Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 712: The Lord Who Can Spend Money


What Ye Zishu wanted was to defeat other music giants, but he didn't think about making music practitioners unemployed. Therefore, during this period, the number of employees of Shengshi Records increased very fast.

At present, they have 50,000 full-time employees and 30,000 cooperative musicians around the world, although they cannot compare with artificial intelligence in the field of online music.

However, it plays an active role in the offline business field. The reason why Shengshi Records' offline business has developed so rapidly is inseparable from the hard work of these people.

Although the income from the offline business cannot cover the salaries of these employees, this is only temporary. Ye Zishu is very optimistic about the future development of the live music market, and it will definitely compete with recorded music.

As long as the income of ordinary people increases, the demand for higher-quality cultural products will also increase. From now on, going to concerts in their spare time will become as common as going to a movie theater.

If you want the entire music industry to accommodate more people, you must not regard music as an elegant art, but it should enter the lives of ordinary people and become a daily consumer product.

Guo Dongsheng said that more and more musicians are willing to join Shengshi Records. Although there are only 50,000 regular employees, the number may reach 80,000 by the end of the year.

It will increase further in the future. If only relying on online music support, it will be difficult to support so many employees, and comprehensive and diversified development must be carried out.

It is also based on this kind of thinking that Shengshi Records is actively exploring and developing in every possible income-generating field, and it seems to be doing well so far.

As long as they don't mess around in the future, the business is basically stable, so Ye Zishu said: "Tell me, is it possible to promote our country's traditional opera?"

Ye Zishu's words made Guo Dongsheng stunned for a moment. This thinking jump is too big, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. There are indeed many problems in traditional Chinese opera.

As far as Ye Zishu is concerned, he thinks the main problem is the obsoleteness of traditional operas. What is the difference between the demand for listening to operas decades later and the operas listened to now, or even hundreds of years ago?

Inheriting culture is valuable, but if it cannot keep pace with the times, it will eventually be abandoned by the times. It is not that there is no market for opera, but it is self-sufficient.

"Mr. Ye's proposal was quite sudden, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem. In fact, compared with the current popular music, the stage performance of opera is more powerful.

It can be said that opera is born for the stage, but if it wants to develop, it must win the hearts of young people and keep up with the pace of the times, otherwise it will be difficult to revitalize this market.

But compared to the creation of popular music, the creation of opera is much more difficult.

Because it is not simply singing, but has a complete storyline display.

This art form that integrates stories, libretto and performance is a huge test for both performers and creators.

What's more, the current cultural education in our country has actually been in a state of regress. After finishing high school, there are still a lot of people who still can't write complete articles.

You can't write the libretto of opera like the lyrics of popular music, that would be ruining this art, which is why the libretto of opera is still the same way now.

Just writing the libretto is a difficult job, let alone unifying the three to form a complete set of operas, the difficulty will be even higher.

To be honest, I have spent a lot of time in the record industry, and I haven't met a talent who can take on this important task. This is the main reason why Xiqu is lonely.

In fact, in this industry, some people have long realized that if this continues, it will definitely decline, but there is no one who can turn the tide, and this is the crux of the matter.

There are a lot of people who can sing or act in operas in our country, but those who can write operas and write them well are rare. It is very difficult to do well.

Because it is not easy to achieve, it is necessary to pay attention to traditional cultural education from an early age and form a profound cultural accumulation, in order to choose one out of ten thousand and give birth to such a talent. "Guo Dongsheng explained.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu also knew that this was the truth. Don't look at the modern people who say what education they have when they go out. In fact, there are very few people who can really write good articles. Even people who study literature have uneven levels.

This is not only because of the lack of domestic cultural education, but also because of the serious disconnect between the modern cultural system and the traditional cultural system, which has become beyond recognition.

Don't look at our idioms and come here, Ye Zishu has never seen a truly creative person until now, maybe there are, but the number is definitely not many.

Even for those so-called masters of Chinese studies, they are just writing on the heritage of their predecessors, and it is actually very difficult for them to write good articles themselves.

In fact, it's not just the libretto, but also the song that goes with the libretto, which is also a big problem. It's not that someone who understands music can do the job well.

Music is also a product of traditional cultural accumulation, and has a completely different creative method from modern music. It is impossible to use a song with no change for all libretto, and the audience will feel fatigued.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Zishu also had to admit that this matter is really not that easy to do, but it would be a pity if he left it alone. This is where he struggled.

"In fact, it's not impossible for artificial intelligence to make attempts in this area." Ye Shu said.

"Oh, can you still do this?" Guo Dongsheng asked curiously.

He has also seen the intelligent music creation system before, and it is indeed amazing. He has also created opera songs, but it is still very different from normal operas.

"In fact, the music creation system, text content creation system and film and television content creation system are combined. The music creation system is responsible for the writing of songs, and the literary content creation system is responsible for the writing of opera stories and libretto.

The film and television content creation system is responsible for the creation of stage actions and expressiveness. Although I don't know if it will be successful, I think it can be tried.

Anyway, they only need computing power to support them, and they can create many works in a short period of time. What you need to do is to select high-quality works from among the many works.

I think this job should not be difficult. There may not be many people with creative ability, but there are still many people with appreciation ability, don't you think? "Leaf Book said.

"Then you have to do this job, we don't have the ability." Guo Dongsheng spread his hands and said with a smile.

"It's not a big deal. Next, we need to consider how to operate this part. You can call Mr. Wang and ask him to come over and discuss it." Ye Zishu said.

After hearing this, Guo Dongsheng stood up quickly, walked to the desk, picked up the phone and called Wang Changtian, and hung up after saying a few words.

