Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 862 Unsolvable problems and coordinated economic development plans

Perhaps because of the Chinese New Year, the topic of his huge assets has shown a downward trend in the past few years during the Chinese New Year, and everyone seems to have no energy to care about it.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the day before the Chinese New Year to disgust him, and at the same time, take advantage of everyone's free time to promote the fermentation of this topic and make things bigger.

In the end, I didn’t expect that everyone would be busy celebrating the New Year, buying new year’s goods, visiting relatives, and various gatherings. After watching it, most people would be busy with their own things besides feeling rich.

It is estimated that this topic has become the talk of relatives and family gatherings during the Chinese New Year. In fact, ordinary people do not regard this matter as a very important matter.

To be honest, no matter how true or false this matter is, it really has little to do with ordinary people. What they care about is whether the job is easy to find and whether the salary will increase.

As long as these two things can be satisfied, the vast majority of ordinary people are very satisfied. As for who the richest man is and whose wealth is in their hands, it really has little to do with them. Can the wealth be distributed to them?

Of course, there are also many self-media who continue to pay attention to this topic. They may feel that this is not the result that some people want to see. Some self-media have begun to lead the trend and want to guide public opinion.

However, the effect is not particularly good. The reason is that they can't produce strong evidence, and most of them stay on guesswork. If they dare to explain their guesses as facts, they will wait for a lawsuit.

He can allow everyone to speak freely, but absolutely does not allow unfounded attacks, not to mention domestic, even Kunpeng Information Technology's overseas platforms, which are also strictly managed.

During the Chinese New Year period, he honestly followed his family to visit relatives, and he didn't have a job. When he was free, he went to the virtual library to read books to increase his knowledge reserve.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the official working day, RM Daily published an editorial titled Protection of private legal property is the foundation of economic development.

This editorial did not bring in the topic of Leaf Book's huge wealth, but discussed the facts, expounding the views expressed in the title from the needs of economic development, and taking the rapid economic development in recent years as the basis for the views.

Of course, other media, on the basis of approving this article, expounded other viewpoints, and the title is also very attractive. Economic development cannot be at the expense of the continued widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Although it is recognized that the protection of private property is a need for economic development, but with economic development, the continued widening of the gap between the rich and the poor is also an issue that has to be taken seriously.

Because in the market environment, the law of 28 is followed, a large amount of wealth will be gathered to a few rich people, and the richer the people, the more obvious the gathering effect. This is a problem that cannot be ignored in the market economy.

At present, this kind of problem is particularly serious in China. If Ye Zishu personally owns such a huge amount of property, it means that the combined annual salary of all people is not as rich as him.

Then the question arises, is such a disparity in wealth really justified? There is no way to restrain the accumulation of wealth to a few people at a faster rate.

This article did not give an answer, but only raised this question, because they did not know how to answer this question. This is not only a problem of our country, it can be said that it is a worldwide problem.

It is often difficult to balance innovation, efficiency, and relative fairness. The current innovation and efficiency are achieved by stimulating everyone's enthusiasm for wealth, because this is a biological endogenous motivation.

Moreover, using this method to promote innovation and improve efficiency also has the lowest social management cost. If you switch to any other method, the management cost will be much higher.

But there will always be a gap between people, and the distribution of abilities is extremely uneven. A few people with outstanding talents can always obtain more resources from society.

The 80/20 law will always exist, but it is special in China at present. The proportion of Ye Zishu's personal wealth is much more exaggerated than the 80/20 law, and the wealth is more concentrated.

This is a difficult problem,

Not to mention them, even Ye Zishu feels that this problem cannot be solved at present, unless they don't want to develop.

And his method is also very simple, that is to continue to promote technological innovation, since it cannot be solved at present, then promote the development of civilization to solve the problem.

Artificial intelligence, super quantum computers, and general-purpose robots are the three magic weapons to solve this problem. To a certain extent, they can maintain a certain innovation ability, and there is no problem with efficiency.

At the same time, it can allow the common people to enjoy more benefits from wealth as much as possible and live a relatively affluent life, so that everyone has the possibility to pursue higher ideals and realize self-worth.

