Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 863 Replacement batteries and 2 super large airliner platforms


During this period of time, he took the time to sort out the new battery technology. At present, lithium-ion batteries are more than enough for consumer electronics, and he did this before.

However, the mineable lithium resources on the earth are not very rich, and lithium has many other uses, such as lithium is used in controllable nuclear fusion, and there is no need to consume a large amount of it on batteries.

Moreover, lithium resources are not enough to support the rapid development of power batteries, not to mention the use of larger energy storage batteries. Less resources and high cost are their biggest shortcomings.

What he brought out this time is sodium-ion battery technology, which is mainly used in the field of power batteries. After technical improvement, the energy density is almost the same as that of Huanyu Group's lithium-ion batteries, which is enough for automobile power.

In addition, there are aluminum-air batteries, which solve the shortcomings of aluminum-air batteries that are easy to explode and oxidize. The energy density is much higher than that of sodium-ion batteries. The disadvantage is that the instantaneous output power is not very high.

This is why he thinks it is not suitable for power batteries. If it is really used for power batteries, electric vehicles need a longer acceleration time if they want to drive fast.

In addition, although the safety has been improved, it is still inferior to sodium-ion batteries, especially in the case of collision deformation, there is still a great danger.

This kind of battery with low cost, high energy density, and good safety is the most suitable for energy storage. However, Kirin Energy Industry Group does not need much, and it is mainly used for temporary turnover of electric energy.

Petrochemical energy storage is currently incomparable to any battery. Unless a new battery theory is adopted, chemical energy storage is still the best choice for such large-scale electric energy storage.

Kirin Energy Industry Group does not use it, but it does not mean that the market size is small. Solar power will be the mainstream clean energy for a period of time in the future. This trend will not change until controllable nuclear fusion is commercialized.

Kirin Energy Industry Group's current export scale is not large, the reason is that the price is relatively expensive, and they themselves need a lot of production capacity, so they are not particularly enthusiastic about exports.

Once their solar power generation facilities are exported on a large scale, the demand for energy storage batteries will also increase rapidly, and the market size is still very large.

This is still a vision. In fact, the global demand for energy storage batteries is not low every year. Of course, it depends on the price. Any new product will not be cheap.

There is also a more powerful energy storage battery or energy storage capacitor, that is, graphene battery, which has higher energy storage, faster charge and discharge speed, longer service life, and is much better than aluminum-air batteries.

It’s just that the price is much higher than that of aluminum-air batteries. Kirin Energy Industrial Group mainly uses them in the field of terminal energy storage, such as their factories that convert electrical energy into chemical energy, which requires such energy storage batteries.

As for solar power generation,

It is enough to use aluminum-air batteries, because the power generation end does not need large-scale charging and discharging, nor does it need to store a large amount of electric energy, it only needs to be used as a temporary transfer station for electric energy.

It solves the self-discharge problem of graphene capacitor batteries, reduces a part of natural loss, and has fully met the conditions for commercial application.

However, the prices of his products are different internally and externally. Graphene batteries, which are expensive externally, are actually very cheap internally, because the manufacturing cost of graphene is not high.

After Ye Zishu uploaded the battery technology to Huanyu Group's technical data management system, he notified them and told them to quickly digest and absorb these battery technologies to form production capacity.

During this period of time, the price of lithium mines has risen even more outrageously. As the largest consumer of lithium mines in the world, Huanyu Group is a bit overwhelmed. It always feels that international capital is eyeing them.

The rising price of lithium ore has seriously harmed the interests of Huanyu Group. If this continues, the profit margin of their battery business will shrink sharply this year.

Because the lithium battery sales market is not convenient for a large-scale price increase, because the price increase means that the overall market has shrunk. The best way is to reduce the dependence on lithium mines as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also ordered Huanyu Group and Tidal Investment Company to cooperate closely to harvest a wave from the global lithium mine futures market to make up for the losses caused by the sharp rise in lithium mine prices during this period.

According to his estimation, Huanyu Group estimates that it will only take two to three months to form sufficient production capacity, and then it will be able to fully replace lithium-ion batteries and use sodium-ion batteries on a large scale.

Not only will power batteries be replaced with sodium-ion batteries, but many consumer electronics batteries will also be replaced. The sodium-ion batteries he gave are sufficient to meet the needs of consumer electronics.

At that time, these international capitals will hold a large amount of lithium ore futures, and they don't know how to deal with them. Once the market disappears, the price of minerals will fall to the floor price, and it is difficult to have a chance to turn around in the short term.