Ye Zishu, on the other hand, was thinking about how to combine the three systems to achieve the effect he wanted. He really hadn't thought about this issue carefully before, and it was just a temporary idea.

After Guo Dongsheng made the phone call, he saw Ye Zishu thinking and didn't bother him. He sat on the wicker chair and drank tea slowly. The office suddenly fell into a quiet atmosphere.

About 15 minutes later, Wang Changtian knocked on the door and came in. He found that one was drinking tea quietly, while the other was meditating with closed eyes, which was a bit weird.

"What's the matter?" Wang Changtian whispered to Guo Dongsheng.

"I don't know, I should be thinking about something." Guo Dongsheng shrugged and said helplessly.

Ye Zishu's judgments in his mind are all about algorithms. It is not impossible to simply combine the three systems, but the ability may not be fully utilized.

He needs to find some way to better combine the three and make it more creative than it is now. In fact, not only operas, but also many traditional arts are facing similar problems.

Of course, this is not entirely caused by the problems mentioned above. There is also the problem of the talent training mechanism. The sectarian opinion is very important, resulting in a very small range of talent choices. They are all going around in a circle, and it will definitely not be big improvement.

After thinking about it, he opened his eyes and saw that Wang Changtian was sitting beside him drinking tea with Guo Dongsheng, but he didn't speak, probably because he was afraid of disturbing him.

"I called you over because I talked to Guo Dongsheng just now about whether we can promote traditional culture. We talked about some difficulties and felt that we could try to use artificial intelligence to create content.

The problem we are facing now is how to do a good job in promotion. It is definitely not enough to rely on Shengshi Records, so I will call you over and discuss it together. "Leaf Book said.

"This may be a bit difficult. In fact, whether it is traditional culture such as opera or cross talk, it is a small circle culture, and even a family-style business model will emerge.

We are indeed rich and have more resources, but it is still difficult to break out of this circle culture. In fact, we have thought about it a long time ago, but because of such difficulties, we just gave up. "Wang Changtian said.

After listening to Wang Changtian's words, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "I think Chinese opera is not bad. There are schools in China that specialize in teaching Chinese opera, which shows that the cultivation of talents is already open.

Cross talk is more prevalent in the small circle culture. As for acrobatics, etc., I don’t know much about it, but I believe the circle culture is not so strong. "

Hearing what he said, Wang Changtian nodded and said, "To be honest, the commercial market for opera is actually not big. Except for the top wave of people who are supported by the state, most of the rest are active in rural areas.

As for cross talk, which can be commercialized, the circle culture is relatively strong, and it is relatively repulsive to external capital, while acrobatics are very dangerous. Once an accident occurs, it may face a series of problems. "

In fact, the reason why cross talk is better commercialized is not because cross talk is so high-end, but because cross talk performances are easier and the whole process is shorter.

For example, the whole opera is very long, and there is no funny effect, and it may even make people cry. It doesn't matter whether the song is high or low, or the audience level is not high, in short, the reality is like this.

"The problem you mentioned does exist, and we are just trying. If it succeeds, it's good. If it fails, it's just a loss of money, so don't worry too much about it.

As for the small crosstalk culture you mentioned, in fact, I know a person, and I can try to get him to join in, which may greatly improve the status quo of this circle. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Oh, who is it?" Wang Changtian asked.

"It's Guo Degang. Although he's not an actor right now, he's easy to find. You can find out if you inquire in this circle. He's also been severely excluded by this circle. You can cooperate with them." Ye Zishu said.

Wang Changtian wrote down the name and asked later, if there was such a person, he would come over to see if we could negotiate a cooperation.

"Now the domestic economy is still in the stage of meeting material requirements, but this stage will eventually pass. After material satisfaction, spiritual and cultural needs will be relatively high.

The reason why I don't take money from you is that I hope you will take this opportunity to make arrangements in advance and prepare for the spiritual and cultural needs of the people in the future.

A big city like the capital can build various cultural venues such as theaters, but I believe that not only the capital has this demand, but other cities do not have this condition.

I think content and talents are the primary conditions for the development of the cultural industry, but a suitable business site is also an indispensable condition.

Therefore, I think that you can invest a sum of money to build your own cultural centers in all prefecture-level cities in China, where not only various cultural and artistic performances, but also various art exhibitions and other activities can be held.

Even if you fail in content management in the future, you can still obtain such a huge amount of fixed assets. Even if you rent them out, you will still have a lot of income, and you will not lose money. "Leaf Book said.

Wang Changtian was taken aback when he heard this. It would cost too much money to build every prefecture-level city. They did make some money, but they haven't reached the point of squandering it.

Seeing Wang Changtian's expression, Ye Zishu said: "There are only more than 300 prefecture-level cities in China, despite the small population of prefecture-level cities.

However, with the development of urbanization, the population of prefecture-level cities will be at least several million in the future. It is not a waste to build such an art and cultural center.

If the average investment scale of each art and cultural center is about 500 million yuan, it will cost more than 160 billion yuan. You should still be able to support this amount of funds. "

As expected, the boss is the one who knows how to spend money. He opened his mouth and said that there are hundreds of billions of dollars in investment. Wang Changtian's face turned dark when he heard that. Even though each investment is not too much, 500 million yuan is actually equivalent to 5 billion yuan in future generations.

However, Wang Changtian did not refute. As he said, even if the content operation fails in the future, this asset will not depreciate, so there is no need to refute.

Seeing that Wang Changtian did not refute it, he took it as acquiescence. Next, he talked about the operation mode of the cultural industry as a reference for them. As for how to do it, it is their business.

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