Nangong Jingli has just arrived at the Ministry of punishment, but he hears a more gloomy news. Nangong Jing, the murderer of the prince's poison, committed suicide by taking poison. However, Jun Qingcheng was robbed from the prison last night. Li Ruyu learned that the Li family had been robbed and killed in the prison.

Two died and one disappeared overnight.

How can people not be gloomy? The case of the prince poisoning has long been found out. These two people can not escape one death. But Jun Qingcheng is pregnant, and what she is pregnant with is the royal heir. He also told his father and the emperor that he wanted to get rid of it again. His father finally ordered him to be executed, but the edict was just yesterday.

People were robbed at night?

And Nangong Jing, taking poison to commit suicide? How could she commit suicide? A few days ago, when she was on trial, she was still complaining about her injustice. How could she say that she died? The prison is heavily guarded. Where did she get the poison? Nangong Jingli's head flashed a few doubts, but did not think deeply. Her death had no influence on the overall situation.

Naturally, you don't have to waste energy, but you can't get rid of the relationship with your mother.

And Li Ruyu's death, then no one to care, the Li family fell down, but also was sentenced to the death of the whole family, who will care about her life and death? Therefore, government officials only deal with suicide cases as normal cases. After being transferred for autopsy, they are waiting for the case to be closed.

It's just this autopsy that found problems.

Li Ruyu had no scars on his surface and only a strangulation mark on his neck. It was supposed to be a suicide, but after examining his body, he found that his internal organs were completely fragmented. Whether it was caused after death or before death has not been examined in detail.

The punishment department's handling is very simple. After Li Ruyu's death, the murder case in the palace has been counted on her head. Only the paper confession and a vivid palm print are needed. Then her body is carried out, and the criminal Department closes the case.

Naturally, nangongjing is still the same.

The death of these two people didn't splash much. The biggest thing is that Jun Qingcheng escaped. It was an important criminal ordered by the Emperor Qin to arrest. How dare anyone rob a prisoner in the prison?

That's a lot of guts.

Nangong Jingli thought of Rongdi or Jun Jinglan for the first time. However, there seemed to be no relationship between Rongdi and Jun Qingcheng. Before that, Rongdi also refused Jun Qingcheng. From Jun Jinglan's extremely bad attitude towards Jun Qingcheng in the northern palace, it is obvious that he can not do so.

In addition to this, there is his six emperor younger brother? It's impossible, even if Jun Qingcheng is pregnant with his child, but he still doesn't know whether he is a woman, so what if he is a male heir? Isn't it easy to have children in his capacity? And Nangong Jingxiu and Yunfei coveted the throne.

How could you do such a stupid thing at this time?

"Lord, what do you think of this matter? I have sent a lot of people to track down. But those people were so bad that we didn't find anything else except this jade pendant on the scene. " Xu Weiyuan's face was very gloomy and ugly. Who could have thought that the guard was so strict that he could be robbed?

When an important criminal was robbed, he was in charge of the criminal department, and he was liable for the crime of dereliction of duty. Nangong Jingli was ordered by the emperor to investigate the case. Although the responsibility lies in the Ministry of punishment, it is difficult for him to escape all the responsibility. At least if the county Qing City escaped, it would naturally have to be caught back.

Otherwise, the case will not be closed.

There is no way for the father to explain.

Nangong Jingli Junyan was as usual. He took the evidence but squinted slightly: "this jade pendant has been seen by the king. Since Lord Xu said this was left by an assassin at the scene of the prison, then follow me to find the owner of the jade pendant and make sure that it is clear that there will be results soon."

With a little low voice, it seems that the water is really more and more muddy. Is Nangong Jingxiu unwilling to let Jun Qingcheng die, or is someone trying to blame him?

Chen Fei is not as stupid as that person should not have action at this time, say is his that stupid four emperor younger brother pour still possible, but Chen imperial concubine can do so? How could he be so powerful that he could break into the prison?

Or someone else? Who is that man?


The secluded footpath, green leaves and red flowers complement each other, and the high jade steps seem to lead to fairyland. Looking at the tower like buildings at the end of the sky, Luo Wuyou looks a little surprised.

"Lanruo temple, the place where the princess wants to bring me is lanruo temple? Why did you suddenly want to bring me here? I remember that the sheriff once said that he could participate in Buddhism but not believe in Buddhism? " The girl looks up at the man, and there seems to be something flashing in the bottom of her eyes.

This is indeed the place where she wants to come, but it is a pity that after returning to the capital, she has been caught in her feet, and her journey has been blocked again and again. Originally thought to come back in a few days, but did not want to, today he brought her.

Coincidence? Or what did he already know?

She always knew that he had guessed it, but she could never have known this or the details? Where did she show up? Could it be the night in the dungeon of the northern palace? If you really show off your feet, it seems that only that night.

But if so, doesn't it mean that there was more than Jun Jinglan in the dungeon that night?

And him?Did he really hear and know?

The girl's breath is slightly shortness of breath. These days she is really considering whether she should tell him all those things? She promised him that one day she would tell him in person before they got married, but would he believe those things which were so absurd?

The past is so unbearable, how can she speak in front of him?

Does he really mind?

