Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 846: Unknown cause

   Chapter 846 Unknown Cause

"After he was diagnosed with pneumonia, he refused to be hospitalized. He said that he should prescribe the medicine to go home. The doctor refused and said that he must be hospitalized. Later he was hospitalized. I asked him for leave." The man's wife continued, complaining again, "No hospitalization." What should I do when I go home? I won't deal with anything if something happens, and I don't know what he thinks."

  The man's face was reddish, but he did not refute, letting his wife speak of him.

"Later he was hospitalized. He still had fever, coldness, and cough. He also said that he was weak and his hands and feet were sore. The doctor said it was still pneumonia. It's burning..." The man's wife pointed at the man.

  Guo Xiang glanced at whether the man’s face was not so good, took the thermometer on the table, and shook it, "take another measurement."

  The man sat down, put the thermometer under his arm, and took it out after a few minutes. It was 39 degrees, not low.

  Guo Xiang frowned and looked at the medical records. Antibiotics were used for pneumonia. Most pneumonia is caused by bacteria, mainly Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, etc. Clinicians generally use antibiotics for treatment.

  It was written in the medical record that related medicines were indeed used, but how could it be ineffective?

  If it is pneumonia, this kind of treatment will definitely be effective. A hospital can't cure even ordinary pneumonia, how is it possible?

   "I have suffered so many crimes, but the result is still not cured. What kind of broken hospital is not as good as the small outpatient clinic in our community." The man and his wife complained.

"Auntie, we don't know the reason just by looking at it this way. We may have to be hospitalized and checked slowly. We can't just take medicine, right?" Guo Xiang said, "Another point, we are not a public hospital. you……"

  The middle-aged man and his wife looked at each other, “It’s more expensive. As long as it can be cured, life is more important than money.” The man’s wife said.

  Guo Xiang nodded, but the woman could still carry her clearly.

   "Then be hospitalized first. We may have to do a lot of tests to find out the cause. This disease may be a bit complicated." Guo Xiang said.

   "Okay, I'll go through the hospitalization procedures." The woman was very decisive.

  Xing Ming issued an order to the patient, and then performed some checks first. Filming is essential. Although it was done in other hospitals, it is still necessary to make sure.

  Then blood routine, do an electrocardiogram.

  When the results came out, everyone looked at it together. Sure enough, there was still pneumonia, and the blood phase was high, that is, the blood white blood cells were high, indicating that there was inflammation.

  From the electrocardiogram, there is no arrhythmia, that is, the heart rate is a little faster.

  However, the patient has a fever. Generally speaking, a fever raises the body temperature. Each increase of one degree will increase the heart rate by about 15 times per minute, so the heart rate of the patient with fever is also normal.

  "But transaminase, myocardial enzymes and troponin are also a little bit higher, will there be heart problems?" Xing Ming said, he is a cardiothoracic surgeon and has some experience in this area.

  "Maybe myocarditis? There may also be inflammation in the liver." Xing Ming said.

Guo Xiang frowned. "It stands to reason that pneumonia will be effective if treated like this. There are only two reasons for it. One is that the antibiotics he used are not effective and the germs are not covered. You may have to try another one. Two possible patients There are other diseases that have not been found, so the treatment is ineffective."

  Xing Ming and Xu Wei both nodded. Although Xu Wei is an obstetrician and gynecologist, his medical theory is the same, so even though it is a man who sees a doctor, they still discuss it together.

"Try him with an antibiotic first." Guo Xiang said. Xing Ming nodded and prescribed a doctor's order. Because he was the first to see the doctor, the middle-aged man was his patient. Come to bill.

  "Give him a cardiac B-ultrasound to see if there is any problem with his heart function." Xing Ming said.

  Guo Xiang nodded. Now that the cause is unknown, we really can only take the rule of elimination.

   "The patient has said that there is chest tightness, shortness of breath, and fever, sore limbs, it seems like myocarditis." Xing Ming said, "but myocarditis is generally caused by a virus..."

  Pneumonia is bacterial, myocarditis is viral, uh, it’s a bit complicated.

   "Use antibiotics first, check the heart before talking." Guo Xiang said, after all, it's just a guess now.

  The man was hospitalized and changed to a new antibiotic. During this period, he also had a cardiac B-ultrasound, and it seemed that there was no problem. An ECG was done again, and there was no abnormality.

  Everyone is a little worried. What is it because of?

  Some people may say why the doctors don’t know, don’t they all have a fever?

  However, there are hundreds of causes of fever. You may not be able to record it in a single book. It is impossible to try one by one. Then you don’t know how much the examination fee will be.

  Although it is a private hospital, it shouldn’t be so bad. You will be scolded at that time.

  Tumors can also have fever, but it is generally not that high, which is about forty degrees, so it can be ruled out.

  "Will it be an infectious disease?" Xu Wei said, "It's not AIDS, right?"

   "It's impossible. There are still very few in China now, and that person doesn't seem to have been abroad..." Guo Xiang shook his head.

  Think about the more common infectious diseases in future generations, such as dengue fever, tsutsugamushi disease, leptospirosis and so on.

  Guo Xiang talked about his thoughts, and Xing Ming shook his head, "We are not in the south, so it’s not that hot..."

   "It's hard to say, now it will be cooler sooner or later, it is still very hot during the day, and it was very hot last month. He got this disease last month..." Xu Wei said.

  "In the south, it is usually humid and sultry weather. It is caused by mosquitoes." Guo Xiang said, "Ask him if he has been to the south last month."

   "Let me ask." Xing Ming said.

   asked, I really went, went on a business trip last month.

  "Check the blood again." Guo Xiang said. She remembered that tsutsugamushi disease was quite serious for some time in later generations, because it was just bitten by a bug that didn't cause people's attention and caused death. It is possible that the patient has been to the south.

  Furthermore, mitosis can also cause fever, chills, headache, and symptoms such as pneumonia, which is very likely.

  Blood was drawn again, and the rickettsial antigen was checked, and the result was actually negative.

no? Guo Xiang frowned, how could it not be? Was it not found out or was it because of what?

   "Go and see if there is any scorch on him." Guo Xiang said.

  The obvious characteristic of worm disease is that after being bitten by a worm, the wound will ulcerate, and then a black scab will form. It is obvious, but it is not painful or itchy, so some people may not pay attention at all.

  Moreover, worms generally bite delicate skin and tender flesh and wet places, such as the perineum, groin, armpits and other places.

   The two nodded. If there is a scab, it must be worm disease, and other tests are unnecessary.

   called the patient, took off his clothes and checked it carefully, and made the patient blush, but saw nothing.

   "No?" Guo Xiang frowned, "Have you taken a closer look?"

"I took it off, I watched both before and after. The patient lay on the bed and puckered up his buttocks to show us..." Xu Wei was a little embarrassed. It is the first time for women to look at a man so carefully. .

  Guo Xiang smiled, is Dr. Xu still embarrassed?

  (End of this chapter)

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