Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 923 Thermal Radiation Absorption Field Technology


It took more than a month to run through the northwest region, not even letting go of Qinghai, so I have some understanding of these places.

What impressed him deeply was that the Taklamakan Desert was too hot, especially in this season, when the temperature should be 50 degrees, and the surface temperature would be even higher.

Although he has developed a lot of drought-resistant and high-temperature-resistant plants before, but such a high temperature, unless the rainfall is very heavy, if it is a drizzle, it will be evaporated before it hits the ground.

Heavy rainfall requires large cloud clusters to pass over the sky, but here is surrounded by mountains, it is difficult to have large cloud clusters passing by, because large cloud clusters generally only form at low altitudes.

xj said that the annual high-altitude water vapor volume is as high as 1.88 trillion cubic meters, and it passes through in the form of dispersed water vapor. With such a water vapor density, it is difficult to form heavy rain and torrential rain.

Therefore, the rainfall technology of Kirin Environmental Industry Group may not be particularly effective here. A lot of rainfall has been evaporated before it hits the ground.

Even if it hits the ground, how much can penetrate into the ground is still unknown. The higher the ground temperature, the stronger the evaporation effect, not to say that there is no effect, but the effect is very limited.

On the way back, he kept thinking about how to lower the temperature in the Tarim Basin so that it can be kept below 30 degrees Celsius during the day. If it can be done, the effect of rainfall operations will be very obvious.

Obviously, this problem is difficult to solve. At present, the cooling technology is relatively limited, either mechanical cooling or thermal convection cooling. These technologies cannot achieve large-scale cooling operations, and they are still open outdoors.

"Why are you talking less after you go home?" Pei Qing asked when she saw that he was relatively silent.

"I'm thinking about how to lower the temperature in the Tarim Basin," Ye Zishu said.

Pei Qing was surprised to hear what he said, can this lower the temperature? If there is such a technology, it is estimated that humans have already figured it out.

However, she didn't say it was impossible for Ye Shu's thinking, because the people in front of her can always create miracles, but she still reminded: "This needs to solve the problem of heat radiation!"

This seemingly simple view reminds Ye Zishu that in fact the main form that affects the temperature is thermal radiation, and sunlight is also a form of thermal radiation.

Thermal radiation is actually electromagnetic waves that carry energy. If these thermal radiation electromagnetic waves can be absorbed, the temperature can be effectively reduced, and it can even be used for power generation. After all, this is also energy.

He also has some technologies for absorbing heat radiation, but they all use the form of heat absorption by objects, and the range of affecting the temperature is very small, without much practical significance. It is impossible to cover the entire basin, and the cost is unbearable.

How to collect the heat radiation in the air in a cheap way, Ye Zishu fell into thinking again, Pei Qing stopped talking when she saw him like this, and picked up a book to read.

The first thing he thought of was to use air flow to absorb heat, build a large hair dryer, let the air pass through a special channel, and there is a device inside that can absorb heat from the passing air.

However, this method is not ideal. First, the heat absorption efficiency is very low. Second, the energy consumption is very large. The absorbed heat is not enough to cover the consumed energy. Third, the cost is too high.

This road is destined to be impossible, Ye Zishu gave up after thinking for a while, but there was no other way for a while, so he thought all the way, and almost got nothing.

It wasn't until when he got off the plane in Nanchang that he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way, that is to use the energy field to deal with energy, so that it was possible to meet his request.

In fact, this energy field is not particularly complicated. It is also an electromagnetic energy field. The difference from ordinary electromagnetic energy is that it is a field.

It contains electromagnetic frequencies of various bands. After external electromagnetic contact with this energy field, the electromagnetic direction will be changed, assimilated and absorbed, and become a part of the energy field.

This set of energy field devices initially needs to actively input a huge amount of energy to form the field, and then feed back itself by absorbing heat radiation for power generation, so that there is energy input.

According to a comprehensive estimate, the input energy should be far greater than the output energy. Only in this way can it absorb heat. If it is reversed, it may not only fail to absorb heat, but may also release heat.

It was already late August when he returned home. It did not rain all day in his hometown as before, but the flood did not stop because of this. Heavy rainstorms occurred in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Qingjiang River, and Hanjiang River.

If the Yangtze River cannot completely absorb the rainwater, it will need to release floods from Poyang Lake. His hometown is next to him, and the water level will skyrocket. There is no way.

Now the water level has risen to the foot of the mountain of his house. If the surrounding areas were not poured with special cement materials, one would have to worry about landslides if soaked in this way.

This was taken into consideration when his house was first built. In addition, the ground floor was still a laboratory, and the whole floor was poured as a whole. At the same time, many special materials were used. The longer it is used, the stronger it will become.

Tianwen Medical College hasn't started yet, Ye Ziqin usually stays at home except for work, when Ye Zishu comes home, she keeps asking Northwest if it's fun.

When Pei Qing told her that it was actually not that much fun and told her about the trip, she was no longer interested in asking about it. The hot climate and the yellow sand everywhere, except for the spectacular sunset, there was really nothing watchable.

