Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 924 Another 7 Major Events During the Year


In September, the southern flood finally came to an end, and the water level in front of his house was gradually decreasing, and it had almost retreated to the level of the lake shore.

This time, many villages in the county were seriously affected by the disaster, and the post-disaster reconstruction work will start soon, and the county has allocated some financial funds to support it.

As the richest person in the ten miles and eight villages here, Ye Zishu couldn't do nothing. His father donated 500 million yuan from his small coffers in the name of the family.

In fact, the money has already spent all of his small coffers. As a result, he has no money to pay for the luxury house in the county, and he needs to wait until this year's income comes into his account.

The single-floor area of ​​that luxury house is 12,000 square meters. The garden on the top floor is said to be a gift, but it is actually included in the cost. After all, the above buildings also need money.

The price is naturally very expensive, as high as 35,000 yuan per square meter, and it would cost 420 million yuan to buy it. They didn't deliberately sell it at a high price.

The main reason is that the construction cost of this kind of high-rise building itself is extremely high. In addition, the decoration is very luxurious, and the money spent is not small, and the open-air garden on the top floor also costs a lot of money.

After all, such a quotation is considered very conscientious. If it is changed to a first-tier city, a quotation of 100,000 yuan per square meter is possible.

Father didn't have the money to pay the fee, and Ye Zishu didn't have any money in his personal account, so he had to ask Ye Zihua to advance the funds, and the money in his personal account was too much to spend.

Of course, you can also take money from Tidal Investment Company, but you need to pay personal income tax. If it is not necessary, you can save as much as you can.

Tidal Investment Company has donated 50 billion yuan before, and now it has donated another 100 billion yuan for the reconstruction of residents in the disaster area. The money is directly distributed to the victims through the charity fund under the Leaf Book Foundation.

The distribution standards are not based on the official standards. Charitable foundations distribute different funds according to their own standards and according to the degree of disaster-stricken residents in the disaster area. As for how they use it, it doesn't matter.

The previous 50 billion yuan was mainly used for flood fighting and rescue funds. Although his industrial enterprises donated a large amount of materials, there are still many materials that need money to buy. This money can reduce the financial burden of some local governments.

In fact, the direct economic loss caused by the great flood in the previous life was only more than 160 billion yuan. This time, clouds and rain have been driven out many times, and the disaster is much weaker than that in the previous life, and the direct economic loss is naturally much smaller.

The funds donated by Tidal Investment Company alone have almost made up for the direct economic losses. In addition, the funds donated by other enterprises and people from all walks of life are enough to allow residents in the disaster area to live a normal life as soon as possible.

Of course, Tidal Investment Corporation donated so generously,

Apart from the habit of his family, the most important thing is that the government has helped a lot in this energy futures war.

If there is no coordination from the government, domestic energy companies will not cooperate in this way. If they do not cooperate, it will be difficult to use the domestic energy market as the main battlefield.

Although they have the confidence to complete the operation abroad, but after all, they are in other people's territory, and there is a great risk that the other party will not admit it. Although the loss will not be huge, the money will not be so much.

As a reward, Tidal Investment Company can’t be too stingy. The government didn’t know how much money they made overseas before, because many overseas operations were carried out in the name of offshore companies.

The main battlefield of this financial battle is in China. The government knows exactly how much money Tidal Investment Company has made. If it doesn’t take out the money it has made, it will be a bit difficult to explain.

In fact, Tidal Investment Company is willing to donate more funds, but it will not be used any more. In the end, it is not known who will be cheaper. The donation of 100 billion yuan is the amount they decided after evaluation.

Generally speaking, the number of affected residents is quite large, but it has not seriously affected industrial production. Although the impact on agriculture is great, the fundamentals are still stable. At least there is no need to worry about food.

The charity fund under the Leaf Book Foundation is particularly eye-catching in the face of this catastrophe. Usually they only employ 10,000 general-purpose robots as standing staff.

This time, in order to be able to carry out the work better and avoid unexpected events, 100,000 general-purpose robots were temporarily hired from Kirin Basic Industries Group as temporary employees.

Because it is a charity, Kirin Basic Industry Group did not charge high fees, but only charged a basic maintenance fee of 1,000 yuan per month.

With the cooperation of more than 100,000 general-purpose robots, the huge donated materials and funds in their hands were distributed in place, and the ins and outs of every penny and each unit of materials were clearly announced on the official website.

There is also the recipient's signature at the back. Only when the recipient's signature is obtained can it be considered that the distribution is in place. If someone collects it on behalf of the middle, it must be strictly explained, and a follow-up investigation is required later to confirm that the distribution is in place.