Of course, to achieve this, a lot of supporting systems are needed, at least he doesn’t think they have them yet, so he didn’t mention this, and it will take time to improve slowly.

These two chapters appeared almost backwards and forwards, so that everyone didn't know how to look at the problem for a while. Anyway, everyone felt that what was said made sense, but making sense does not mean being correct.

The so-called correctness is to take the common divisor of the greatest interests in the current environment, rather than pursuing the absolute correctness of values ​​and concepts. This will only plunge the society into endless debates, and as a result, there will be more pragmatists and fewer pragmatists.

Although social development requires a certain number of pragmatists, social development ultimately requires pragmatists to do it, so we must do the right thing instead of being obsessed with "reasonable" things.

Just like someone said that "desire is the root of human beings", there is nothing wrong with this statement. There are countless disasters caused by desire and greed, but can it be eradicated? Certainly not.

Not to mention that human beings have desires, as long as creatures have desires, if creatures have no desires, what is the difference from stones? Solving this problem is impossible and boring, which is reasonable nonsense.

However, these two chapters involve a higher level. They are no longer entangled in the amount of wealth of a certain person, but discuss how to balance innovation, efficiency and fairness.

So many scholars also participated in the discussion, some published articles on traditional media, and some posted personal videos on Internet platforms, all trying to discuss this issue.

But no matter how we discuss it, and no matter what method we come up with, it will be difficult to completely solve this problem, because with the current level of clarity, this is an unsolvable problem.

After a few days of leisure, Ye Zishu devoted himself to work again. Apart from paying attention to this topic occasionally, most of them were still busy with their own affairs.

As long as the topic is carried out with a realistic attitude, there is no need for him to pay too much attention to it. The so-called reason is not clear, and everyone participates in the discussion, which will help the society have a clearer understanding of the issue.

Of course, it would be even better if there is a way to solve this problem, but with his level of knowledge, there is no good way, and he doubts that others can have the best of both worlds.

Although he stayed at home, during this period of artificial intelligence, a large number of general-purpose robots were sent to various parts of the country to investigate and learn about local customs, cultural characteristics, social governance levels and other information.

Then, based on this information, the artificial intelligence constantly adjusts its own economic development plan in order to come up with a more reasonable plan. Ye Zishu will occasionally look at this information.

The 4 trillion yuan he prepared looks like a lot, but it is actually not much if he really wants to invest. If we count 10,000 projects, each project will get an average of 400 million yuan, which is not a high figure.

In fact, 10,000 projects are not many. There are 2,000 to 3,000 county-level units across the country. Some of them are already doing well, and there is no need to continue to invest heavily. For example, the county where he is located, as long as it develops step by step, the economy will continue to grow.

However, there are still many counties that need investment, and it is not only a matter of county economic development, but also some central cities with relatively remote geographical locations, whose economic vitality is actually not high.

For example, in Yunnan, the economic resources he has allocated are not many, and even the provincial capital's economy is not developing very well. It is even more necessary to promote its development, and the scale of investment will inevitably be larger.

So 4 trillion yuan of funds is really not much. If possible, he would like to invest more, but last year's surplus has been used, so he can only take out such a small amount of money.

Unless Tidal Investment Company's bank approval is approved, he is willing to use this bank to conduct more financing, so as to increase investment and establish industries in these economically underdeveloped places as soon as possible.

Universal robots can move freely around the country, and at the same time independently engage in economic activities. In the final analysis, the legal status of universal robots has been given administratively.

Since the beginning of the year, the country has begun to replace new identity information certificates one after another, including universal robots. This is a great progress for society, and it also indicates that the government has more expectations for universal robots.

If administrative identity cannot be obtained, general-purpose robots will be unable to move an inch in the country, and they need to be accompanied by people to engage in economic activities, which not only increases the cost, but also is not efficient.

Of course, administrative identity does not mean that universal robots have full civil liability capabilities. This part of the responsibility will be borne by the user, and if it is a technical problem, it will be borne by the producer.

