Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 864 The sense of crisis of the two giants and someone wanting to share a piece of the pie

For ordinary people, this is good news, and even a large number of netizens shouted, wanting to see the renderings of the two new airliners, but there was no response from Huanyu Group.

For airlines, this news is also welcome. With one more aviation manufacturing company, they will have more choices, and maybe the price can be lowered.

But for the two airliner manufacturing giants, it is not so wonderful. Before Huanyu Group announced its entry into the airliner manufacturing field, they didn't care much.

Because the manufacture of passenger aircraft is not that simple, there are too many difficulties to overcome. Although Huanyu Group has indeed done a good job in the automotive field, the manufacture of passenger aircraft is another matter.

At that time, the two companies ignored it after hearing it, and even welcomed it hypocritically when the reporter mentioned this issue. Only competition has the power to develop, and they look like a gentleman.

However, when the Huanyu Group announced the news that the regional airliner was about to fly for the first time, they were actually quite flustered in their hearts. The reason was that it was too fast and completely exceeded their expectations.

It was only announced in April last year that it will enter the field of passenger aircraft manufacturing. As a result, the regional airliner will take its first flight in less than a year.

Don't think that regional airliners are not so good. Being able to build regional airliners means that a complete civil aviation airliner manufacturing industry chain has been built, and almost all material difficulties have been overcome.

Although the key components used in regional airliners are not the same as those used in mainline airliners, the basis of explanation is here, which will greatly promote the manufacture of mainline airliners.

Although the regional airliner is small, it has all the internal organs. As long as there is a complete industrial chain of airliner manufacturing, it is only a matter of time before other airliners are built and upgraded slowly.

What's more, at the speed of the Huanyu Group, maybe the first flight of the mainline airliner is about to take place. If it doesn't make the first flight this year, it should take the first flight next year. This is very scary.

The three airliners announced by Huanyu Group before are all aimed at mainstream airliner models in the market. They have really made them successful. It is very likely that the two companies will lose a large number of orders.

Other things aside, at least it is difficult for them to get domestic orders, and my country's civil aviation market is expected to become the largest in the world. Losing such a market is unbearable for them.

Now they hope that Huanyu Group's airliner will be tested for seven or eight years before it can be officially put into commercial use, so that the domestic market can't wait and will still buy their products.

Of course, this is just a hope. In fact, they didn't have much hope, because Huanyu Group itself is not an ordinary company, so how could it be possible to let the passenger plane fly for such a long time.

Being able to fly for the first time in such a short period of time shows that they have made full preparations and are very confident in the technology of the airliner. Otherwise, they would have to test repeatedly on the ground, which would take more than a year.

Because if the first flight fails, it will be a huge blow to the new airliner. Generally, the first flight will be foolproof, and the first flight will never be rash.

If you are not absolutely sure, if you want to try the first flight, you will only do it secretly, and you will never disclose the information to the outside world. At worst, after the internal first flight, it will be a public first flight, which is not shameful.

Based on the above situation, the two companies are feeling more and more pressure in the face of Huanyu Group. If the mainline airliner also makes its first flight, it will really deal a heavier blow to them.

Many airlines that do not need passenger planes so urgently may choose to wait, in case the passenger planes here are cheaper and of better quality.

In view of the performance of Huanyu Group in the automotive field, many airlines may wait a bit, and a little cost saving means stronger competitiveness.

Among the two aviation manufacturing giants, Airbus is the most depressing, because Huanyu Group has announced two new research and development and manufacturing projects for super large passenger aircraft, which directly match the super passenger aircraft they are developing.

Moreover, the latter airliner is even more exaggerated, with a passenger capacity nearly double that of the first super-large airliner, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a giant in the sky.

The airliner they are currently developing has been in development since 1988. After so many years, they still have not seen the dawn of the first flight. Now that Cheng Yaojin has been killed halfway, how can they not be anxious.

