Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 857 How to Make Money from the Financial Crisis


"Is there any movement in the international capital now?" Ye Zishu asked directly after Ye Ziqi left.

He asked Ye Zihua to pay close attention to the movements of international capital. It took a long time to prepare for a big financial battle. As long as you pay attention to observe, you can always see clues.

"In the second half of last year, investment in some countries in Southeast Asia was relatively hot, which allowed us to make some money by the way when we exited." Ye Zihua said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu knew it well. If he wanted to attack a country's currency, he had to absorb enough currency from that country as a bargaining chip. Otherwise, he would be unable to fight without bullets.

It is not so much an investment as it is a foreign exchange exchange. A large amount of the country's currency is held, and the currency held is generally not in the hand. The best way is to enter the country's financial market to operate.

It will cause short-term prosperity in the country's financial market, thereby promoting the rise in the price of real assets in the country. These actions will indeed allow Tidal Investment, which is preparing to exit, to make some money.

Wait until the asset prices of the country have been raised, and then these international capitals will slowly sell these assets to obtain more currency of the country.

When they sell the country's currency on a large scale and exchange it for US dollars, the country's foreign exchange reserves will be consumed quickly. Once the foreign exchange reserves are exhausted, the country's government will have no bullets.

At this time, it will cause market panic, the risk of a foreign exchange run, and a large-scale devaluation of the country's currency. So far, the financial war is half successful.

Due to the depletion of foreign exchange reserves, it is difficult for the country to engage in international trade, causing disorder in the country's price system, and the country's financial system will naturally fall into chaos.

The price of assets that had been hyped up in the country has depreciated sharply, and the assets have become less and less valuable, which has caused panic among the residents of the country, and they also want to exchange for foreign exchange to preserve their value, resulting in a run on asset prices.

The final result is serious problems in the country's economy. At this time, it is time for international capital to bring a large amount of capital into the country and reap wealth.

These routines are mainly aimed at countries with insufficient foreign exchange reserves but insisting on a fixed exchange rate. Once the fixed exchange rate cannot be maintained and becomes a floating exchange rate, it is tantamount to financial failure.

The economic prosperity of Southeast Asia has started since the 1980s, and the economic growth rate is very high, but they have a fatal shortcoming, that is, the proportion of foreign investment is very high.

Once there is a disturbance, foreign capital is prone to divestment. It is impossible to let foreign capital share the suffering with the country. It is not an international capital if it does not follow suit.

Countries with high debts are also the easiest to be attacked by international capital, especially countries with very high external debts.

It is the favorite hunting object of international financial hunters.

Although Tidal Investment Company doesn't want to do this, because they don't need to do so, with their advanced intelligent financial operating system, they can quietly harvest leeks from the global financial market.

But if there is a chance, they are not gentlemen, they will take action when they should, follow others, and quietly reap benefits. In the international capital market, there is no human relationship, and everything is based on profit.

"What about Japan, South Korea and other countries?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I haven't seen any obvious signs of capital operations for the time being, but it is actually very easy to harvest them. Country h has always been operating with high debt before, and large companies have a lot of debt.

As long as their financial system is defeated, it will definitely be a hunting ground for international capital. At that time, they will peel off their skins if they are not dead, and may become an economic semi-colony.

Although rb squeezed out the bubble due to the previous property market crisis and financial crisis, it is not easy to operate, but as an abnormal country, they do not have much autonomy in some matters.

As long as international capital brings huge international hot money to attack with the momentum of great victory, it will also suffer huge losses, and it is absolutely difficult to be immune to it alone.

And our neighbors to the north will probably not be let go. They have already experienced economic weakness after the disintegration, and international capital will definitely not be merciful.

It can be said that if a financial turmoil is really going to blow, it is estimated that there is no country around our country from south to north that will not be affected, and even our economy will be affected to a certain extent. "Leaf Hua said.

After listening to Ye Zihua's words, it is basically consistent with Ye Zishu's previous life memory, which shows that he has indeed done a lot of research on this matter during this period, and basically saw the whole situation clearly.

Now that the whole situation has been clearly seen, the next step is to formulate a profit-making method. In fact, the foreign exchange reserves of these countries are not large, and earning foreign exchange from these countries does not actually make much money.

Because Tidal Investment Company is not the only one, and the scale of the entire international hot money is huge, even if Tidal Investment Company takes the top spot, the scale of benefits is actually not particularly high.

