Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 845: Incurable pneumonia

  Chapter 845 Uncurable pneumonia

  Li Jing couldn't suppress her inner excitement, so she went to the Chinese medicine clinic.

  It's not that she doesn't believe in Guo Xiang, but that she wants to confirm it again. One more person is sure that it won't be wrong.

   Ji Changlin is sitting there.

  Li Jing saw Ji Changlin, an old Chinese doctor, who seemed to be very experienced, and she felt more at ease.

  Ji Changlin nodded when seeing Li Jing, "Sit down, where is it uncomfortable?"

  "Will you get the pulse? You will show it first?" Li Jing said, letting go of her own situation, and see if the doctor can see it.

Ji Changlin nodded. He has encountered this situation more than once. Many people don’t say anything to get the pulse first. They want to see if this doctor is really capable. To be honest, it’s not necessarily true if it is someone with poor medical skills. Can get it out.

   Put the pulse diagnosis in front of Li Jing, pointed, "Put your wrist up."

  Li Jing followed suit, and Ji Changlin put his fingers on Li Jing’s wrist.

   "Change another hand."

   Ji Changlin knows the pulse, "Girl, you have no problem with your body. You are pregnant. To be honest, if your body is a little weak, just add more nutrition."

   "Really? Are you pregnant?" Li Jing almost cried excitedly.

   "It's true, don't get excited, it's not your first time to be a mother, right? Why are you still so excited?" Ji Changlin was puzzled.

  "How do you know?" Li Jing was surprised. Can this be seen?

  Ji Changlin smiled, "I can still see this after seeing the illness for decades."

   "Don't worry, you are in good health, just pay attention to nutrition, no other problems." Ji Changlin smiled.

   "Hey, thank you doctor, thank you, thank you!" Li Jing stood up and bowed to Ji Changlin, finally letting go of the big stone in her heart.

   went back to the general clinic to look for Guo Xiang, Guo Xiang smiled, "How about? Don't worry?"

  Li Jing was a little embarrassed, "Well, finally relieved, I was really scared to death just now, and I thought I was terminally ill..."

   "It's okay now, go back and raise it," Guo Xiang said.

   "Dean Guo, I think... miscarriage, can you do this?" Li Jing asked.

  "Is this child no more?" Guo Xiang was surprised, "Although CT and MRI have been done, they are not X-rays, which will not affect the child much."

"No, it's not for this reason. I can't give birth. I already have a child. Now the family planning is so strict. My wife and I are both in public institutions and there are no fertility targets. If we give birth, one of us will have to be laid off... "

  Guo Xiang nodded, indeed, family planning is too strict now. People like them can only give birth to one, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl.

   "We can do it here, but you still have to bring your credentials." Guo Xiang said, "but you are only four weeks away, you can get the medicine, and you don't need surgery."

   "Can you?" Li Jing asked, as if she hadn't heard of it, it usually requires surgical curettage.

"Yes, because the month is small, the drug flow will do. If it goes smoothly, the drug flow will be like menstruation, and it will not have a great impact on the body. But the drug flow is not controlled, and some people will not flow cleanly. If there are some people with residual membranes, it is still It is different from person to person, and I cannot guarantee..." Guo Xiang said.

"Induced abortion is performed under B-ultrasound. The success rate is high and the time is short. However, it will inevitably cause some damage to the endometrium. For example, if the endometrium is too thin for some people, it is easy to cause habitual abortion... "

"Of course you don't want to have another child, but you are not afraid of it, but it is not good for your body. You weigh the pros and cons yourself. By the way, pay attention to contraception after the shed this time. Did you not wear the ring?" Guo Xiang asked. Got it?

   "No, I was not in good health at the time, so I asked someone to talk about it and signed the agreement. I didn't wear the ring. I usually use the condom. I didn't expect..." Li Jing flushed.

  Guo Xiang nodded, and he did the same, but because he and Gu Zhennan had been paying attention to it, there was no accident. Contraception is not 100% that can prevent pregnancy. Even if the ring is off, some people in the upper ring may be pregnant.

   "Then which one do you want to use?" Guo Xiang asked.

  Li Jing thought for a while, but didn’t want to let others know about it. If there was a flow of people, she would ask for leave again, “It’s better to use the medicine flow...”

   "Yes, I will prescribe medicine for you, and you have to do exactly what I said." Guo Xiang issued the order, "Normal menstruation will last for a few days, but if you find that you are bleeding more than once, you have to come to the hospital..."

   "Okay, thank you Dean Guo." Li Jing nodded.

   went to pay the fee and took the medicine and came to the clinic. Guo Xiang told her in detail how to use the medicine and what should be paid attention to. Li Jing also listened very carefully.

  She has never seen a doctor with such a good attitude. In the public hospital before, the doctors were too busy. They kept their faces straight and sent them away without saying a few words. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is very comfortable.

  And today, I am sure that I’m fine, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore, everything is worth it.

  A few days later, Li Jing went back for a review, and Guo Xiang showed it to her.

  Have a B-ultrasound, Guo Xiang nodded, “The basic flow is clean, it’s not bad, but you still have to pay attention to rest and don’t be too tired, don’t have **** for the time being, and be careful about contraception in the future.”

   "Okay, thank Dean Guo." Li Jing was very happy, and felt very lucky to meet Dean Guo this time.

  Although she is young, she has good medical skills, and it is not embarrassing for women to say these things.

  If the male obstetrician and gynecologist sees how much that day, it will still be a little uncomfortable.

  Sent away Li Jing. A middle-aged man in his forties came to Xing Ming. His condition seemed a bit strange. Guo Xiang and Xu Wei went to Xing Ming’s clinic together.

  Although the three of them have three clinics, they will deal with difficult and miscellaneous diseases together. This is also the original intention of Guo Xiangjian's General Clinic, so that everyone can discuss and research together, regardless of the department.

  The middle-aged man is forty-five years old, and his lover came with him.

  "I saw it in the hospital, and the diagnosis was pneumonia. I was admitted to the hospital and it didn't work. I heard people say that our hospital was good and came over to see it." Xing Ming took the man's previous medical records to Guo Xiang.

"I had a fever a while ago, thinking it was a cold, so I bought some medicine and took it at home. Later, the fever reached 39 degrees 5 and was still at home. Or I forced him to go to the hospital." The man's wife scolded him." I am afraid of cold when I have a fever, and wearing two long sleeves on a hot day is definitely not normal."

   "Later, I went to the hospital. The doctor there listened to both lungs with a stethoscope and said that there was a wet rale. We didn't understand what a wet rale was. The doctor said it might be pneumonia and wanted to film..." the man's wife continued.

  Guo Xiang nodded while listening while looking through the previous medical records, as well as the filmed pictures, it seemed that there was inflammation.

  As for wet rales, this is a medical term.

Pneumonia means that there is inflammation in the lungs. When there is inflammation, water will leak out. The lungs are used to breathe. When air passes through the water produced in the airway, blister sounds will be produced. These blister sounds are wet rales. .

  So with a stethoscope, I can hear the pneumonia in wet rales.

  (End of this chapter)

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