I hope it's not too late!

As for whether he would believe it or not and what would happen after hearing it, she didn't want to think about it or not, and she didn't want to worry about it. He said her concerns never existed with him.

She chose to believe him!

Rongdi slightly side of the head, breathing some moments of stagnation, the girl's voice with a little ethereal, the look seems to become distant, he knew what she was going to say, but he did not think it would be at this time.

Without waiting for him to speak, Luo Wuyou said: "I still remember that year when I saw him, I was about five years old. I was five years old. He was my only playmate, and he was also the only one who told me that he would protect me and marry me. We play together, read and write together. He planted the Gardenia tree for me

"I've been his wife since I was born, but it's a pity that everything has changed. That night my mother died, she died of dystocia, she died with one body and two lives. She was dead, not feigned death, did not leave, did not turn back, nor was an'er born, there was no elder martial brother, no master, not even you, not everything now..."

The girl's voice was slightly trembling, and her voice was a little sharp: "it was a very different life, Rongdi. Now you should have guessed it? In fact, I He died long ago, in the 39th year of Qianyuan. Now you see me as a dead man. No, it's just a wisp of soul coming back from the future. I'm a dead man. Do you understand? Do you understand? It's ridiculous, isn't it? It's unbelievable, isn't it? But this is the fact, this is the fact... "

"I believe in every word you say."

The man hugged the woman's shoulder tightly and hugged her tightly: "Roche worry free, every word you say is believed by our county. Our county will never doubt you, Roche worry free, our county will never doubt you, do you know? The county has said that no matter what you are, as long as you are, the county will always be with you. You don't have to worry, doubt or fear. This county will always accompany you. "

How could he not believe that the past was not only branded on her heart like a knife or an arrow, but also deeply engraved in his heart. He had already made a conclusion and even saw it with his own eyes. Originally just wanted to bring her a wish, but did not think, she will suddenly decide to tell him everything.

Tear the scar of the past or can ache into bone marrow, but if not, how can she be cured?

Do you believe it? Will anyone believe such a ridiculous thing?

Luo Wuyou looked up at the man, holding a pale smile: "but you don't know what happened later? I was slandered to have a private meeting with others at the Baihua banquet, and my reputation was completely destroyed. Then my good mother asked for an imperial edict for me, and I became Princess Yu. "

"Five years later, he became the crown prince, and I became the crown prince. It's ridiculous, isn't it? Once a little lady of the prime minister's family, even a woman who lost her chastity, became the crown princess. I think everyone was laughing at that time. Everyone was, only I didn't know. I thought that would be the beginning of all happiness, but I didn't want to, it was just the beginning of hell... "

There are tears sliding down the girl's cheek, every drop is so crystal clear, every tear is like a star in the sky, falling on the man's heart, tearing pain.

He can only hold him more forcefully, accompany her to ache together!

"That year Nangong Jingyu successfully ascended the throne, and I gave birth to ye'er, but the person who became the leader of the six palaces was not me, but luoxianer. I'm dead, ye'er is taken away, but I'm still alive. The world only knows that Princess Luo Wuyou is dead, but she is still alive. On the Bank of the Qinhuai River, in the brothel named Yanchun tower, her name has changed into "Zhuo..."

Luo Wuyou's voice was low. Suddenly, his whole body was as cold as ice. His hands were tightly folded, but he didn't know the pain. His whole body was stiff to the extreme. His teeth clenched his lips and had bitten blood. In that bright eye, there is only an endless pale empty.

That period of humiliation, never clear humiliation of the past, with the death of the Yang family, she thought those past would also disappear. But actually still exists in her memory!

"No worries, let go. This county is here. Let go. If you feel pain, don't talk about it. This county never cares. No matter who you are, no matter what happened to you, our county never mind. Let's not talk about it..." Palm against the girl's vest, wisps of Qi overflowed, warm internal force dissipated the forest cold like hell, bringing a little warmth.

The girl let go of her hand, and her eyes re focused on the man's voice. Looking at the worried and heartbreaking eyes of the man, she shook her head: "I'm ok. Let me say it. It's hidden for too long. I want to say, maybe I won't hurt again. Shao Xian thought he would save me for a year, but he didn't want to save me. "

"After ten years of torture and imprisonment, I was stripped of all my bones by them, and I became no man, no ghost or ghost. Until luoxian'er became pregnant, ye'er became their target. Later, ye'er died. I watched him split up at the Meridian Gate, but I couldn't save him. I'm not willing to die like that. I want revenge... "Luo Wuyou let the man pull his hand and took a deep breath: "maybe the heaven pitifully heard my curse, my heart voice, I was reborn, back to the moment of fate turning, I saved my mother and an'er. I sent all my enemies to hell one by one. Now it's a great revenge, isn't it? "

Except for the two left, she did take revenge.

