Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 858: Artificial Intelligence's Powerful Innovation Capabilities


Seeing Ye Zihua go out and close the door, Ye Zishu fell into deep thought. This financial crisis is a good exercise opportunity for Tidal Investment Company.

It was all thanks to the Tidal Investment System that their business went smoothly before. Their real strength is probably only known to them.

I have never seen a big financial scene, and it is actually very difficult to exercise. Only after experiencing big winds and waves can I grow up quickly and become a truly top financial company in the world.

No matter how he dismisses finance, finance will always exist with human beings. It does not exist with economy, technology and system, so he cannot turn a blind eye.

Since finance exists naturally in human society, then actively participate in it, be the biggest participant in the financial game, and become one of the absolute forces in this field.

What he thinks is, when the time comes, he will go to see it by himself, or leave it to Ye Zihua to handle it completely. He can go there in person to maximize his benefits and make a temporary decision faster.

If Ye Zihua is allowed to lead this financial battle, Ye Zihua can grow up quickly and become a real financial elite, and he can worry less about it in the future.

After thinking about it, I think it's better to leave this matter to him completely. It doesn't matter how much money you make. No matter how bad the operation is, there will be no huge losses.

Putting this matter aside, Ye Zishu continued the previous work, artificial intelligence combined with super quantum computers, to reshape the domestic economy, so that the domestic economy can go better and more stable.

At present, his industrial system is very large, but most of it is built on the technology he provided. Once he does not ask for a long time, he does not know whether he can maintain the current vitality.

However, judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that it cannot be maintained, because there is no strong pressure to survive, and their independent innovation ability has not been fully stimulated.

The gap in technology will gradually narrow over time. At present, relying on the gap in technology to make a lot of money, this situation may no longer exist in the future. The time when the soldiers meet is the time to really test them.

This time he intends to use artificial intelligence to develop the economy and establish industries. There are several purposes. The first purpose is to develop economically underdeveloped areas.

This kind of development model is different from his previous development model. The previous development model is to develop industries with large output value. With leading technology, it can quickly become bigger and stronger.

These industries are huge in size and extremely high in value, and he doesn't need to bother him, just need to provide technical support, which was the most suitable choice in the past.

Now we want to develop the economy of the economically underdeveloped areas. The reason why the economy is underdeveloped is not only the bad culture and business environment, but also the biggest predicament should be caused by insufficient resources.

It is much more difficult to develop the economy in these areas. It is not just to send a few employees there and spend a sum of money. This will definitely end in failure.

What's more, he doesn't have so many capable employees who are willing to start a business for him. It's good for them to work comfortably, so why bother to go into this muddy water.

Facts have also proved that his idea is correct. He encourages employees of his industrial system to start businesses. Although there are some effects, the effect is not great. Everyone has a stable life and is unwilling to take risks.

As long as living things are inert, they will never sit still if they can lie down. If there is no lofty ideal, it is difficult to impress people with a little benefit, unless they can see a lot of benefits from it.

Since the original path didn't work, he didn't bother to urge it anymore, and later he didn't mention it anymore, but chose to let artificial intelligence work as an industry pioneer with the cooperation of general robots.

Artificial intelligence does not have the inertia of biology, and will do everything possible to achieve the goal. He thinks it is an excellent helper to help him start his own business again.

The second purpose is to put a certain amount of pressure on his existing industrial system. Although he emphasized cooperation at the annual meeting, which is not wrong, there will inevitably be competition.

Although he doesn't like fierce confrontational competition, he doesn't object to it, as long as it helps the overall development of his industry. What he fears most is that his industry is stagnant and lifeless.

He hopes that with the help of artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, a brand-new industrial system will be formed, which will also form a certain degree of oppression on the current industrial system in the future, so that the current industrial system can develop better.

Of course, if it doesn't work, he won't worry about it. Just bring the existing industrial system under the control of artificial intelligence. It's just that the current management team is estimated to be replaced in large numbers.

The third purpose is to break the economic structure formed by local forces. The less economically developed the region, the more stubborn the local forces are. This actually forms a huge obstacle to economic development.

