
Ye Zishu, who had an angry expression on his face just now, immediately put away his expression when he left the venue, and became calm. The security personnel waiting outside saw him coming out, and hurriedly followed him.

Back in the car, Ye Zishu checked the time, it was still early, Pei Qing saw that he was busy with something today, so she went to work and could not go home until evening.

So he planned to go to Shengshi Record Company to see Guo Dongsheng. He didn't come to see him last time, but this time he went there to relax.

The headquarters of Shengshi Records is also in Shengshi Cultural Industrial Park. Their company occupies a building alone, which is much more bold than before.

Ye Zishu came to the front desk, and the other party knew him before he reported his name, so he quickly called Guo Dongsheng, which saved Ye Zishu a lot of trouble.

Guo Dongsheng came down after a while, and when he saw Ye Zishu, he quickly gave him a big hug, which made Ye Zishu look disgusted, and the two big men hugged so hard.

Following Guo Dongsheng to the office, he looked at the decoration and found that it was quite artistic. There were many potted plants, and there were also many antique calligraphy and paintings, which were neatly arranged in the office.

Ye Zishu looked at these antique calligraphy and paintings for a while, and said, "Is this true?"

"The sub-paintings are all high-defense. If they are real, their lifespan will be shortened a lot if they are ostentatiously placed here, but these ornaments are real." Guo Dongsheng said with a smile.

"When did you fall in love with collecting these things?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's only been a few years. I don't really understand these things myself, but I know some people in the antique circle and asked them to dig out some for me." Guo Dongsheng explained.

"Did you spend a lot of money?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It didn't cost much. These things are scattered among the people. The purchase price is not very expensive. It only cost several million yuan." Guo Dongsheng said.

"You are so willing!" Ye Zishu teased with a smile.

Now it costs several million yuan to collect these things, and the price is still relatively low. It can be seen that Guo Dongsheng collects more than just those placed in the office.

"When I was young, I saw these things in the capital, but I was only envious at that time. Now that I have money, I naturally want to buy some back and treat them as investments." Guo Dongsheng said.

This is quite true. As long as the domestic economy continues to develop, the price of antique calligraphy and paintings will definitely increase. Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times, investing in these things will definitely return high in the future.

It's a pity that he doesn't like it very much, but he doesn't object to others hyping up these things. Anyway, people with a lot of money must have somewhere to spend it.

This is the same as the stock market, and it is also good to be a capital reservoir.

As for whether he would be fooled by others, Ye Zishu hadn't thought about it. Guo Dongsheng is not an ordinary person now. If he is fooled by fake products, once he finds out, he will definitely have to eat and walk around.

After the secretary made the tea, Ye Zishu sat down with Guo Dongsheng, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Why did you bring all the original secretaries here?"

"I can't help it. My sister brought her secretary to Wancheng Jiye, and I'm not willing to send him down. After all, in the past period of time, he has worked hard with me.

In addition, it is easy to use, so I simply brought it here, and when I return to Wancheng Jiye one day, I can take it there again without delaying things. "Guo Dongsheng explained.

Guo Dongsheng's secretary is a man, about 28 years old, much older than Guo Dongsheng, and he was able to gain Guo Dongsheng's trust. There seems to be no barrier, which shows that the two get along really well.

"Is there any girl you like here? Don't go around here, but you don't like any of them." Ye Zishu asked.

"This is not a good horse, how can it be so fast, although there are many beautiful girls here, but it is not so easy to find the right one." Guo Dongsheng said.

Ye Zishu heard what he said, and didn't say much. He can create conditions, but he can't come up with ideas. It's hard to talk about emotional matters. It doesn't mean that outsiders think it's good.

After talking about these chatting topics, Guo Dongsheng began to report to him on the business situation of Shengshi Records Company. Ye Zishu didn't stop him, and listened carefully.

In addition to the headquarters in the capital, Shengshi Records also established three branch offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, thus forming a four-way layout from east to west, north to south.

In terms of revenue, the performance is still excellent. In addition to the continuous increase in revenue on the music platform, offline commercial performances and sales of music copyrights are better than before.

It's not that Guo Dongsheng has outstanding abilities, but that the smart music creation system was just obtained last year, and Shengshi Records mainly planned for this system.

Before Guo Dongmei left, she had just straightened out many of the company's businesses. After Guo Dongsheng took over, Guo Dongmei's previous layout played a positive role and achieved a huge harvest this year.

If it was said that Shengshi Records had made its debut last year, the current Shengshi Records has begun to become a super giant, and the speed of development has exceeded Ye Zishu's expectations.

Their revenue from the online music business has already accounted for 90% of the entire online music, and other music record companies add up to only 10%, confirming their monopoly position as a music content provider.

Open the music player, and almost all the music in it is from Shengshi Records. Human power is indeed vulnerable to artificial intelligence.