"Now you know that I'm not as good as you think. I'm just a dead man crawling out of hell, and my past is not as clean as you think. Whether it's my body or my hands, it's the same. Now you know, jondy, are you so sure you want to marry me

Luo Wuyou withdrew from the man's arms, and his pale face was still full of tears, but his expression was restored to indifference, and his eyes became extremely cold. However, the fingertips of his hands were slightly trembling: "now, I give you the last chance to repent. If you regret, it's still time to cancel the wedding and return to the marriage."

"But I will only give you one chance. If you still insist on marrying me, I will give you my heart. But if you answer me today and marry me, you will negate me in the future. No matter the sky or the earth, even if I become a devil, I will kill you with my own hands At the end of the day, the girl's expression was cold and cruel.

"If one day you don't have to do it, the county will take care of itself."

Rongdi also decided to look at the girl, picked up his finger and fell on the girl's cheek: "my county said you don't want to escape again, no matter you are a person, a demon or a ghost, this life and this life, even if you become gray, this county also wants. This county will not give you a chance to repent. I want you to be my bride. You will be the only wife and the only woman in this county

Is his only wife and only woman.

"Rongdi, do you really..."

"You think I care? Worry free, the county said that any of your concerns never existed here in the county. You can also guess how much you said. Maybe you don't remember. In the peach forest, my county remembers. But in the heart of this county, you will always be the purest and most flawless Roche carefree. Don't talk about demeaning yourself

The man's voice was a little low: "what if you died once? What about ghosts? Seriously speaking, this county is no different from you, is it? This county is so poisonous that it is just a monster in the eyes of the world. Have you ever cared? "

He knows what she cares about, his worry free that strong, how can she dirty? All that pain was not what she wanted, but she had been able to bear it all the time, and could even reverse it in the Jedi. In his heart, there is no one in the world as clean as her.

She is his favorite!

"The bright moon will last forever, and I will be happy to see you."

There are tears in his bright eyes. Luo Wuyou listens to the man's words and looks at the man's eyes. In those eyes, there is only heartache, only pity, only doting and love. In the eyes like stars, there is only a small self, full and no gap.

Maybe she should have told him earlier that she would not be so miserable if she said it earlier, but it seems that it is not too late at the moment. This man, she loves him, chooses to believe him, and he has never let her down.

What was she worrying about?

The heart is full, even the dusty dark corner, at this moment, it seems that no words can express her mood. For the first time, she actively leaned over the man's neck, allowing them to be closer to each other without any distance.

Let her lips cover the perfect lips of men.

She closed her eyes and allowed the tears in her eyes to fall, but the brackish tears were no longer bitter. Under the hot sunshine, it seemed that she was stained with colorful rays. If happiness has color, it should be so brilliant and dazzling?

The girl's initiative is undoubtedly to make Rongdi ecstatic, but both of them are never too emotional in the face of the people, usually, they are more willing to speak with facts. However, the actual action used by Rongdi is that he reaches out his long arm directly to hold the girl in his arms and quickly takes the initiative.

The man's big palm fell on the girl's soft and delicate body. The soft touch of the lips and the shallow warmth made him intoxicated. He drove straight in, almost effortlessly opened the girl's teeth, and madly entangled with the girl, just like the tangled tree.

Each other is dependent on each other, only wish that heaven and earth will never be separated.

After a long time, the man gently forced the girl to lie in his arms. The lips moved away from the girl's slightly red and swollen lips, but fell on the girl's eyebrows and eyes, licking the tears on the girl's face.

In the charming maple forest with lingering wind, beside the simple seven stringed guqin, men and girls embrace each other in the sky and the ground, and the rustling leaves flutter and flutter ceaselessly. It seems that even the leaves are also dyed with a light and beautiful color, and there is no longer the desolate desolation when it withers.

Two generations later, he met her.

"Roche, in another day, you will be the wife of this county. Our county will give you a different wedding, and our county will make you the happiest woman in the world." The man kisses gently, and murmurs in the girl's ear. The voice is deep and hoarse, but it is difficult to conceal the flying tone.Is this silly girl still so worried that he will regret it? It was their wedding. It was a wedding he had been looking forward to. How could he give her a chance to escape?

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