Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 856 Continue to increase support for basic scientific research


The day before the Chinese New Year, Ye Zishu called Ye Ziqi and Ye Zihua to his study, and the three had a meeting, mainly to communicate about the things they were responsible for in the past year.

The foundation that Ye Ziqi is in charge of spent a lot of money last year, in addition to the original plan to spend 50 billion yuan a year to support domestic basic scientific research.

It is also responsible for providing financial support for the construction of the particle collider. Although the actual cost of the particle collider is much lower than that of the outside world, they calculated it based on the construction cost of 50 billion yuan.

Because many of his advanced technologies are used in it, although these advanced technologies are very mature, they have not been sold outside, and the price naturally cannot be calculated according to the actual production cost.

Anyway, it is his company that provides technical and parts support for the particle collider, and they earn the money spent, so don't worry too much about more or less.

So the Leaf Book Foundation spent a lot of money last year, all of which came from donations from Tidal Investment Company. If Tidal Investment Company was not very profitable, it really couldn't continue to support such a large-scale scientific research work.

Ye Ziqi briefly introduced to Ye Zishu the situation of the foundation's spending last year. Last year, the basic science funding was no longer divided according to the average, but was divided according to the scientific research level of each school.

However, considering that the time is still short, the funds have not been fully allocated according to the scientific research level, but some schools behind are properly taken care of. The reason is that many schools themselves received relatively little support before.

If the funds are allocated completely according to the level of scientific research, the final result is that the strong will become stronger, and the weak will have no chance at all. It is even more impossible for schools with lower rankings to catch up.

However, this is only a temporary measure. If the lower-ranked schools do not catch up, or if the local government does not support it, then there is no way.

The allocation of funds will gradually move closer to the evaluation of scientific research level. The foundation can give opportunities to various schools, but it will not wait all the time. This will be unfair to schools that work harder.

The foundation didn't hide this kind of fund distribution mode. It made an agreement with each school in advance, so that they would be in a relatively level playing field.

Moreover, the foundation also told them that the current annual funding of 50 billion yuan is only temporary, and there will only be more funding in the future, which made them very envious.

What he wants is this effect. In the face of sufficient interests, each school can exert its own initiative, actively improve the scientific research level of the school, and thus obtain more financial support.

The backgrounds of each school are different, and their funding sources are also different, but in order to obtain a higher evaluation in scientific research, they are all active after returning home.

Ministry-run colleges and universities directly find their own superior management units,

Funds and support are needed. In the past, the development of colleges and universities managed by the ministry was better than that of local-managed colleges and universities.

When local colleges and universities saw this situation, they had to ask for funds and policy support from the local government, so various colleges and universities started a fierce competition mode.

Fortunately, everyone's competition is relatively fair. The competition is based on the strength of scientific research and the financial support of the competent authority. Of course, there is also the phenomenon of poaching talents from each other. He thinks this is a good thing.

This can not only improve the treatment of talents, but also increase respect for outstanding talents, so that talents can have more voice in the university system.

After all, the level of scientific research does not care about administrative power, and the financial support of the Yezishu Foundation does not care about the nature of the school. Even private schools can obtain funding if they are recognized.

If it weren't for the fact that the two science and engineering colleges established by his company have sufficient financial support, there is no need to compete for these funds, or they will definitely participate in the competition.

Taiji Group's annual revenue is getting higher and higher, and its profits are also very high. Naturally, the support for Tianwen Medical College is also increasing. At present, the annual funding has reached 30 billion yuan.

This is more than enough funds for a university that has just been established for a year or two, so it has also attracted a large number of top talents to join, making Tianwen Medical College's influence stronger and stronger.

When enrolling students the year before last, they didn't have a lot of options to choose from. Last year's enrollment was completely different. There are two reasons. The first is that Tianwen Medical School has been upgraded.

It used to be a secondary school. After a year of construction and investment, coupled with the continuous improvement of the faculty, there are also many research results, showing the strength of Tianwen Medical College.