When communicating with Huanyu Group, they informed Ye Shu that on March 1, their regional airliner will make its first flight, and it is currently undergoing ground testing, and the ground testing has gone very smoothly.

The mainline airliner is also being assembled, and it is expected that the ground test will be completed in March. After the ground test is completed, the air test will be carried out immediately, probably in April.

As for the large mainline airliner, it will be postponed for another month, and the first flight test in the air will be carried out in May. So far, the three civil aviation airliners he provided will complete their first flight.

The rest of the work is to start a variety of air environment tests. This time will last for a long time. If everything goes well, it will not be completed until next year. If not, it is unknown when it will be completed.

In fact, he has no hope of obtaining the two major foreign airworthiness certificates in the short term. Even if Huanyu Group's test is perfect and there are no problems, it may not be possible to obtain the airworthiness certificate immediately.

After all, they all have their own civil aviation airliner manufacturing industry, and they will definitely implement a policy of suppression against competitors that suddenly appear, which is almost a no-brainer.

That's why he especially wants to speed up the development of the domestic civil aviation field, expand and strengthen the domestic civil aviation business, start from the domestic demand market, and reduce dependence on the external market.

Of course, it can also be sold to other markets. As long as these aircraft are not flying to the old M and European countries, their airworthiness certificates are not required, and there is no big problem with flying in other countries.

However, cost-effectiveness is very important for people to purchase. To be honest, Ye Zishu is not willing to sell at a low price, because Huanyu Group's civil aviation airliner has better performance and higher safety.

Technically, it is much better than the products of the other two major passenger aircraft manufacturers. More importantly, it is more intelligent, capable of automatic takeoff and landing, and its avionics technology is much higher.

But without lowering the price, it will be difficult to seize the market that others already have. It is estimated that Huanyu Group will not be reconciled to only selling in the domestic market, and definitely wants to make a big difference in the international market.

In order to deal with this situation, Leaf Book suggested that they provide two versions for each platform, one version has a low level of intelligence, and it is enough to keep it at the same level as the other two aviation manufacturing industries.

The other version is more intelligent, with more advanced avionics technology, higher security, and naturally more expensive, forming differentiated competition, so that customers have more choices.

He maximized the business philosophy of "you get what you pay for", which not only ensures the strong competitiveness of Huanyu Group's passenger aircraft products in the market, but also reflects the technical value.

However, the current three passenger aircraft platforms are actually quite satisfactory. The standard full load of the regional passenger aircraft platform is about 150 passengers, and the standard full load of the mainline passenger aircraft platform is about 300 passengers.

The standard full load of passengers for large-scale mainline airliner platforms is about 500 passengers. These airliner platforms correspond to the current mainstream airliner models, and the market demand is relatively large.

But the gimmick is not big, because they realized it ten or twenty years ago. If there are only these airliner platforms, it will be difficult to attract the attention of global airlines.

As for their overall safety design, advanced avionics technology, and intelligent technology, ordinary people can't see it. They just look at whether it is big. The bigger the more advanced, it means the higher the technical level.

In the past, Huanyu Group had limited human resources and was given too much technology, and they were too busy. Things always had to be done step by step, and the most important thing was to build a complete industrial chain first.

Now their three airliner platforms are about to fly for the first time one after another, and the construction of the industrial chain is also proceeding simultaneously, which shows that they gradually have the spare capacity to conduct more research.

If there are really insufficient scientific research personnel, you can also hire general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industries Group to temporarily participate in research, and human resource constraints are no longer a problem.

At this time, it is logical to carry out research on a larger civil aviation airliner platform. If the speed is fast, the first flight will be possible by the end of this year. By then, Huanyu Group's aviation technology will be full of talk.

He believes that two types of civil aviation airliner platforms will be developed in the future. One is to benchmark the a380 currently under development, with a standard full load of more than 800 passengers.

Another type of civil aviation airliner has a larger platform, with a full load of more than 1,500 passengers. It is a real giant in the sky. Such a platform is definitely very eye-catching.

If it is an ordinary aviation manufacturing enterprise, there is no need to blindly invest a large amount of research and development funds in order to attract attention. You must know that such a platform generally costs tens of billions of dollars.

If the market response is not enthusiastic enough, the research and development costs may not even be recovered. This is quite a risky move, not a rational manager.

However, Huanyu Group is very special. Their research and development investment is actually not high. The total research and development cost of the three passenger aircraft platforms currently in progress is less than 30 billion yuan.

The real big head is the funds needed for the construction of the industrial chain. The scale of investment in this area is about 200 billion yuan. A large number of advanced manufacturing technologies and equipment are used, and the degree of automation is relatively high.