In addition, even when asset prices in these countries depreciate sharply, they take the opportunity to acquire valuable targets, which can be regarded as a harvest of leeks.

The advantage of this method of taking advantage of the trend is that it is safe. As long as you follow other people's routines, you can get a certain amount of income steadily. The disadvantage is that the overall benefit is not large enough.

There is another method, which is to kill international hot money. The global scale of international hot money is as high as 7 trillion U.S. dollars. Even if not all hot money is involved, the scale of hot money involved in this incident should reach trillions of dollars.

If you can kill these international hot money, you can also make a lot of money. The problem is that the countries that have been attacked have economic problems. If there is no problem, it will be difficult for others to attack.

Secondly, if you want to kill these international hot money, you can't do it by relying on Tidal Investment Company. Not to mention the lack of funds, even if the funds are sufficient, it is difficult to succeed. It must be fully cooperated by the host country's government.

Obviously, Tidal Investment Company has not yet been able to get these countries to fully cooperate with itself, and it is very likely that the governments of these countries will try to kill Tidal Investment Company again.

Don't think it's impossible. As long as there are interests, morality will be put aside. These international hot money are not credible, and the governments of these countries are even more untrustworthy. Therefore, although this idea is good, the possibility of realization is very low.

"In general, we still take the approach of following the trend, targeting other countries, even on the other side, by shorting the exchange rate to make a profit, which is the safest.

At the same time, you have conducted detailed analysis of the financial institutions and systems in these countries during this period to see which financial institutions have investment value.

After this financial crisis, there will still be a large number of financial institutions in these countries that have closed down or encountered operational difficulties. We can acquire objects that are valuable to us.

In fact, we do not lack money. What we lack is the control over global assets. Your future development direction must be appropriately changed to this aspect.

To achieve this, you must build a complex global financial network. Before you used other people's financial networks, there were actually serious hidden dangers. You should understand the truth. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ye Zihua nodded and expressed his agreement. The shortcomings and strengths of Tidal Investment Company are very obvious, and he has long realized it.

The advantages are beyond doubt, that is, they can easily earn a lot of money from the global financial market, and money is not particularly important to them.

The shortcoming is that the control over the global economy is actually very limited. Sometimes you may not be able to spend money if you have money. It is not a big problem to hitchhike and earn some money, but it is very difficult to control key assets.

Just like the international mining companies they invest in, they have indeed invested a lot of money. They have made a lot of money by virtue of the rise in resource prices in the past two years, but they have no ability to influence the trend of global resource prices.

Money is already hard to impress Ye Zishu, not to mention earning hundreds of billions, even if he earns trillions, it will be difficult to make him feel fluctuating.

What he wants now is to control the global economy. Although this goal is very difficult, but start slowly from now on, and one day it will be realized.

And if you want to have a high degree of control over the global economy, the easiest and most convenient way is to first control the financial institutions in the country where you are located, and have huge financial influence in the country.

Through financial institutions and then slowly penetrate into the country's real industry, this is more secretive than direct investment entities, and it is not so easy to be regarded as a thorn in the side of others.

What's more, if the payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company wants to become a global financial trade payment platform, it cannot just let other financial institutions cooperate.

Because if you really intend to go this far, it will seriously affect the existing global financial structure, and the interests of international financial powers will be seriously threatened.

When choosing between a country and an enterprise, as long as you are not stupid, you will know how to choose. Therefore, you can cooperate with these cooperative banks, but you cannot rely on them.

To have a certain possibility of success, you must have a reliable global financial network system, so Tidal Investment Corporation's acquisition of these valuable financial institutions also has strategic value.

After confirming that Ye Zihua understood what he meant, Ye Shu continued: "You need to raise more funds now, and the funds in your hands are not too much at present."

Hearing what elder brother said, Ye Zihua was a little hesitant. What channels can Tidal Investment Company raise funds? In fact, no, you can't raise funds from the bank.

So there is only one channel to raise funds, and that is to harvest from the global financial market. They have avoided having a big impact in the past. They are very cautious and dare not go too far.

Otherwise, relying on the advanced level of smart tidal investment company, it will earn about 500 billion U.S. dollars a year, and it will definitely not realize its potential.

"If the harvest from the global financial market is too harsh, will it lead to the collapse of the international financial market?" Ye Zihua asked worriedly.

"Since they want to start the Asian financial crisis, how can they reap it comfortably? Isn't it too cheap for these masterminds.

Don't worry too much, you have to deal with them specially in special times, even in normal times, but now in special times, you must not let them be alone.