Therefore, under the active activities of Tianwen Medical College, relevant departments have upgraded Tianwen Medical College to a college, and obtained the qualification for running a postgraduate school, and can issue a master's degree.

However, they have been established for a short period of time, and the students who recruit students still have a few years to complete their undergraduate studies. They are not particularly urgent for doctoral degree qualifications, and a master's degree is currently enough.

Generally speaking, the current scientific research level of Tianwen Medical College is still supported by the school teachers, and the school has been upgraded with the help of strong teachers.

Compared with other universities of the same type, Tianwen Medical College has many unique advantages, not to mention the funding, they receive the most financial support in the country, and it is easy to do things with money.

The second is that there is no bureaucratic style. In line with the principle of professors running the school, New Oriental Education Group only provides services. This management model has been favored by many scholars.

In addition, Tianwen Medical College can also obtain some internal scientific research materials of Taiji Group, and even some projects are cooperated with Taiji Group.

As a top biomedical and medical company in China, with the support of many technologies of Yezishu, its level is obviously much higher than that of domestic universities.

So coming to Tianwen Medical College to do research can not only broaden the horizons, but also make it easier to produce results, which is also very attractive to many scholars.

In the past, Tianwen Medical College begged these scholars to join them, but now they are domestic scholars who will take the initiative to ask Tianwen Medical College if they are willing to cooperate.

For capable scientific research talents, Tianwen Medical College is naturally willing to accept and hire them as professors, and some will cooperate in the form of project cooperation.

Moreover, this kind of cooperation is becoming more and more extensive. If Tianwen Medical School wants to develop rapidly, it must not only rely on the talents of its own school, but also learn to use the talent resources of other schools.

In addition, Taiji Group intends to use the medium of Tianwen Medical College to transfer the scientific research results that can be disclosed within the company to major biomedical universities in China, so as to promote the development of overall biomedicine in China.

In addition to being attractive to scientific research talents, Tianwen Medical College is also more and more attractive to students. Now domestic colleges and universities have canceled free admission.

And Tianwen Medical College is not only free to study, but also can get subsidies, which is unique in the country. In addition, the influence of the Taiji Group behind it is also growing.

If you want to enter the system of Taiji Group, studying at Tianwen Medical College can be regarded as a shortcut. If you go to other schools, the difficulty will be higher.

In fact, the situation of Tianwen Polytechnic Institute is similar. It is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, and its development is getting better and better, and the strength of the enterprises they rely on is even stronger.

Ye Zishu was also very happy to hear that the foundation's regular business was on the right track. What he wanted was this effect, so that all colleges and universities could focus on scientific research instead of other aspects.

As for the particle collider that the foundation is in charge of, it is still under construction, but it is close to completion, and related experiments can be carried out this year, which is much faster than international ones.

This project has brought together basic physics experts from important domestic universities, which is of great significance and is fully capable of raising my country's basic physics research to a great height.

Ye Ziqi also said that because our progress is very fast, many international fundamental physics experts also want to join in, but she doesn't know how to do it.

It stands to reason that from a human point of view, we should maintain an open attitude, and the addition of higher-level experts is conducive to better research results.

However, there is still no accurate assessment of how much the basic physics level in China has improved. If it does not help much, Ye Ziqi feels that there is no need to open up.

Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that if these top experts were willing to join domestic universities to teach, it would not be a big problem.

He is not afraid of offending people. The foundation is a private foundation, not funded by the state. It has complete autonomy. It can formulate whatever rules it wants, and it can be done according to its mood.

He hopes to use this method to promote a large number of top international basic physics experts to enter the domestic education system, so as to train more talents for our country.

There is always something to be gained when spending money. Pure selflessness is impossible. If you don't do this, you may make wedding dresses for others, and the benefits you can get in the country are very limited.

However, Yeshu thinks that it is necessary for universal robots to participate in the research of basic particle physics, which will help improve the capabilities of artificial intelligence and at the same time promote the progress of domestic research in this field.

In fact, artificial intelligence 3.0 relies on the virtual world, and its understanding of the current basic particle physics is at the leading level in the world, because these leaf books actually know it.