Many people think that competition in low-end industries is cruel, but in fact it is not. The main reason for competition in low-end industries is that they cannot make high profits, but the market can eat a little bit, and it is difficult for one company to dominate.

In the high-end field, the competition is actually more brutal. There are many situations where you lose everything if you are careless. Even R\u0026D difficulties can lead to the bankruptcy of a high-end company.

Moreover, the Matthew effect in the high-end field is more obvious, and the winner-take-all performance is more naked. If Huanyu Group has absolute technical and design advantages in the field of civil aviation airliners, it will be a disaster for the two aviation manufacturing giants.

At that time, we can only retreat to the local market. If the gap is too large, whether the local market can hold on is another question. Airlines may not necessarily cooperate with them for their own interests.

Not long after Huanyu Group announced the news to the outside world, two airliner manufacturing giants expressed their willingness to cooperate with Huanyu Group to manufacture super-large passenger aircraft.

They didn't do this out of kindness, but in the name of cooperation to slow down Huanyu Group's pace. They did this before and achieved good results.

It's a pity that Huanyu Group didn't buy it. They didn't even have the idea of ​​pretending to be false. They directly posted a message through their social accounts, claiming that they had enough ability to complete the design and manufacture independently, so they didn't bother them.

In fact, the work that Huanyu Group needs to do is very simple, that is, to turn the technical information and design drawings provided by Ye Zishu into reality. If you can't even do this, then don't do this business as soon as possible.

Even the various equipment needed for the manufacture of airliners can be purchased from brother companies, and Baihu Technology Company has advanced automatic manufacturing equipment.

In the end, Huanyu Group only needs to thoroughly understand the technology and drawings provided by Ye Zishu, and then purchase equipment as needed, build a production chain, and manufacture qualified parts.

Even if you don't want to produce materials, you can hand them over to other brother companies. For example, the materials business of Kirin Basic Industries Group is very good and fully competent.

Huanyu Group needs capital, technology, equipment, and equipment. The industrial chain is willing to complete it independently, and it is okay to hand over many links to brother companies for fear of trouble. There is no reason for failure.

What's more, Ye Zishu's industry has no habit of recruiting people to cooperate, and has always been a loner. What can be done by itself will never be done by others, which will only bring unpredictable risks to itself.

As for the market, they believe that product quality is always the key to opening up the market. If market barriers are really set up, they are not in a hurry. Anyway, the international market is very broad and there is enough room for them to develop.

The two giants were very annoyed at Huanyu Group's lack of face, but there was nothing they could do. They had no chance to manage the entire industrial chain.

However, this also added a lot of news heat to the Huanyu Group, making the first flight, which had not received much attention, aroused more people's expectations, and they all asked to watch the live broadcast.

Huanyu Group responded quickly to this, saying that on the day of the first flight, they will arrange a live broadcast, and then everyone can go to the official live broadcast room to watch, and they are very considerate.

When the Huanyu Group caused a storm, Wancheng Foundation was not idle. After close communication with relevant departments, the airline company was finally established.

It’s just that it will take a long time to start business. On the one hand, it takes time to train flight attendants, including drivers and flight attendants. This aspect has been entrusted to New Oriental Education Group.

For this reason, New Oriental Education Group has added a training plan for civil aviation-related talents in its vocational education system, not only training pilots and flight attendants, but also training ground staff and aviation management-related talents.

Ye Zishu heard that they had this arrangement. In order to improve the training efficiency and quality of training, New Oriental Education Group was specially allowed to set up a secret training base for drivers and use the virtual world to train driving talents.

Other talents can use conventional training methods, but it is difficult to quickly develop driving talents in a short period of time, it needs enough driving time, and the training cost is also very high.

Using the virtual world to train drivers not only has low training costs, but also has better training quality. It can simulate various situations, and some scenes that drivers may never see in their lifetime can only be simulated in the virtual world.

The most important thing is that using the virtual world to train pilots is very efficient. You can become a mature pilot in one year, and you can become a captain without any problem.