Rongdi took back her sight and looked at the girl in her arms. Her eyes suddenly flashed away. She hugged her tightly and said with a smile: "it's said that the daughter's family will be very flustered and uneasy before getting married, so they all like to worship Buddha and offer incense in order to have a smooth marriage? And the county thinks there may be someone you care about here. On that day, when you came to offer incense, your county was not far away. "

"Is the princess here? So you see it all? " Luo Wuyou blinked his long eyelashes and asked.

"At that time, my county felt very strange, and Qi Feng and Qi Yan could not guess. Although I don't know who the man is, I think he is the one who cares about. We're getting married soon. I think you'd like to tell him about it in person

Rongdi nodded and said softly, "otherwise, how could this county bring you here? Moreover, the incense of lanruo temple is the most prosperous and effective. No worries. We'll go and worship together. Then you don't have to worry about it. Let's go. The county will take you up first. "

His worry free is also frightening.

But her fear she never let anyone see, even him. He could understand the feeling that he was the only one who was different between heaven and earth, and why she was so. What he can do is to give her more sense of security, let her a little bit off the heart of all the defense, also remove that all that camouflage.

At least in front of him, can be the most true self!

Luo Wuyou gathered God with a smile: "if you want to be effective, don't you have to climb up the 81 step ladder first? Will the princess plan to fly up again with carefree

"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart flows. If he is sincere, how can the Buddha stick to those external situations? If the heart is sincere, it will surely be effective. If the heart is not sincere, it will be vain to do more. This county and you are full of sincerity, and the gods can distinguish clearly. So what's the relationship between climbing the steps and not climbing? "

The voice of Qingyue penetrates the breeze and falls into carefree ears. It is held tightly by the man in the middle of the air. She reaches out her hand around the man's waist and looks up at the perfect line of his face. But in the blink of an eye, they had already stepped on the stairs, and their feet were on the ground again.

"It's no worry. I can't get through it. Thank you for your advice." Hair is still flying gently, Luo Wuyou's face is a little relieved, it is true, he said right, but she has never wanted to open.

Rongdi smoothed her hair for her, and they went all the way into the hall of Mahavira, where there was no change as usual in the last time. The palace was extended and the precious appearance was solemn. Occasionally, the bell sounded. It was simple and quiet, heavy and solemn.

They passed through the Mahavira hall, and all the way to the side hall where incense and fire tablets were worshipped. Luo Wuyou almost saw the wordless spirit tablet on the altar at a glance. Maybe it's instinct, or maybe it's the wordless spirit that's so different that people can always see it at a glance.

Under the altar, there is a little master who is suing the Scriptures.

Luo Wuyou comes forward and kneels down in front of the Futuan. He looks at the statue of Buddha with golden body and the spiritual position placed on the altar in front of the Buddha statue. He quietly listens to the Sanskrit music in his ear, but it seems that ye'er's face appears on the no word spiritual position.

Only that tender and full of pain is with a smile. Luo Wuyou looks at it like that and looks at it for a long time. I don't know how long it took, and her mouth finally brings up a smile of relief.

Now, her ye'er has finally closed her eyes.

All the people who had harmed him died, and they were sent to hell one by one. No matter whether it was luoxianer who directly killed him, or Nangong Jingyu who gave up his life, or even song Defei, who was involved with him, they all died.

All went to hell.

Her ye'er will turn a new leaf and be happy in this life. Ye, you are the only one who can do this for the afterlife.

It must be good

Close your eyes lightly, it seems that something is falling from the feather eyelashes and falling on the lips. The slight saltiness is also suffused with a few bitterness, but the girl's lips always bloom with a smile.

Xu Ni opened her eyes. She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She got up and walked out of the hall: "let's go. Since the princess is here, will you take me to a place? Wuyou knows that there is a maple forest on the back mountain of lanruo temple. The maple leaves are as red as fireworks. They are so beautiful and gorgeous that I suddenly want to see it! "

"Well, it's really beautiful there."

Rongdi nodded, and the red maple trees were as charming as the red as the girl said. The beauty was dazzling. However, no matter how beautiful it was, in the man's heart, it was just as beautiful as the beautiful shadow in purple. Looking at the girl's posture in the forest kept flying and dancing.

The corner of the man's mouth dense smile, slender fingers between the quiet sound is also non-stop flow out. The eyes are fixed looking at the girl between the red maple flavor, until the last note, the girl's body is a little shaky, the next moment is falling in the arms of men.The man's voice is full of worry: "but still some dizziness?"

"Nothing, just a little, and I know I will not fall, you will catch me, right? Jondy, help me over there and sit down. " Luo Wuyou shook his head, in the end the body is still a little weak, some bravado.

The maple leaves were burning like fire in the branches. Occasionally, the breeze blew through the forest, and it seemed that a fire red rain was coming. In the red rain, the man held the girl in his arms, and they sat on the ground. The girl leaned against the man's arms, looking at the blue sky, watching the clouds changing and shifting, and also watching the maple trees, the maple leaves withered.

"Jondy, would you like to hear a story from me?"

After a long time, Luo Wuyou suddenly said: "however, this story may be a little long, maybe it will be said for a long time. You must have a lot of doubts, right? I wonder why I want to kill Nangong Jingyu and why I hate him? Of course, not only that, but also Wu Shaoqian. Why do I hate him? There are so many doubts like this. You should think it strange to come here? "

After several questions, the girl's soft voice is with a trace of sadness. Some things always have to face, and in fact, she should have told him earlier.

But she hesitated, unable to speak.

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