If he doesn't even understand the physics of elementary particles, it is impossible for him to construct such a real virtual world, because the virtual world itself is constructed from elementary particles.

Of course, under the basic particles we know, there are actually many theories to support it. Even Ye Zishu dare not say that he has understood it through research, and he has to continue to learn.

The addition of universal robots can properly guide domestic research in this field. Don't miss the opportunity in vain. Before the construction of lhc is completed, the research results that can be researched should be completed.

With this project, a large number of important scientific research results can be produced in China, which can push my country's basic particle physics to a new height.

Of course, he didn't expect to push our country's basic physics level to the world's leading level with a single project. It is not easy to achieve this goal.

Because the biggest function of the particle collider is actually to verify the particle model proposed before. If there are new discoveries, it can be described as a surprise.

Modern physics has already reached the boundary with mathematical models. Many physical models are actually constructed on mathematics. If you want to promote the academic level of basic physics in my country, you can't just verify whether other people's theories are correct.

If one day our country can research a large number of theoretical models by itself, it will show that our country's academic level has improved, and it will be considered a success if we let others verify whether our own theories are correct.

Of course, Ye Zishu can also publish a large number of related papers by himself, but he doesn't think it's interesting. What he wants is someone else's research, not his own copying.

Because the process of other people's research is the process of forming an academic system, but it is difficult for him to copy books by himself to achieve this effect. The former is more important to the development of science.

The time is still very long, he does not need to go to the battle himself, he has enough time to slowly promote the development of domestic science, coupled with the establishment of a more advanced talent training system, he is very optimistic about the future.

After talking about this topic, the next thing is the funding of the foundation this year. Last year, so much money was allocated for special reasons. It is impossible to allocate the same funding as last year.

In response to this problem, Ye Zishu believes that it is more appropriate for the foundation to invest 65 billion yuan this year, of which 5 billion yuan will be used for the operation and maintenance of the particle collider project.

The remaining 60 billion yuan is for basic scientific research funding for major domestic universities. In the future, he plans to increase it by 10 billion yuan every year until it reaches 100 billion yuan.

As for more, it will not work. Tidal Investment Company cannot invest all its funds in this field. If it wants to invest more funds in the field of basic scientific research, it needs money from the state.

As a private foundation, it is enough to be able to achieve this level. After all, basic scientific research has no profit to gain, and most projects are pure investment.

And he doesn't guarantee that he will continue to support it in the future. One day, the revenue of Tidal Investment Company will be hit hard, and there may not be so much funds. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and anything can happen.

Don't look at Tidal Investment Company's prosperity now, if it encounters force majeure, Tidal Investment Company will also encounter crisis. In the final analysis, it is just a company after all.

"Now Tidal Investment Corporation still needs to pay taxes on the money donated to the foundation. With the increase in the number of donations, this tax will be very large.

You need to do some activities and hope that the government can exempt this part of the funds from paying taxes. Otherwise, the annual tax payment will be as high as 25 billion yuan in the future, which is too high. "Leaf Book said.

The two agreed, but this problem was rather difficult. It was a bit unreasonable to pay such a high tax on the money, which was not used for their own use.

However, they can't guarantee that it will be successful, they can only try their best to operate, but they always think that the possibility of passing the tax exemption issue is relatively high, after all, the matter is on the bright side.

If there is fear of deliberate tax evasion, the foundation's project expenditures can be disclosed to the tax department. Anyway, these research projects are not secret.

This is completely different from other charitable foundations that like to operate in the dark. If the entire foundation cannot be exempted from taxation, the current business can also be independent.

Under the Leaf Book Foundation, a basic science foundation will be established, and this sub-foundation will be exempted from tax, so that the use of funds can be further regulated.

It is also a good infrastructure for the future expansion of the Leaf Book Foundation. Maybe it will involve charitable donations in the future, which can further dispel the concerns of relevant departments.

After the three of them discussed for a while, the matters concerning the foundation were settled in this way. After Ye Ziqi left, Ye Shu and Ye Zihua would discuss the matter of Tidal Investment Company.

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