The quality of the music created is much higher than last year, because artificial intelligence can also learn, and even when creating itself, it can achieve self-improvement.

Because when artificial intelligence is performing calculations, the abandoned solutions listed will also be recorded, not completely abandoned. Although these solutions are abandoned, they can still give artificial intelligence a good reference value.

In fact, this already has the ability to learn and evolve by itself, but it is not the same as the evolution we humans talk about, not evolution in the biological sense.

In terms of music content creation, the longer the time, the greater the advantage Shengshi Records will gain, and the future market share will definitely be higher.

The previous record giants were completely at a disadvantage in the competition with Shengshi Records, and their valuations have dropped sharply, and some have dropped by 90%.

If it weren't for some record companies that still have relatively good music libraries, it is estimated that the valuation will drop even more. Anyone who is an individual can clearly see the current situation of the music market.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he felt that Shengshi Records could acquire these record companies, mainly because they could obtain their existing channels and music library, anyway, they are not worth much now.

"I think you can contact these record companies to see if they can acquire them," Ye Shu said.

"In fact, we also have this plan, but we just want to wait a little longer. Although they have already shown signs of decline, they have not lost confidence.

If you talk about acquisitions at this time, you may use this to ask for a high price. Only when their confidence is completely defeated can they be acquired at a reasonable price. " Guo Dongsheng said.

"Your idea is good, but it doesn't conflict with your contact now. There should be no investors in the world who are willing to take over these hot potatoes. Apart from you, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find suitable investors." Ye Zishu said.

Now even if there are other investors who want to buy it, they still have the idea of ​​reselling it. If they want to operate it themselves, it must be a loss-making business, and the bid will naturally not be very high.

"Then let's advance the plan a little bit, get in touch first, and find out what these record companies have to say." Guo Dongsheng said with a smile.

Now that they are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, if they don't feel that their music library is still valuable, there is no need for Shengshi Records to acquire it, because the victory and defeat have already been decided.

In addition to the online business, their offline business is also in full swing, and the number of singers and musicians joining their banner is increasing, because everyone has seen the situation clearly.

Many musicians even took the risk of breaking the contract to join Shengshi Records, so that they could have a place to settle down, even if they paid the breach of contract fee.

As for going it alone, they have thought about it, but they don't think it is realistic. Even these record giants have ended up like this. If you want to go it alone, unless you are a peerless genius, don't try it lightly.

As a result, Shengshi Records' global business has grown tremendously, and even in some markets, it has become a dominant player.

It occupies a large proportion in the music market, and naturally the income from copyright is also considerable. If it is used in China without paying the copyright fee, there is really no good way, because it is a waste of energy to go to court.

But in countries with good international copyright protection, every time their music is used for commercial purposes, they need to pay copyright fees. For this reason, they have also developed a copyright system.

Anyone who uses their copyrights can log in to this system and purchase the type of copyright that suits their business characteristics, and the prices are naturally different.

Interestingly, the music created by artificial intelligence has much more copyright fees than the music created by its music creators on the copyright sales list.

The reason is that the music created by artificial intelligence is very suitable for the characteristics of the times. Every song seems to be sung to people's hearts, and the popularity of singing is naturally much higher.

Because artificial intelligence will collect a large amount of information all the time, and analyze it according to the data of country and various age groups, it can clearly analyze almost every age group in every country, and even everyone's personality.

With the support of these data, the songs created, naturally, each song seems to be writing about the inner world of some people, or the real dilemma they face, it is simply writing about their real joys and sorrows.

Artificial creation does not have this condition, and the music created is basically more casual, and may only represent the inner feelings of the creator.

In other words, artificial intelligence creates songs for the audience, while creators only create songs for themselves. The starting point of the two is completely different.

With the expansion of the influence of Shengshi Records, the globalization of their variety shows has become smoother. Last year, they achieved good results in this area, and this year the situation is even better.

Offline commercial performances, brand endorsements and advertising revenue are also rising. They have enough songs to promote artists and maintain their popularity, and at the same time they have enough resources to obtain advertising revenue and product endorsements.

Therefore, the growth in these three businesses is particularly obvious. Offline business accounts for almost 80% of the global offline business business, and brand endorsement business accounts for 70% of the global brand endorsement revenue.

Advertisement revenue cannot be expressed in terms of percentage. It is mainly to allow its artists to participate in advertising shooting, or to authorize the image of its artists to external parties. In this regard, it mainly cooperates with Shengshi Advertising Company.

After listening to Guo Dongsheng's introduction, he felt that since the artificial intelligence music creation system was introduced, Shengshi Records Company was like a god against gods, and gods against gods, and the development speed far exceeded his expectations.

According to their development speed, in another year or two, there will basically be no room for other music record companies to survive, and it is not a dream to dominate the world.

It seems that once artificial intelligence has the ability to replace some of the jobs of humans, humans will face a major defeat in this industry. Today's global music market is a living example.

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