The amount of materials and funds passed through their charitable foundation is as high as 200 billion yuan. Such a huge charitable donation is not only clearly recorded, but also very efficient and can be distributed in a timely manner.

This has given their charitable fund a great reputation in the domestic charitable field, and has also won the trust of many people. In the follow-up charitable donations for post-disaster reconstruction, they have received a lot of social donations.

Among the catastrophic floods, the most eye-catching performance was the cloud-dispelling and rain-regulating technology of the Kirin Environmental Industry Group. I did not expect to be able to exert such great power.

Without this technology, the degree of disaster damage would have increased by at least 20%. Although the situation cannot be changed, the degree of damage has been reduced, which can be regarded as infinite merit.

The most important thing is that after this verification, this set of technologies has finally been approved by the government, and some regional governments have begun to build such system facilities in their jurisdictions.

In the past, although the relevant departments were also trying their best to promote it, it was the local government who paid the money. Many of them felt that the money was spent a bit wrongly, and they did not agree that this technology could achieve the stated effect.

This large-scale operation of driving clouds and regulating rain is a living advertisement. If it is deployed in their jurisdiction, it will be very beneficial for regulating the local natural environment.

Especially in places with varying degrees of floods every year, or places that are usually relatively dry, they are more enthusiastic about this system, which is simply a magic tool for them.

The operation of driving clouds and regulating rain naturally spread abroad, and many news reports were made about it. It is impossible not to be discovered at all.

But such news reports have not been widely recognized, and the reason is still too sci-fi, and many people don't think that existing technology can do this.

Neither Kylin Environmental Industry Group nor the government has given an explanation, and it is completely unnecessary. Anyway, this set of technical equipment will not be exported, and advertising is not very effective.

During this period of time, there have been many major domestic events. The first is the official construction of the Beijing-Shanghai Super Maglev Rail Transit. This news broke out in June, but the news was overwhelmed by then.

It is only now that it has been revealed that in addition to the official start of the Beijing-Shanghai line, there are many other lines that have been officially started. The reason why it is only now is mainly due to the final confirmation of the route planning.

A long time ago, my country had the dream of building a high-speed rail network all over the country. Relevant departments and experts did a lot of work in the early stage, but they had neither technology nor funds.

Now that our country has both funds and technology, the route plan that has been prepared for a long time can be used directly. It is only the route optimization and some interests involved that took some time.

According to the new route plan, all prefecture-level cities will be opened to traffic in the first phase, with a construction mileage of 40,000 kilometers and an estimated investment of about 12 trillion yuan.

The goal of the second phase is to open to traffic in large and medium-sized cities with a population of more than 500,000. There is no clear data yet, because the population of each city has changed greatly and has not yet reached a stable period.

The goal of the third phase is to make every county open to traffic, but this is only an assumption, because the cost of doing so is too high, and the total construction mileage is expected to reach 160,000 kilometers.

If the average investment of 300 million yuan per kilometer is still used, the total investment will be as high as 48 trillion yuan, which is the second largest investment. The problem is whether there are enough people and goods to carry.

It will take at least 10 years to complete the third phase of the goal. It is impossible to predict the economic situation at that time, but it is definitely not as fast as the economic growth during the current period.

Whether the investment is large or not depends mainly on the total domestic economy at that time. If the total amount is very large, the affordability of investing these funds is relatively light, and even if there is a loss, it will not hurt the bones.

Another major event is also related to Huanyu Group, that is, their first three passenger aircraft have finally completed all tests, and in July they obtained the airworthiness certificate issued by the relevant domestic department.

By August, they had already begun to deliver the aircraft to customers in batches. In fact, these aircraft had been produced before, but the test was not completed and the airworthiness certificate was not obtained.

In fact, Huanyu Group is very confident in the aircraft it manufactures. In order to avoid the pressure of late delivery, it produced a lot in advance, but all of them were parked in their hangar.

During this period, their orders for 150-seat passenger planes reached as high as 1,000, orders for 300-seat passenger planes reached 1,500, and orders for 500-seat passenger planes also reached 300.

The 150-seat airliner is quoted at US$50 million, which is more expensive than the same type of airliner of the other two companies, but they are not worried about not being able to sell, and their comprehensive performance and economy are much stronger than the products of the other two companies.

The price for a 300-seat passenger plane is US$120 million, and that for a 500-seat passenger plane is US$250 million. The three types of passenger planes are basically priced at US$300,000, US$400,000 and US$500,000 for each standard passenger.

