machismo must be relatively strong. Such people are generally more patriarchal than female, so Pei Qing's status in the family should not be very high since she was a child.

After a while, all the food was brought to the table. Everyone sat at the table and saw that Ye Zihua was a little cautious. Pei Qing's mother brought food for the two of them and said, "There are only so many vegetables in winter in the north. You can eat as much as you can. You are welcome."

"Auntie, don't be so polite, we will definitely enjoy eating this big table." Ye Zishu said.

"How can we just eat vegetables? Come, come, let's have a drink." Pei Qing's eldest brother, holding Wuliangye in his hand, poured a large glass full of them without asking if they could drink.

"Boss Ye, I'll do it first as a respect." After speaking, Pei Qing's eldest brother immediately drank a glass of wine.

Ye Zishu can drink some wine, but he can't say he can drink a lot, and he doesn't like drinking too much, so he said: "I'm not good at drinking, Zihua is still studying, so it's not suitable for drinking, I can only drink as I like."

"Then how can it be, we have to get rid of it, otherwise if we tell it, we will blame us for our poor hospitality." Pei Qing's second brother chimed in.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he almost got angry, but he didn't really have a dry glass. This glass of wine is at least two or three taels. If a glass is dry, he will probably pass out.

As if he didn't hear what Pei Qing's second brother said, he took a small sip and put it aside, regardless of what the four men in their family thought, he ate the food that Pei Qing's mother had put in the bowl.

Seeing his brother like this, Ye Zihua next to him really didn't drink any wine, but just buried himself in the food, and the scene suddenly fell into an embarrassing atmosphere.

Seeing Ye Zishu and the others, the two brothers who were yelling and drinking just now lost their temper. They didn't dare to get angry. After all, Ye Zishu's big boss is not something they can lose their temper.

What's interesting is that Pei Qing, her mother and grandma didn't come out to speak, they were eating on their own, as if they ignored the embarrassment of the two brothers.

As for her father and grandfather, they poured wine and drank it on their own. Ye Shu was a little puzzled by this situation.

After eating a meal for about half an hour, Ye Zishu drank a cup of tea and said goodbye to Pei Qing's mother and grandma. He didn't want to stay here for a while, even for a while.


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