If it is to send ordinary employees to start a business, it is estimated that they will not be able to bear all kinds of pressure, and even seriously endanger their personal safety. Only sending general-purpose robots can play a role.

Although universal robots understand people's hearts and human nature, they essentially don't know what fear is. They have an indomitable momentum, and their force value is super strong.

Moreover, the universal robot has its own evidence collection function. As long as the other party dares to say harsh words and play tricks on the universal robot, the universal robot will get the evidence.

The fourth purpose is to plan for the future. Since the emergence of artificial intelligence and robots, human society is destined to turn a new page, and this process has been irreversible.

However, the situation that robots and artificial intelligence dominate the human economy will not be achieved overnight, but a slow replacement process until the number of robots is large enough and can complete most of the work that humans can do at the same time.

Until a certain point, keeping everyone out of work will not affect the operation of the social economy, and various social systems can also ensure that everyone's quality of life will not decline.

After that, people's main work should be to engage in art and research, and other work will be done by artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, and human beings will truly enter a new era.

After Pei Qing reminded last time, the most important thing to develop the economy is to adapt measures to local conditions, especially for areas with inconvenient transportation and low population quality, which is the key to economic development.

So at that time, he dispatched a large number of general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group to inspect various parts of the country. This was the first step to adapt measures to local conditions.

It's just that there is not enough data yet, but it doesn't affect him to continue to let artificial intelligence simulate the national economic development, including industrial development and technological development.

It is indeed faster and easier to succeed by adapting measures to local conditions, but it would be even better if you can succeed without relying on local resources, at least you will be subject to much less constraints.

For some time now, artificial intelligence has evolved countless economic models. After reading Ye Zishu, some of them are quite interesting.

For example, bamboo weaving industry, handicraft lacquerware industry, artificial jewelry industry, art handicraft industry, traditional handicraft textile industry, etc., are all improvements to traditional industries.

The bamboo weaving industry is very suitable for the development of places with rich bamboo resources. He clicked on it and saw that artificial intelligence has prepared tens of thousands of products and related production plans.

The mechanized weaving technology is used, which not only achieves reliable quality, but also greatly reduces the cost, which is an area that his industry has not set foot in.

The jewelry industry can also be regarded as a large economic category, with many businesses operating, but the gemstones needed by the jewelry industry are heavily dependent on the place of origin.

The solution to artificial intelligence is to artificially produce these gems, such as expensive jadeite, Hetian jade whose resources have been exhausted, and artificially hyped diamonds.

They can all be produced artificially, but he is not sure whether consumers of artificial gemstones can accept them. After all, besides looking good, the most important thing to buy gemstones is to preserve their value.

If it can be artificially produced, the feature of value preservation will be gone, and consumers may not have the enthusiasm for chasing it, but it can be used as an ornament, but the price is difficult to buy.

In addition to these gemstones that already exist in nature, there are many gemstones that do not exist in nature. The decorative effect is also good, and they should be favored to a certain extent.

In addition to the modernization of these traditional crafts, there are many advanced industrial technology products, one of which surprised him, which turned out to be earthquake prediction equipment.

This set of equipment uses an advanced magnetic field sensor, which can sense the weak magnetic field changes around it, and then use an algorithm to analyze the cause of the magnetic field disturbance.

Before an earthquake occurs, it is often accompanied by changes in the earth's magnetic field. Earthquake prediction equipment is based on this principle. According to simulation tests, the prediction accuracy rate is as high as 80%.

A set of such equipment can cover a radius of 50 kilometers around, covering an area of ​​7850 square kilometers, which is not small.

Ye Zishu thinks this product is very good, mainly because the market demand is huge. Earthquake disaster should be one of the disasters that human beings fear most, and it is also a disaster that is difficult to prevent.

The purpose of the anti-shock device he made before was to reduce losses in the event of an earthquake and avoid casualties and property losses. He has the conditions to do so, but it does not mean that others have the conditions to do so.

The export price of anti-vibration devices is very high. So far, not many sets have been exported. Few people can afford it, and consumers are not necessarily willing to pay for it.