For example, artificial intelligence now dispatches so many general-purpose robots to engage in economic activities. If there is a problem, the general-purpose robot does not have to bear legal responsibility, but his boss or corporate legal person has to bear the risk.

Because general-purpose robots generally strictly execute the user's order, of course, this order must be within a reasonable range. If the general-purpose robot is allowed to hurt other people, it will definitely not work.

After so many years of enterprise management practice, artificial intelligence has accumulated rich experience and data, and has the ability to engage in economic activities independently. As a boss, he seems to be risky, but in fact there is no risk.

Moreover, for enterprises established by artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, the corporate legal person will be handed over to others, and his boss will not be a corporate legal person. This is also a risk avoidance measure.

Under his request, the corporate legal person is mainly responsible for the management and supervision of the enterprise, and does not have the management power, which belongs to these general-purpose robots.

The results these days are also remarkable. At present, these general-purpose robots have established 1,000 enterprises, and signed investment agreements with many local governments.

The work efficiency of Universal Robots is very high. As long as the local government goes well, it can basically make decisions on the spot, and there are not so many messy things.

Because Universal Robots has very comprehensive capabilities, it can answer many things in person, and at the same time, it can also request the back-end artificial intelligence to perform project calculations and predict the future of the project according to the actual situation.

Although this kind of prediction is not 100% accurate, if the probability can reach more than 50, it can ensure that the overall return is positive. The higher the probability, the better the overall operating effect will be.

To be honest, Ye Zishu didn't know the exact probability, but he believed that there must be a probability of more than 50. If he couldn't even reach this, he would suspect that his technology was not good enough.

If you can achieve a success rate of more than 50, it is already terrifying. Entrepreneurship is basically a narrow escape, and it can even be said to be one in a hundred, which shows how difficult it is.

So he can’t be too demanding about it, and this is also a meaningful social practice. If artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots pass the test, it means that the two can fully undertake a greater role in economic development.

What's interesting is that Wancheng Foundation also wants to get a share of the pie. As long as they invest in it, Wancheng Foundation will also invest there. If they have invested before, they will increase their investment according to the project content.

In the view of Wancheng Jiye, there is almost no failure in the investment of Ye Zishu. As long as these projects can take root in the local area, they can drive the local economic development.

Economic development will inevitably promote the development of urbanization, and there will inevitably be a demand for infrastructure. Following the industry, in the view of Wancheng Foundation, is the safest way to invest.

For this reason, they also specifically communicated with Ye Zishu, hoping to connect the artificial intelligence industry planning with their investment system, so that they can control the trend in real time.

Although they also made necessary investments in various counties in the country according to the requirements of Ye Zishu, the size of each county is very different.

For example, the county where Ye Zishu is located has a large number of industries and high output value, so the scale of Wancheng Foundation's investment is very large. The investment of tens of billions of yuan will not blink, and there will be even more in the future.

And like some industries that don’t have many, even in purely agricultural counties, even if they want to invest more, they have no choice but to build so many buildings that the local area can’t digest, which is a serious waste of funds.

Therefore, most of the previous investment was invested in medium and large cities and cities with rich industries, which made a huge contribution to the modernization of these cities.

It just so happens that they have a larger amount of funds this year, and they need to invest in more places. They naturally don't want to miss it when they see that Leaf Book is really starting to promote the overall development of the national economy.

Moreover, the cooperation between the two is also very suitable. One is responsible for establishing a sustainable economic industry, and the other is responsible for promoting the development of local urbanization, and at the same time promoting the rapid development of the local service industry.

Only by relying on the industrial industry, the employment provided is actually relatively limited. If a regional economy wants to develop soundly, it must have the coordinated development of the primary industry, the secondary industry, and the tertiary industry, and none of them should be missing.

Only in this way can more employment be solved, everyone can earn money, and it is difficult for the economy not to develop. Based on this, Ye Zishu also asked Qilin Agricultural Development Group to follow up on this plan to promote the development of primary industries in these places.

However, Kylin Agricultural Development Group's capital scale is limited, coupled with more cumbersome and troublesome agriculture, the progress and intensity of promotion may be much worse, and it will take longer.

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