However, this matter is not decided by Ye Zishu alone, and he needs to apply to the relevant departments. After all, the virtual world is still in a state of secrecy, and they have the right to decide whether it is used for civilian purposes.

Otherwise, I would not be willing to spend 1 million yuan per virtual helmet to rent. Behind this high cost, there is this rule attached.

Rather than talking about leasing, it is better to say that they have bought out the lease rights of the virtual world. Unless they agree, they cannot operate outside of it casually.

If you disagree, you can only use the advanced simulated driving system. Although the effect is much worse, it still works as a starting point. At least you are very familiar with the equipment in the cab.

Wancheng Foundation established the airline very low-key, and did not make any publicity, but the entire airline is nervously preparing for the official operation in the future.

However, Wancheng Foundation is very high-profile about investing in the airport project. It not only revealed their thoughts on the future development of the aviation industry through the media, but also held various activities in person.

The purpose of doing this is to attract local governments who are interested in building an airport to cooperate. After all, the cost of building an airport is not small. If a suitable investor can be found, the local government can save a lot of trouble.

Of course, Wancheng Foundation can also send a team to a suitable city for negotiation, but doing so is a bit tricky, and the other party may put forward many additional requirements.

Originally, airports belonged to the city’s public services, and they couldn’t make much money. If they really made money, there wouldn’t be so many airports that lost money in their previous lives.

There must be airports that make money, almost all of them are airports in big cities in China, and the annual profit is actually not a lot, and the good ones only make a net profit of more than one billion yuan, which is actually not high for Wancheng Foundation.

In order to increase the possibility of future profits as much as possible, they must get all the benefits they should get, otherwise they will be the unlucky ones in the future.

Ordinary people may not know about Wancheng Jiye's establishment of an airline company, but well-informed local governments will certainly not be unaware, and now they are starting to invest in airport facilities.

There is also the news that a domestically-made airliner is about to take off for the first time. When the three news are put together, everyone seems to smell something different.

Is it really time for the domestic aviation industry to explode? If it is someone else, everyone will be skeptical, but the boss behind these two industries is Ye Zishu.

After a period of fermentation, everyone gave him the title of the contemporary God of Wealth, and some people even think that the God of Wealth may not change money as fast as him.

He can make so much money, everyone thinks that he must have the most sensitive sense of the market, otherwise he would not suddenly invest heavily in the aviation industry, even the airport.

The local governments, who felt that they knew the way, began to ask themselves whether it was possible to build an airport here. After all, if they want to build an airport, they need the approval of relevant departments.

Some cities that think they have some strength, but they are not procrastinating at all, immediately organize people to make plans, and are going to talk to Wancheng Jiye to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

Of course, there are also some companies that feel that they see a bright future and want to get involved in the field of airport investment. Of course, companies with this idea must be large state-owned enterprises.

Even if they don't have that much money in their hands, they can still get enough funds from the bank. Not to mention investing in a large number of airports, they still have the ability to invest in one or two airports.

Ye Zishu doesn't know the thinking of these companies, nor does Wancheng Foundation. If they knew, they would probably wake up from their dreams with laughter. If someone is willing to invest on a large scale, they will be happy and relaxed.

Wancheng Foundation actually doesn't want to invest in the airport that much. There are many reasons for this. The first is to increase the employment opportunities of the staff under them. They have too many staff, and they must consider their future. .

The second is to digest the upcoming excess construction capacity. After several years of high-speed investment in urbanization, the scale will be gradually reduced in the future until it maintains a relatively stable incremental state.

The third is to promote the development of the domestic aviation industry. Although the airport business is destined to not make money, it is enough for Huanyu Group’s airliner manufacturing business to make money and their airlines to make money. The overall interests are not at a loss.

Wancheng Foundation only needs to build a few base airports in the country, which are mainly used to park its own aircraft. If they are parked at other people's airports, they need to pay high rental fees for the venue.

If they know that others want to invest, they will definitely welcome it, and even take the initiative to help them design and build it, so as to get some business for themselves.

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