When I came back this time, I brought some dried fruits to my parents, which are local specialties there. Now that the transportation is inconvenient, it is really not easy to transport these things to the mainland.

After resting at home for a day, Ye Zishu devoted himself to work again. The field is a very interesting research topic, and no special research has been conducted before.

The field we often come into contact with should be the magnetic field. The space station of Baihu Technology Company uses an artificial magnetic field to resist the high-altitude charged particle flow and prolong the service life of the space station.

Speaking of which, their space station was completed in early July, and more than a dozen general-purpose robots have been sent up to do the final finishing and debugging of the space station.

It should not be until September when the conditions for use are truly met, but the astronauts of many partner countries have not been trained well, even our country is the same.

Fortunately, Baihu Technology Company has now changed to a space shuttle to transport personnel, which has much lower physical requirements than the spacecraft, but it does not hinder the sending of relevant personnel to the space station.

At present, they have signed space station cooperation agreements with 65 countries around the world. Weaker countries may only send one or two astronauts, while stronger countries have more astronauts.

According to their estimates, the number of astronauts from other countries on the space station will be about 80 at that time, and the remaining 20 places will be occupied by our country's aerospace department and the astronauts of Baihu Technology Company.

If it operates at full capacity throughout the year, the space station project can bring about 700 billion yuan in revenue to Baihu Technology Company every year, which is quite profitable.

As for expanding the space station into a space city, there is no rush at the moment. After a few years, it will not be too late to accumulate more strength and act. Anyway, the construction is so big now, and there is no room for it.

It is best to combine the space city with interstellar mining, so that the space city becomes a transit space port, so that the value of the space city can be reflected, and the money spent can be earned back.

The field he wants to develop this time is also a kind of electromagnetic wave, but it is different from the traditional magnetic field in that it can interfere with thermal radiation electromagnetic waves, change the path of these electromagnetic waves, and assimilate them into a part of them.

In fact, he didn't have any information on this before, but when he studied the virtual world, he learned a lot of theoretical knowledge of physics, and with these theories, he could make such a thing.

However, he still followed the old routine. Before doing his own research, he first went to the virtual library to find information. If he could find ready-made technical information, it would save a lot of trouble.

Come to the area of ​​technical information related to field theory, there are also a lot of information here. In fact, the universe is a huge field, and the gravitational field we usually feel is just one of these fields.

In fact, it is difficult for human beings to feel the existence of the cosmic field. The reason for this is that the cosmic field is too obscure and often manifests itself in other forms.

With the current scientific capabilities, we can only study the fields that we can feel, and it is not a direct study, but an indirect research method.

Because the field is generally invisible and intangible, we can only conduct research on its characteristics through unusual appearances, such as electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields, which we cannot see.

In fact, any creature also has a life field, even the biological robot he developed also has it. Many Chinese medicine theories in our country are actually the application of the life field.

It's just that the life field is more elusive than the magnetic field and gravitational field. He doesn't know how our ancestors detected it, and the high probability is also the conclusion drawn from long-term experience.

In the medical books he wrote, there are a lot of applications of acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine, but he didn't explain why he did it.

If you want to understand the root cause, you have to read his book "Systematic Medicine", which mentions relevant content, but you don't know if you believe it or not.

Because "Systematic Medicine" does not adopt the traditional paper format, many contents in it do not give a clear theoretical basis, but only a comprehensive overview of human medicine.

In fact, Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, to a certain extent, regulate the vital field of the human body. If explained by modern medicine, it is another body fluid circulation system in the human body that is different from blood circulation.

In fact, this is just the appearance. Although some conclusions can be drawn from the appearance research, many other possibilities will be ignored. This is the shortcoming of modern medicine. Research problems are often blind and not comprehensive and systematic.

In addition to these natural fields, there are also many man-made fields. This is very complicated. Most of the technical information about fields in this area is technical information on artificial fields.

Now he wants to realize the field that absorbs convergent energy, which is a kind of artificial field. However, facing such a vast amount of information, he can only find it slowly. It would be great if there is an intelligent index.

For the next week, except for eating and sleeping, he basically read materials in the virtual library. Seeing him sleeping all day, Pei Qing thought he was not feeling well, so she had to explain.

It's a pity that after a week, he didn't get the technical information he wanted, which made him a little discouraged, and he was about to give up, but after thinking about it, he still planned to read some more information.

Although he did not find the technical information he wanted during this period of time, it allowed him to see various fields and unimaginable application scenarios.

A simple field can be completed with only simple energy props, such as a field that can make people hallucinate, and he can arrange it now, which is relatively simple.

There are also more powerful fields, which need to use cosmic stars as the field base to seal off or attack a certain cosmic area, and of course it can also transform a certain cosmic area.

From these materials, he vaguely found a way to transform the planet, artificially arranged a huge field, wrapped the planet inside, and then used the energy of the field to achieve certain transformations.

However, it is very difficult to do it. The field operation needs to consume energy. How to obtain huge energy on an unfamiliar planet is a big problem.