What's more, I just upgraded the artificial intelligence, which is more intelligent than before. The upgraded intelligent tidal investment system is more capable than before, so you don't have to worry too much. "Leaf Book said.

He intends to burn the flames of war to the backyards of these countries, and it still needs to be burned in advance. On the one hand, it is to increase the urgency for them to reap financial benefits.

On the other hand, it is to reduce their overall strength. Even if the Asian financial crisis is caused, they will not have the strength to harvest as before, so that Tidal Investment Company can obtain more benefits.

The financial crisis can only be encountered once in more than ten years. If you can't take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money, it is a bit of a waste of opportunity.

Since the eldest brother said so, although Ye Zihua has concerns, he still firmly supports it. What's more, they have already obtained the funds. Even if all the funds they operate now are lost, it will not cause serious problems for Tidal Investment Company.

At most, he would earn less profit. Under such circumstances, he has the confidence to give it a go. Once he succeeds, it will be "three years without opening, and three years after opening".

As long as there is a financial market, Tidal Investment will always be profitable. The global financial market is no different from their cash machines. This is why they dare to manipulate the global financial market.

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu talked about the insurance business they are currently running fairly well. Although they are newcomers to the domestic insurance industry, their rate of return and revenue growth are the best in the domestic insurance industry.

But he is not particularly interested in making money from the insurance business, but making money from the insurance business shows that the business is in good condition and there will be no major crisis.

The real role of the insurance business is to ensure the stable development of the domestic economy, to ensure the stability of residents' lives, not to be affected by short-term economic fluctuations, and to help enterprises and residents survive difficult times.

If the insurance business of Tidal Investment Company can achieve this, it means that it is a successful insurance group company, which is beneficial to both the country and the people.

The essence of insurance is to share risks, using everyone's resources to improve the ability of individuals to bear risks, Ye Zishu asked Tidal Investment Company's insurance business to go deep into the national economy and people's livelihood.

Instead of engaging in whatever industry is the most profitable, while making money, it is also necessary to ensure the risk-taking ability of various industries and individuals, and promote the overall development of the domestic economy.

For example, their agricultural insurance business needs to continue to accelerate development, and the current coverage rate in this area is still relatively low, which is very unfavorable to the stability of domestic agricultural development.

In fact, agricultural operations are very risky. Not only will they encounter natural disasters, but the market is often difficult to grasp. The introduction of agricultural insurance is conducive to the stability of agricultural operations.

Moreover, if their agricultural insurance business has a high coverage rate, they can also provide market decision-making data for agricultural operators, so as to avoid a certain product from crashing in a certain year, causing the market to be squeezed and unable to sell at a price.

At present, this mechanism is only available among cooperative farmers of Kylin Agricultural Development Group. Every year, they have market analysis and forecast data to guide cooperative farmers to plant crops more reasonably.

If agricultural insurance can also play this role, it will be more helpful to the stable operation of domestic agriculture, and the two-pronged approach will lead to healthier domestic agricultural development.

There is also their housing insurance business. Whether it is renting a house or buying a house with a loan, if you buy housing insurance, once there is a short-term financial shortage and the possibility of default, the insurance can help residents solve the problem.

Of course, housing insurance will only insure residents' own houses, not real estate speculation. The risks of the two are completely different.

For example, the epidemic in the previous life led to a sharp drop in residents’ income, and many loans were overdue. If housing insurance is purchased, the ability to resist risks will be significantly improved, and these residents who encounter short-term economic difficulties can tide over the difficult period.

The same is true for renting a house. Once you can't find a job for a short time, you don't have to worry about having no place to live. The insurance company will provide customers with rent for a certain period of time to help customers tide over the difficulties.

And if you buy housing insurance for a long time, after reaching a certain number of years, the insurance company can also provide free rental support when you get old, so that they don't have any troubles in housing for the elderly.

These are just examples, and he hopes that Tidal Insurance Group can come up with more practical insurance solutions, instead of those fancy and useless insurance businesses.

In the end, Ye Zishu inquired about their bank bid, and the answer he got was similar to what he read in the annual report, and it was estimated that it would be completed in April and May.

Then Ye Zishu explained some of his views on bank operations. According to his ideas, banks should adhere to convenient and intelligent operations, use technology to manage risks, and minimize the proportion of human participation.

Compared with humans, he believes in artificial intelligence more. He requires that every loan in the future must be fully participated by a general-purpose robot, and that every loan must be absolutely controlled to improve risk management and control.

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