These quotations are benchmark quotations, and they are also temporary prices. In fact, the transaction prices will be slightly different. For example, domestic orders previously booked are all sold at a 20% discount, which is very cost-effective.

At present, these orders are all domestic. Since they have not yet obtained airworthiness certificates from other countries, they cannot be sold to foreign countries, because they cannot fly if they are sold.

The Huanyu Group is not particularly anxious. Anyway, domestic orders alone are enough to meet the production capacity of their aviation manufacturing enterprises. After a period of domestic operation, it proves safe and reliable, and export is a matter of course.

After these orders are discounted, the total order capital scale exceeds 2 trillion yuan, and it is expected that all deliveries will be completed within three years. At that time, many domestic airports have already been built and have sufficient carrying capacity.

It is expected that by the end of this year, the other two ultra-large passenger aircraft will also complete all the testing work, and the order quantity will be much lower than the above three models.

The main reason is that the price is too expensive, the take-off and landing conditions are relatively harsh, and it can only be used to fly between large airports. There are many restrictions. At present, the order is not stable, so there is no need to mention it.

These two airliners mainly demonstrate the airliner manufacturing capabilities of Huanyu Group. It is the above three airliners that really make a lot of money, and the market demand is much greater.

The main domestic orders are still placed by the airlines of Wancheng Jiye, and there are not many purchases. Only 10 orders have been placed for 800-seat passenger planes, and only 5 orders have been placed for 1,500-seat passenger planes.

Other domestic airlines have also placed some orders, but the number is smaller than Wancheng Jiye's airlines, and they are not sure whether their business needs such passenger planes.

Now no one doubts that Huanyu Group can't make it. Obviously, in the field of transportation, Huanyu Group is among the top ranks in the world, and its strength is beyond doubt.

The third major event is the education reform of New Oriental Education Group, which involves thousands of households and has received a lot of attention.

Although New Oriental Education Group is currently doing this, the education department has only approved their educational reform plan, and has no plans to fully promote it, because a trial run is needed to see how it works.

But everyone understands that the education reform of New Oriental Education Group is a future trend, and this can be expected when IQ drugs are used on a large scale.

The purpose of this drug is not to give children more time to play, but to improve children's learning ability and acquire more knowledge within a certain period of time.

It's just that I didn't expect that the educational reform of New Oriental Education Group would come so quickly, and the magnitude of the reform would exceed the expectations of many educators.

According to this plan, if the expected results are achieved, high school graduates will be able to reach the level of current graduate students, and the breadth of knowledge will even far exceed those of those who learn more and become narrower.

The most distinctive feature is that the content of knowledge is extremely large. With the knowledge reserves of many teachers now, it is difficult to cope with it. To meet the requirements, teachers need to relearn too many things.

Another feature is that it is very flexible. For teachers who are used to teaching in a fixed way, they will face a lot of pressure, and it will be very difficult to muddle along.

The only thing that comforts them is that the current plan is only carried out in schools under the New Oriental Education Group. The pressure is only on these teachers, and it has nothing to do with other teachers for the time being.

And it’s not all replaced as soon as it comes up. It needs to be replaced year by year starting from the first grade of elementary school. It will take 12 years to replace all of them.

However, the courses of other grades are not exactly the same as before. That would be too easy, and some additional expanded content will be added for learning. New Oriental Education Group has also formulated relevant reforms.

Of course, if the results of the preliminary pilot project are very good and basically meet the predetermined goals, the education department may promote it in schools and regions other than the basic education schools under the New Oriental Education Group in advance.

This matter has also aroused a lot of discussion abroad, but their views are very different from those in China. They think that such reforms will put a lot of pressure on students to study.

And they think that children should play more and not be bound by their studies, and doing so may stifle children's creativity. These views are consistent with their previous cognition.

The happy education they advocate is actually a mediocre education, but the education of elite children is completely inconsistent with the ideas they advocate, and the purpose is self-evident.

It is impossible for anyone who wants to achieve something to not suffer at all. Compared with other hardships, the suffering of learning is the lightest and the simplest.

As for the effect of this reform plan, it is necessary to wait until the end of the first semester to make a preliminary judgment. Currently, most students have used two doses of IQ drugs. After all four doses of IQ drugs are used, we will see how the effect is.

The fourth major event is the reform of medical insurance. This matter also involves everyone's interests. Naturally, it has received a lot of attention. Everyone wants to benefit from this medical insurance reform.