Moreover, the manufacture and development of related equipment is not an easy task, and some require special materials, which create huge obstacles for the use of fields to transform the planet.

If he didn't know that these are all science and technology, he would have reason to suspect that the fantasy spells he saw were very similar to the fairy formations written in the novel.

If these technical data flow into the real world, it will set off a new technological revolution, but it is extremely difficult to master these fields, and the conditions are very harsh.

The biggest difficulty is that they are not static. It is not enough to know how to use them. You need to understand why you do it and what is the root cause.

This requires learners to have profound basic knowledge before the learning field, and these basic knowledge cannot be learned in a lifetime by today's people.

When Ye Zishu was reading, he was interested in reading the detailed content at first, but unfortunately even he was a little lost in some places, which touched his knowledge blind spot.

In addition, some materials are also very harsh. For example, he saw the anti-gravity field. Unfortunately, the establishment of the anti-gravity field needs to be applied to the theory of ultra-dimensional space.

Isn’t it possible to create an anti-gravity field after learning the theory of space, and a special material medium is needed to communicate with the super-dimensional space, otherwise the anti-gravity effect will not be realized.

Our current matter exists based on the current space. If we want to communicate with the three-dimensional space and the four-dimensional space and form a connection with each other, we need to use materials made of semi-four-dimensional matter.

It is a pity that with our current technological level, it is difficult to manufacture it. Even if it is forcibly manufactured, the price paid is very high, and the gain outweighs the loss.

These are all new discoveries to him. Even if there is no purpose, he still plans to spend a certain amount of time to understand this aspect of knowledge.

Later, he continued to read the technical information for a month, and even took time every day to go to the virtual classroom to learn more systematic field theory, at least to clarify the basic knowledge.

Otherwise, even he can't understand the descriptions in some technical materials. This is still an overview of the content. If it involves more specific content, there may be more doubts.

One month later, he finally found the technical information on the thermal radiation field he needed, which made him ecstatic. If he were to study it by himself, more than a month would definitely not be enough.

After finding the technical information, he spent another half a month researching the technical information, mainly because there were many descriptions in it, even he couldn't figure it out, and he needed to study in a virtual classroom.

After figuring out these technical materials, Ye Zishu began to carry out targeted design according to the real scene, which not only needs to meet the application scene, but also needs to be able to meet the current conditions.

It took him another half a month, and finally realized the scene simulation on the super quantum computer. The effect is very good. In the application scene of the Tarim Basin, it can absorb up to 80% of the thermal radiation energy.

If this is the case, the temperature in the entire Tarim Basin can be completely reduced to below 20 degrees Celsius, turning the originally hot place into a dry and pleasant place.

After completing the super quantum computer simulation experiment, Ye Zishu began to purchase experimental materials and use laboratory equipment to make physical objects. He did not need to do this work himself.

He is sorting out the technical data. Although it has not been reproduced in the laboratory, he believes that the possibility of failure is very low, and sorting out the technical data in advance can save time.

There is not much theoretical knowledge in the technical information, all are information on how to produce related equipment, as well as supporting technology for power transmission and power generation facilities.

The entire Tarim Basin covers an area of ​​more than 400,000 square kilometers, and absorbs a huge amount of heat radiation energy every day, even higher than the solar power generation power currently built by Kirin Energy Industry Group.

This made him a little bit regretful that Kirin Energy Industry Group had crazyly increased the power generation this year. In contrast, the cost of using thermal radiation energy-absorbing fields to generate electricity is much lower.

At present, the solar power generation facilities built by Kirin Energy Industry Group have a power of 13 trillion watts, with an annual output of about 26 trillion kWh, which can basically meet all domestic energy consumption needs.

If this new power generation facility is completed, the power generation capacity will be too much to be used up, how to consume it will become a big problem.

Of course, electricity prices can also be lowered. Currently, the average residential electricity price is 0.35 yuan, and industrial electricity is more expensive. If electricity prices are further reduced, electricity consumption can be further promoted.

However, he believes that there is a limit after all, unless there is a greater breakthrough in technology and requires greater energy to support, otherwise it is impossible to grow infinitely.

Moreover, he also has to consider the previous investment recovery problem, but it is a good thing to reduce the cost of power generation. If you want to consume electricity, there are actually many ways.

For example, sending desalinated seawater to the northwest region on a large scale is profitable due to the low cost of electricity. If the northwest region can obtain hundreds of billions of cubic meters of water resources every year, the climate and soil transformation plan will be smoother.

There are more valuable consumption methods, such as using electricity to produce other rare substances, which will further free human beings from dependence and shackles on natural resources.

What he is considering now is whether such a technology should be used now. Compared with the current level of technology, it is a bit too advanced and may cause other adverse reactions.

It is not clear what will be changed in the future, so for the time being, if it is really not enough, you can only reduce the price of electricity to see how much it can be consumed and how much electricity is left every year.

Of course, it is also possible to sell the excess electricity to other countries, but this kind of cooperation cannot be achieved overnight.

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