Earthquake prediction equipment is generally only purchased by the national government. If it can be predicted one minute in advance, it can provide an extra guarantee for the safety of people's lives.

However, he felt that the 80% accuracy was still a bit low. After reading the technical information, he modified it and added the ground vibration sensing technology.

In this way, the earthquake prediction device has an additional reference data, the accuracy has increased to more than 90%, and the prediction time has also been greatly advanced, from the original minimum of 5 minutes and the maximum of 10 minutes to the minimum of 10 minutes and the maximum of 30 minutes.

10 minutes is enough to deal with it, and it already has a very high preventive value, and the market prospect is broader, which can bring good profits accordingly.

It should not be difficult to sell such equipment at a price of about 50 million yuan. At least it can be used in major cities around the world. This is no longer a small market.

However, earthquake prediction alone does not meet his requirements. If meteorological technology, remote sensing technology, and earth detection technology are combined to form natural disaster prediction services, the market will be even broader.

Every year, the global economic losses caused by natural disasters are as high as hundreds of billions of dollars. This is still an economic loss, and the loss of personnel has not been taken into account.

If disaster prediction services are provided for the world, as long as they are proved to be true and effective, it is estimated that tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of dollars in service fees can be obtained every year, which is not a small industry.

Compared with earthquake prediction, his industry is more accurate in weather forecasting, with a longer forecast time, and can even predict global weather information for several years in the future.

This information is extremely important for countries around the world to prevent meteorological disasters and avoid risks reasonably. I believe that many countries are still willing to pay service fees for this.

There are also innovative products using existing technologies, such as water purifiers. The principle is very simple, that is, to use biological permeable membranes to filter water. Kirin Environmental Industry Group has these technologies.

It's just that they didn't think of using it for household drinking water purification, because Kirin Environmental Industry Group believes that its tap water has reached the drinking level, and there is no need to install a purifier.

This is the thinking of the man of science and engineering. No matter how clean the water delivered by the water plant is, consumers will not feel at ease if they drink it directly.

Therefore, there is still a large market for household water purifiers, especially in countries with worrying drinking water, it is more necessary to purchase water purifiers, which has a broad global market.

According to the data description, the water filtered by the water purifier is not only healthier, but also tastes good, and can effectively retain minerals useful to the human body in the water.

Of course, this is a high-end product, low-end products are not so particular, and there are so many types of water purifiers, even he didn't think of it.

In addition, there is a dehumidifier, which can effectively reduce the air humidity in the local space, which is very effective for the humid weather in the south.

However, if you want to maximize the effect of the dehumidifier, it is best to use it in conjunction with the fresh air system, which can effectively isolate the room air from the outside air and form a relatively dry environment locally.

There are also a lot of products related to family hygiene. There are a lot of mosquito control products, not only mosquito killer lamps, but also odor mosquito repellent products. As for chemical mosquito control products, there are many.

There are also products to remove cockroaches, mice, etc., even flies. Although these products are not of high value individually, they are used in a very large amount and the market is not small.

If it is placed in a small county and forms a regional industrial advantage, it still has great development prospects, which is very in line with one of his purposes of using artificial intelligence to start a business.

This is an area that he has never paid attention to before, and it is impossible for him to focus on these areas. It is a waste of time for him, but for artificial intelligence, it is a matter of convenience.

And there are many high-end products with innovative designs, such as carbon fiber bicycles, which use existing technologies to improve and upgrade existing products to form a larger industrial scale.

To extend it further, it involves various professional sporting goods, which is also the industry he pays attention to, and the innovative ability of artificial intelligence can be seen from this.

He looked at the statistics. There are thousands of product categories and hundreds of thousands of product designs. This is just the result of a few days of work by artificial intelligence.

Humans are really uncompetitive in front of artificial intelligence and super quantum computers. The next step is to see how artificial intelligence cooperates with general-purpose robots to develop these industries.

The following marketing and channel construction, etc. are also the key to success. If these aspects are also excellent, he will be completely relieved.

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