Therefore, Huanyu Group can fully afford the addition of two new super large passenger aircraft platforms, and because the existing industrial chain is relatively mature, the production cost will not be particularly high.

Therefore, as long as the newly added two ultra-large airliner platforms can play a publicity effect, it is already worth it. As for how much it sells, it is not too important.

The big deal is to ask Wancheng Jiye's airline to buy a few more planes. This super-large passenger plane is more stable in the air, and the passenger comfort is better. It is a very good choice to use on popular routes.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu expressed his idea and asked them to organize a group of scientific researchers. If it was not enough, they could hire some general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industry Group to participate in the research and development.

When Wang Chuanfu heard Ye Zishu's idea, not only would he not refuse, but he immediately assured that as long as he could provide technical information in time, Huanyu Group would never lose the chain.

As for Ye Zishu, he hoped that these two airliner platforms could achieve their first flight around the end of the year, and Wang Chuanfu also agreed. The opportunity is rare, and even if there are difficulties, we must overcome them.

If Huanyu Group's two ultra-large airliner platforms are manufactured, they will be able to become the focus of the world without deliberate publicity, and they will immediately establish the image of a top aviation manufacturing company in the hearts of everyone.

Sometimes a good impression is more important than actual ability, and it plays an unparalleled role in opening up the market. Therefore, Wang Chuanfu believes that these two super large passenger aircraft platforms must be built even if they do not make money.

Seeing that Wang Chuanfu was so active, the matter was considered settled. If Wang Chuanfu had any objections, he would have to explain it to him.

Then he talked with Wang Chuanfu about the air cargo market, which is also an important market for civil aircraft. He hoped that Huanyu Group could design and transform cargo aircraft based on these passenger aircraft platforms.

Cargo planes are an indispensable link in the establishment of an integrated sea, land and air cargo market, and it is not difficult for Huanyu Group, so he does not need to participate.

Finally, Wang Chuanfu asked him if he would participate in the first flight of the regional airliner in March. He heard that several leaders would go to inspect and visit. This opportunity is very rare.

Wang Chuanfu also knew about the topic of the boss during this period, but as a professional manager, it was difficult for him to express his position when the boss did not give clear instructions.

Not only him, but all the industry leaders under Ye Zishu did not make any statement on this matter. Some reporters wanted to interview these leaders, but they were all rejected.

Because everyone didn't know what Ye Zishu was thinking, even though topics about him spread on the Internet, traditional media also actively participated.

If he really wants to deal with it coldly, he definitely has the ability. The Internet platform is his industry. Needless to say, he also has great influence in the traditional media field.

You must know that the important advertisers of these traditional media are his industries. If he has any requirements, as long as they are not excessive, they will definitely be satisfied.

But he didn't intervene, and even took the initiative to ignite this topic in the country, so that these professional managers didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

If we take the opportunity of the first flight of the airliner to meet with relevant leaders, or even appear in the media together, the popularity of this topic will quickly drop.

He knew what Wang Chuanfu wanted, but he still refused. First, he thought it would be troublesome to go there. The first flight was not a big deal for him, and he was very confident in the airliner he designed.

The second is that he does not think it is necessary to "touch porcelain". Unless the leaders invite him to attend, he thinks it is better to stay at home, and this approach is not liked by others.

After the video exchange with Wang Chuanfu, Ye Zishu found a new task for himself. Anyway, he was fine during this time, so he simply sorted out the technical information of the two super large passenger aircraft platforms.

It is now the end of February, and the two super-large passenger aircraft platforms will be manufactured and made their first flight before the end of the year. The time is very tight. If it can be given to Huanyu Group as soon as possible, it cannot be delayed.

Just as Ye Zishu continued the research and development of the ultra-large airliner platform, Huanyu Group officially announced the first flight of the airliner and announced the development of two other ultra-large airliners.

This news naturally aroused huge repercussions in China. Although it is also popular abroad, it is much worse. After all, in their view, this is all leftovers from playing decades ago, and it is not worthy of excessive attention.

The reason why it is still a bit hot is that Huanyu Group announced that it will soon put into research and development two super large passenger jets, which surprised many people and aroused many people's interest.

One is that Huanyu Group is acting too urgently. The current passenger plane has not yet been mass-produced, so it hastily started to develop two super large passenger planes, which is a bit unreasonable.

The second is that many people are a little skeptical about whether they can develop these two ultra-large airliners that sound very dreamy, and many people are discussing the possibility of realization.

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