There are three main features of this medical insurance. The first feature is that the original medical insurance is fully integrated into the membership system of Tai Chi Medical Group. The name can be different, but the system is one system.

Although I didn't say that everyone will go to the medical institutions under Taiji Medical Group for medical treatment in the future, but the meaning is the same, and anyone who understands can understand it.

In addition to the dissatisfaction of some practitioners in medical institutions, the residents are quite cognizant of this, especially those who only had medical insurance before, this time it is considered an automatic upgrade, which is very beneficial to them.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the membership value and benefits of Tai Chi Medical Group are much better than medical insurance, and this merger did not arouse too much opposition.

The second feature is the combination of proportional payment and fixed fee payment. The enterprise must pay 8% of the salary for all employees of the enterprise to pay medical insurance, and the individual and the enterprise each pay half.

This type of payment enjoys the benefits of Qiangua membership, which means that not only major diseases can be treated for free, but more than 80% of the cost of general disease treatment can also be reimbursed.

The reason why they are not all free is mainly because they are afraid of running out of medical resources, otherwise it is very likely that some people will sleep in the hospital all year round and treat the hospital as a hotel.

Non-enterprise employees can choose the fixed fee payment method, and they don't have to purchase Qiangua membership, but they must purchase Kungua membership, which plays an insurance role against major diseases.

Kungua members cover a complete range of major diseases, and almost all diseases that cost more than 50,000 yuan to treat are included in the benefits of Kungua members, which is extremely cost-effective.

The reason for such a mandatory requirement is that we do not want to see some families become impoverished due to illness. If they are really unable to pay, the government will provide financial assistance.

In fact, whether the government’s finances need to be supplemented depends entirely on whether the total revenue of Taiji Medical Group’s fixed items has reached the prescribed proportion within the year.

If the ratio of 8% is not reached, the government needs to help make up for it. If it reaches the ratio, the government does not need to pay the money. If it exceeds, it can be accumulated to the next year.

According to Taiji Group, we don't want to ask for more money from the country, but we also don't want to take less money from the country. Anyway, under a fixed ratio, we will try our best to improve the service quality to satisfy all parties.

According to this regulation, the vast number of elderly people in rural areas and those who have not paid for medical insurance before will be included in the medical insurance system, so that they can enjoy high-quality medical services in their later years.

For the same reason, minors in China can also receive medical insurance services for free. Anyway, the total cost of regular medical projects accounts for 8% of gdp. The government naturally hopes that the more people included in the medical insurance system, the better.

Although doing so made Taiji Medical Group the only one, it was the one with the least cost and the most coverage among all the plans. After all, no one is a fool.

The third feature is that no distinction is made between medical insurance participants. Whether they are ordinary citizens or government officials, they are treated equally, and they all need to pay fees according to regulations and enjoy the same medical services.

Again, since the 8% line has already been drawn, the government can’t waste it in vain. Including civil servants’ medical insurance will save a lot of administrative expenses on the whole, and it also reflects the principle of fairness and justice.

The above are all for recurring medical items. Medical services other than recurring medical items are not covered by medical insurance. For example, non-disease services such as dentistry and medical beauty are charged separately.

In fact, the longevity medicine that is free for members is not included in the medical insurance program. The reason why it is free is Tai Chi Medical Group's own decision. The purpose is naturally to reduce the overall expenses. When the body is healthy, the disease will naturally be less.

The fifth thing is that starting next year, the 12-year compulsory education will be fully implemented, but the entrance exams for junior high school and junior high school will remain. How to do it is up to each locality to decide.

Since it will only start next year, many details have not been disclosed, and adjustments may be made during the implementation process, so there is no need to go into too much detail.

It is also planned to increase the development of vocational education and improve the quality of higher education. Since so much energy and money have been spent, it is natural to hope to harvest more talents. Vocational education and higher education are very important.

The sixth major event is the completion of the construction of my country's space station project. Although the response to the popularity was a bit delayed, in September, it was still among the top three in the domestic Internet public opinion hot search list.

More information about the space station has also been disclosed by Baihu Technology. There are also a large number of internal photos and videos of the space station, allowing the world to learn more about my country's space station.

Compared with the narrow environment of other space stations, the conditions of Baihu Technology's space station are much better. The most important thing is that gravity has been realized in some areas, which is very important for astronauts who have been active in space for a long time.

The completion of the space station of Baihu Science and Technology Company marks that our country has reached a new level in the field of aerospace technology, and everyone is looking forward to the next lunar and Mars programs.

Compared with the above six major events, the seventh major event has also attracted the attention of the whole people.

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